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Will strawberry blonde/'ginger' hair stay?- upset!

65 replies

Bluberry · 12/03/2013 02:43

My beautiful baby girl was born with red/'ginger' or strawberry blonde hair. In some lights it looks really fair and in others light brown but today it started looking quite red.
My husband and I are quite dark but I understand the red gene must be in our genes somewhere. My step daughter has bright red hair so it wasnt a complete shock but I didn't realise my family had the gene either so wasn't expecting it really. My step daughter was born with fiery red hair but my daughters is lighter.

I just feel so worried and upset that she may be open to bullies. People are already commenting on it and using the word 'ginger' which I think is hurtful.

Does anyone else have a red head and how does it make you feel?
Did anyone's baby's hair colour change from red to blonde or brown?

I don't want to cause offence.

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babyhater123 · 09/10/2015 13:51

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babyhater123 · 09/10/2015 13:52

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babyhater123 · 09/10/2015 13:55

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babyhater123 · 09/10/2015 13:55

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Kraggle · 09/10/2015 13:57

My 2 year old has golden ginger hair. It is absolutely beautiful and the only comments we get are how lovely a colour it is.

Branleuse · 09/10/2015 14:01

Ginger hair is gorgeous.

Lovelovelove89 · 08/07/2016 12:05

Is this an actual serious question.... My God.... Just be happy that your baby is healthy

DeeGinge · 10/12/2016 14:25

For bullies most of the time it's the red headed males that get the short end of the stick.

GinIsIn · 10/12/2016 14:30

I have ginger hair. Being called ginger isn't an insult, it's a descriptor. To be honest your child is far more likely to pick up on anxieties about her hair colour from you if you carry on like this than being bullied by others. It's a shame your DD had a bad time when she was little, but that was a decade ago - attitudes have changed! Don't make a fuss about it, be confident that red hair is lovely, and let your DD take her lead from you.

Branleuse · 10/12/2016 14:35

this thread is so old, and ginger hair is still gorgeous

hoolabaybee · 15/01/2017 10:17

Here's my little strawberry blonde

Will strawberry blonde/'ginger' hair stay?- upset!
FTmama83 · 26/06/2020 09:44

A few years down the track. What did bub end up having? Red, strawberry blonde, blonde?

Palms82 · 18/07/2020 21:11

My DS was born with loads of dark brown hair. He's nearly two and although still dark he has blonde highlights with no signs of red/ginger.

My DD has what I can only describe as beautiful dusky ginger 😊 Her brows and long lashes are a similar so hopefully it will stay and get stronger in colour (she's only 10 weeks). We're so excited to see what colour she will be!

Both me and my partner are brown but one of his sisters has beautiful red hair and my dad was bright ginger.

I've already had a negative comment about her hair. I found once I challenged the comment with "what's wrong with ginger hair?" the person felt a bit stupid and couldn't answer. Why? Because it's a hair colour, and a beautiful one at that. I agree with previous posts that it only seems to be an issue in England🤷🏼‍♀️

Mumofaginge · 02/08/2020 20:06

I was shocked when my lo arrived and was ginger, we have nicknamed him Ginge ourselves as we know he’ll be called it at school anyway, we’ve thought he can embrace it early doors so it won’t affect him as much

Nikki121e · 17/09/2020 01:43

Ginger haired kids will always be bullied. Sad but true

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