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It's twins!

30 replies

Sunshinein2013 · 07/03/2013 15:25

Waah, had a 7 week scan yesterday and they could see two heart beats so looks like we're expecting twins! It's not totally unexpected as we had two embryos put back after fertility treatment but still I'm a bit shocked.

Anyone else expecting twins?

OP posts:
MamaBlue4 · 03/04/2013 16:40

I have 2 gorgeous id boys and possibly expecting my second set. Gotta wait for 7 week scan though.


Cheerymum · 02/04/2013 22:56

I'm coming up to 13 weeks with twins - sharing a placenta so identical. Two sacs though (thank god - looked like one at first scan). It is a big shock when you find out.
Excited, nervous about coping, nervous about the risks. But mainly excited, it's a precious gift xx

pleasestoptalking · 21/03/2013 20:24

I was induced at 40 wks. I laboured for 12 hours but ended up with c section as didn't progress above 8cm. The recommendations depend on your consultant - remember you always have a choice if you have strong feelings about it.

I had very groovy midwives who were willing to do a homebirth if I wanted and were quite keen to avoid induction. I was quite keen on a hospital birth! unfortunately I ended up with an induction as I was showing signs of my blood pressure going up.

I had very healthy pregnancy and actually the birth was good too, even though it ended with a c section.

I finished work at 35 weeks, my maternity clothes were beginning to be too indecent to be worn in public they were so stretched. My twins were quite large...8lbs and 7lbs.

Top tips: join TAMBA; get an 'out n about' buggy; find out about your local twins club. Having twins is very different to having a singleton and no one will understand your situation as well as another twin parent.

harrygracejessica · 13/03/2013 12:28

Congratulations. I've got 2 sets of the monkeys, its fab being a multiple mum.

Dildals · 12/03/2013 20:11

Thanks gardenpixie

gardenpixie32 · 12/03/2013 15:44

Dildals here is the thread for women who are pregnant with twins. Hopefully you can get lots of support here. Congratulations :)

Dildals · 12/03/2013 14:54

freebuttonbee (and all other twin mothers ...) SHARE YOUR TOP TIPS / KNOWLEDGE! I reckon I will need all the help I can get! ;-)

jellybeans · 12/03/2013 10:09

I went to 38 weeks had twin 1 naturally but twin 2 crash c section! This is rare though I believe 5% of births. There was one other lady I know at my twins club who had the same but I have never come across anyone else who had a birth like that.

FreeButtonBee · 12/03/2013 07:37


I have 5 week old twins - currently BF my DTS. I went to 38+6 with mine and they were showing no signs of coming out voluntarily! Ended up with a section as Twin1 was breech. Mine were fraternal with separate placentas and sacs so lower risk and they were happy for me to keep going given my BP was stable and no GD etc.

I'm not going to lie, it is really tough but they are so lovely.

Do think about when you will finish work. I am normally pretty robust but by 32 weeks I was totally exhausted and I probably should have finished work 2 weeks earlier. You will need to manage expectations at work - it is much harder than a singe,ton PG. And do as much of the odd jobs in advance as possible. The last weeks I was practically housebound as I was so tired. So no pottering round town doing window shopping for the last bits.

UntamedShrew · 12/03/2013 07:24

Congratulations! My twin boys are now 4 and I've had another DD too.

The boys were born by planned CS at 38.3

Good luck! Ask any questions you like. Do you have a local twins club?

Dildals · 12/03/2013 07:18

Hi sunshine! I am 9 wks pregnant with twins now, also after IVF. The days after the scan i was shocked ... It is just such big news to get used to, especially if you've been TTC for quite some time. I think i have my head around it now .. A bit ... I looked at the TAMBA website which had lots of helpful info and i found that there's a local twin club where i live. Am still worried about things going wrong (i think IVFers are more prone to worrying) but we saw 2 lovely heartbeats. DH and I were figuring out nursery costs the other day ... Shock

Littlemissexpecting · 10/03/2013 10:17

My SiL had a planned cs at 37 or 38 weeks. She did have emcs with first.
The girls are 3 now and so different but so much fun

OzmaofOz · 10/03/2013 09:12

Yes c section at 30 weeks here, but know lots of people who had to be induced at 38 weeks and had a natural birth.

LeChatRouge · 10/03/2013 00:17

I had mine naturally, went into unprovoked labour at 32 weeks and had them both 6 hours later, born exactly half an hour apart. Second one was breech, so there was a risk of caesarean, but amazing midwife carefully manually turned him round after first was born and so I just pushed him out - yippee, two babies!

legallyblond · 09/03/2013 23:17

Re twins, is it possible / likely to be able to go to at least, say, 36 weeks and have a natural birth (especially after a normal natural single preg and birth at 40.14!!). Just wondering... ! Everyone (all 2 of them!) people I know with twins have had c sections at 30-34 weeks...

jellybeans · 09/03/2013 13:00

Congrats! I have 10 year old twins and it has been fantastic, loved every day of it.

photographerlady · 09/03/2013 12:54


andadietcoke · 09/03/2013 09:12

Congratulations! We also found out at 7 weeks and it's quite nice as you have time to get your head around things before you start telling people. 12w scan yesterday and everything's fine, so can start to get a bit excited now (although they couldn't date the pregnancy as one was curled up and measuring 12w and the other was stretched out and measuring 13+3w. Last private scan puts me at 13+1 today).

Stixswhichtwizzle · 07/03/2013 23:37


Derpess · 07/03/2013 19:14

Congrats! I'm 13+2 with twins. Only found out last Friday and still in shock but very excited!

CollectorofCookbooks · 07/03/2013 18:37

Congratulations! I'm 26+5 with twins, it was a huge shock but am really starting to get excited now.

Check out TAMBA, their courses are excellent and they have loads of info.

Good luck!

LeChatRouge · 07/03/2013 18:25

You lucky things! My twin boys are going to turn 19 in five weeks, what an exciting journey you are on.


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Sunshinein2013 · 07/03/2013 18:23

Thanks all - its slowly starting to sink in.

OP posts:
OzmaofOz · 07/03/2013 18:12

Congratulations, my 2 are 2.9.

gardenpixie32 · 07/03/2013 18:09

Congratulations! :)

My twin girls are nearly 23 weeks old. It is great being a twin mother.

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