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My pregnancy book says this month I should expect...

36 replies

Armadale · 29/03/2014 18:54

God this book is depressing.

"You are now in the fifth month (weeks 18-22)

Physically you will feel
-achiness in the lower abdomen (from stretching of ligaments)
-heartburn, indigestion and flatulence
-headaches, faintness and dizzyness
-nasal congestion and occasional nosebleeds
-bleeding gums
-leg cramps
-mild swelling of ankles and feet
-varicose veins
-skin colour changes on abdomen and or face

Emotionally you will feel
-A growing sense of reality about the pregnancy


OP posts:
rootypig · 03/04/2014 21:31


Armadale · 03/04/2014 21:23

Scan was good, so I am officially 22 weeks today Smile

OP posts:
rootypig · 03/04/2014 14:24

Good luck! I was so nervous before scans even with no previous losses. I hope your LO gives you a nice clear look x

Armadale · 03/04/2014 14:22

Oh bless you for remembering, I'm just heading off for my scan in a few minutes.

OP posts:
rootypig · 03/04/2014 12:33

hey Arma, thinking of you today. Hope all is well and you've tossed what to expect out the window. Flowers

squizita · 01/04/2014 13:30


I deal with it by ringing DH or sister and asking 'too early/crazy not to'!! Usually get a saner answer than from my brain. Grin Had kittens booking the NCT class!

Armadale · 01/04/2014 12:58

Thanks Squizita, I hope this pregnancy is going well for you.

When is your due date?

I am finding it hard to get the balance right between allowing myself to actually believe I am pregnant and protecting myself. eg yesterday I was looking at cots and I was really happy thinking oh my, in August I'm going to have a baby, but then my mind immediately says 'you fool, you'll jinx it, don't you dare think its going to be ok'.

How are you coping with that??

OP posts:
squizita · 30/03/2014 15:49

Good luck Armadale.

I'm another foodie - history buff, also 2nd trimester following multiple loss.

FX for you. :)

Armadale · 30/03/2014 12:37

Oh thank you both for the good wishes.

I will report back.

OP posts:
rootypig · 30/03/2014 06:47

Oh Armaa, good luck. come back and let us know?

lyns31 · 30/03/2014 00:34

Good luck Armadale, hope you're lo is wriggling about and reassuring you. I'm 22 weeks on Wednesday.

Armadale · 29/03/2014 23:23

Yes so far OK. If I can get to 22 weeks this Thursday I will be one day further than I've ever got before so fingers crossed...

Normal thread service resumed. Grin

OP posts:
rootypig · 29/03/2014 23:20

Oh doesn't she? that's interesting, I didn't know that. I always have a vague sense of her having an adult brood in the next room, waiting for their Sunday lunch. No doubt this impression consciously cultivated. Or at least the lack of children not discussed.

I'm sorry for your previous losses Arma (can I call you Arma? Grin) I hope this pregnancy is going well?

Boom! back on topic Grin Grin

Armadale · 29/03/2014 23:15

Laughing at total thread derailment here.

I haven't seen American Hustle, as a. it has Amy Adams and b. the trailer I saw made me think it might have too many rude bits for me Blush

Interesting what you say about her not having children.

I've had 5 losses before this PG so have been thinking a lot about what a life without getting there would actually mean in reality, and really noticing who does / doesn't have children in the public eye. Delia S also doesn't have children, but again I wonder if she'd get a TV show now...

OP posts:
rootypig · 29/03/2014 23:02

I do not dabble with sarf London if I can possibly help it. But in all other things we are as one! Amy Adams is annoying. Though her annoyingness was put to good use in American Hustle. Did you see it?

Not only Julia Child's looks, but her not having children. That is pretty much a crime for a woman with a public profile these days it seems Sad

Armadale · 29/03/2014 22:58

I have seen the film and agree about the two halves. For some reason I find Amy Adams annoying in anything.

The footage is amazing, it makes me sad in a way as I just can't see a woman who looks that way getting a cooking series on TV now, no matter how brilliant.

Rootypig, I believe you when you say you don't live in Brixton.....but that book will run the gamut of Lambeth Libraries not just Brixton...are you sure you aren't the phantom margin writer having borrowed if from another branch? Wink

OP posts:
rootypig · 29/03/2014 22:55

incinerated!!! Grin Grin
she styles it out admirably

rootypig · 29/03/2014 22:53

cheeeeeeeeez Grin

rootypig · 29/03/2014 22:53

ohemgee embedded linky! flashy MN

Her voice! I have never seen footage of her before. have you seen the film Julie and Julia? the Meryl Streep half is lovely and interesting but the daft modern half is annoying. not to preempt your opinion or anything definitely do not live in Brixton

Armadale · 29/03/2014 22:50

Here you go!

The soup topping is definitely burnt at the end of the episode Grin

OP posts:
rootypig · 29/03/2014 22:48

oh have they! er, link?


Armadale · 29/03/2014 22:47

Yes it is! Me too! I have been watching JC on You Tube tonight, making French Onion Soup. Some lovely person has put whole episodes of the French Chef up.

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rootypig · 29/03/2014 22:45

Grin Grin

is that My Life In France? I unexpectedly loved that I do not live in Brixton

Armadale · 29/03/2014 22:44

That is a brilliant idea, I am going to have to do that, Rootypig.

I occasionally come across books from Brixton Library that have been annotated by the same person who obviously has similar reading tastes to me but is a bit unhinged

Recently I have been reading an autobiography of Julia Child in which this person has written in about ten places in the margin "she is so boring when she is just talking about herself" or "yawn, more about me, me me", the clue was in the word autobiography I presume.

I have often been tempted to reply to her

OP posts:
MoominIsWaitingToMeetHerMiniMe · 29/03/2014 22:40

None of that has happened to me until the past few weeks! And im 36wks on Monday.

Emmas Diary is the worst pregnancy guide!

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