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My pregnancy book says this month I should expect...

36 replies

Armadale · 29/03/2014 18:54

God this book is depressing.

"You are now in the fifth month (weeks 18-22)

Physically you will feel
-achiness in the lower abdomen (from stretching of ligaments)
-heartburn, indigestion and flatulence
-headaches, faintness and dizzyness
-nasal congestion and occasional nosebleeds
-bleeding gums
-leg cramps
-mild swelling of ankles and feet
-varicose veins
-skin colour changes on abdomen and or face

Emotionally you will feel
-A growing sense of reality about the pregnancy


OP posts:
lyns31 · 30/03/2014 00:34

Good luck Armadale, hope you're lo is wriggling about and reassuring you. I'm 22 weeks on Wednesday.

rootypig · 30/03/2014 06:47

Oh Armaa, good luck. come back and let us know?

Armadale · 30/03/2014 12:37

Oh thank you both for the good wishes.

I will report back.

OP posts:
squizita · 30/03/2014 15:49

Good luck Armadale.

I'm another foodie - history buff, also 2nd trimester following multiple loss.

FX for you. :)

Armadale · 01/04/2014 12:58

Thanks Squizita, I hope this pregnancy is going well for you.

When is your due date?

I am finding it hard to get the balance right between allowing myself to actually believe I am pregnant and protecting myself. eg yesterday I was looking at cots and I was really happy thinking oh my, in August I'm going to have a baby, but then my mind immediately says 'you fool, you'll jinx it, don't you dare think its going to be ok'.

How are you coping with that??

OP posts:
squizita · 01/04/2014 13:30


I deal with it by ringing DH or sister and asking 'too early/crazy not to'!! Usually get a saner answer than from my brain. Grin Had kittens booking the NCT class!

rootypig · 03/04/2014 12:33

hey Arma, thinking of you today. Hope all is well and you've tossed what to expect out the window. Flowers

Armadale · 03/04/2014 14:22

Oh bless you for remembering, I'm just heading off for my scan in a few minutes.

OP posts:
rootypig · 03/04/2014 14:24

Good luck! I was so nervous before scans even with no previous losses. I hope your LO gives you a nice clear look x

Armadale · 03/04/2014 21:23

Scan was good, so I am officially 22 weeks today Smile

OP posts:
rootypig · 03/04/2014 21:31


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