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So fucked off with midwives panicking me over breastfeeding

51 replies

VJONES1985 · 05/08/2014 13:26

My (patronising) midwife has just told me that I can't go home without her first witnessing a feed because I have expressed concerns about it. I'm pleased that she is there to offer support and advice when I need it but she talks down to me and makes me feel stupid.

My concern is how to encourage baby to feed when he doesn't seem to want to. I know I should be feeding to demand but so far his demand hasn't been enough and the midwife thinks this is because he is very sleepy, which in turn could be caused by his lack of food. Anyway, I have just told her that I managed to get him to feed even though he hadn't been crying for it.

I have been in hospital since Saturday. As of today I have been well enough to go home and baby is also well although I obviously wanted to get advice on this feeding problem first.

My issue now is that it feels like we are being judged on the feed the midwife sees later. Is she expecting to tell us to stay in hospital even longer if we have an unsuccessful feed? Bearing in mind that breastfeeding is challenging for most people... I am almost feeling pressured into 'giving up' and switching to formula just to be able to go home with my baby.

OP posts:
SaggyAndLucy · 07/08/2014 13:09

Frankie see my post down thread re expressing colostrum.

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