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It's twins!

30 replies

Sunshinein2013 · 07/03/2013 15:25

Waah, had a 7 week scan yesterday and they could see two heart beats so looks like we're expecting twins! It's not totally unexpected as we had two embryos put back after fertility treatment but still I'm a bit shocked.

Anyone else expecting twins?

OP posts:
Dildals · 12/03/2013 20:11

Thanks gardenpixie

harrygracejessica · 13/03/2013 12:28

Congratulations. I've got 2 sets of the monkeys, its fab being a multiple mum.

pleasestoptalking · 21/03/2013 20:24

I was induced at 40 wks. I laboured for 12 hours but ended up with c section as didn't progress above 8cm. The recommendations depend on your consultant - remember you always have a choice if you have strong feelings about it.

I had very groovy midwives who were willing to do a homebirth if I wanted and were quite keen to avoid induction. I was quite keen on a hospital birth! unfortunately I ended up with an induction as I was showing signs of my blood pressure going up.

I had very healthy pregnancy and actually the birth was good too, even though it ended with a c section.

I finished work at 35 weeks, my maternity clothes were beginning to be too indecent to be worn in public they were so stretched. My twins were quite large...8lbs and 7lbs.

Top tips: join TAMBA; get an 'out n about' buggy; find out about your local twins club. Having twins is very different to having a singleton and no one will understand your situation as well as another twin parent.

Cheerymum · 02/04/2013 22:56

I'm coming up to 13 weeks with twins - sharing a placenta so identical. Two sacs though (thank god - looked like one at first scan). It is a big shock when you find out.
Excited, nervous about coping, nervous about the risks. But mainly excited, it's a precious gift xx

MamaBlue4 · 03/04/2013 16:40

I have 2 gorgeous id boys and possibly expecting my second set. Gotta wait for 7 week scan though.


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