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Anyone else taken existing children to hospital during labour?

34 replies

CarrieLouise25 · 23/07/2015 16:56

Sounds odd, and it's early days yet, but we don't have anyone to look after our children when the time comes.

My close friend moved away last year, and neither myself or my husband have any family.

Can you take your children along to the hospital? Is there a waiting area or something available for them?

I don't want to get a sitter in or someone we don't know. Eldest is 13, also have a 5 year old. Don't want to leave them at home either.

I will be asking the midwife when I see her, but booking in appt not until 12 weeks, and I just want to know if anyone else has had the same problem?

Thank you x

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kaftanlady · 27/07/2015 08:34

You have to find someone who can be on standby even if you have a home birth. Or accept that if you do end up being transferred to hospital, DP will not be able to come with you.

You have several months to get to know the mums at school. I would do this for someone I don't know well if they had no other family support.

Baffledmumtoday · 27/07/2015 08:34

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Baffledmumtoday · 27/07/2015 08:31

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RugMugTug · 27/07/2015 08:26

Ha ha yes I prepped DD1 too. We even watched OBEM and she mimicked the noises for a while after Blush I told her that the ladies were happy and but had to shout as it helped the baby come out. I was apprehensive as didn't want to scare her, but she really didn't seem too bothered.

Good luck! X

CarrieLouise25 · 23/07/2015 21:49

Thanks Homebird8, I'm building a lovely list of questions for the midwife already! x

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Homebird8 · 23/07/2015 20:46

I had two homebirths with my DSs. The first was long, 19 hours, and the second about 5. The midwives were great and DS1, who was two at the time, slept through DS2's birth, waking to find he had a baby brother.

I did do a lot of prep with him about "all the noises mummy might might to tell us the baby is ready to be born" so you if he heard anything he'd have probably joined in with animal noises of his own. I roared like a lion, humphed like a camel, mooed like a cow, and chattered like a monkey.

Talk with your midwife. It might be an option worth thinking about.

Guyropes · 23/07/2015 20:32

One of my colleagues had this when recently arrived in the UK. Social services arranged respite carer for her older dd while she had planned c section. I expect your mw will consider that you have plenty of time to come up with a better plan than that though.
Good luck making friends.

ribbitTheFrog · 23/07/2015 20:20

If you need to go to hospital for birth I'd go alone - the midwives will look after you, you won't be the first woman in this situation! Definitely don't take your children whilst in labour.

CarrieLouise25 · 23/07/2015 20:14

Thank you Yukky, lovely to hear x

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Yukky · 23/07/2015 19:53

2 home births here (in the pool too). Dd1 slept peacefully upstairs for the whole of dd2's birth. Would highly recommend.

CarrieLouise25 · 23/07/2015 19:41

Great ideas Bellabutterfly2014, thank you x

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Bellabutterfly2014 · 23/07/2015 19:10

Hi CarrieLouise - my friend was in this situation and she started using a childminder from early pregnancy to get her son used to the lady so by the time her baby girl came he was fine with that. Bonus for you too - make the most of some nice meals out - date nights before baby comes!!!
I'd try to make friends with your kids friends parents, have a bbq and invite them round people will be surprisingly kind I think you'll be surprised.

Twodogsandahooch · 23/07/2015 18:06

Even with a HB you'd need a plan B in case there were complications and you were transferred.

Good luck

Bin85 · 23/07/2015 17:59

I would try and make 2 or 3 friends maybe from the parents of your children's friends.

mrsdavidbowie · 23/07/2015 17:53

I did it alone .h stayed with dd.
Got a taxi at 5am.

No problem.

CarrieLouise25 · 23/07/2015 17:50

That's very sweet HeffaLumpers, yep, I'd be more stressed if they were sent away x

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HeffaLumpers · 23/07/2015 17:47

My nearly two year old dd came with us to labour ward and was there when ds was born. It wasn't planned though, I was supposed to be having a home birth. I was 34 weeks and didn't think I was in labour when I went to the hospital and because I have quick labours there wé didn't have anyone we could get there in time to take her. I assumed dh and dd would be sent away but the lovely midwife was happy for them to stay, she thought I would be more stressed out if they were sent away.

CarrieLouise25 · 23/07/2015 17:41

Thanks mantlepiece, good to hear you had a great home birth! I will be doing lots of research. Thanks for the advice x

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mantlepiece · 23/07/2015 17:39

Yes I had a home birth for my 4th, was great! Very calm and easy.
The main thing if you are going to have one is that you feel positive about it.

If you have an NCT group in your area they will probably be the place that can advise and support you in that choice. Even just with info like the names of midwives who are experienced and supportive.

You need to gather the information so you can make the best choice for you and your circumstances. Everyone is different!

CarrieLouise25 · 23/07/2015 17:38

sharonthewaspandthewineywall, yep, sounds like they're the options. I'll be looking at home birthing for this one I think x

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sharonthewaspandthewineywall · 23/07/2015 17:36

Well you might have to do it without your husband. Maybe it's not ideal but if you can't have a home birth you need someone to look after the kids

CarrieLouise25 · 23/07/2015 17:30

amothersplaceisinthewrong how did you manage on your own? Was it ok?

Both times I was left for very long periods of time without the midwives, and I couldn't have coped without my husband there. My labours are evil, like induction style. I never get the build up of contractions. They start 1-2 minutes apart immediately, and then one after the other the entire time until time to push. No respite. Not sure I could do that alone x

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Floggingmolly · 23/07/2015 17:29

The midwives won't have time to look after your other children! Hmm
Most labour wards are stretched to the limit. Put some other plans in place while you still have time; otherwise your DH will have to look after them instead of being with you.
It's that simple.

CarrieLouise25 · 23/07/2015 17:27

I agree, I would definitely step up for anyone, but we really don't know anyone. The neighbours down our road used to be much nicer, but most have moved on and it's mainly rented not very nice characters down here now. Would move if we could. We have one nice neighbour, but they have 2 (quite vicious!) dogs. Maybe she could come over here and watch them?

Good idea with DS, I don't know any of the parents, but I'm sure they would look after him for a little while if I pre-warn them! We have a contact list from the school. Just need to workout what to do with DD.

Thanks x

OP posts:
amothersplaceisinthewrong · 23/07/2015 17:26

I left my DH at home with our DS and went to hospital alone. Avoided the complications of having to find someone who would be prepared to drop everything at short notice to have DS as family hundreds of miles awy.

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