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September 2011 babies are rolling into 2012

991 replies

ssmileWithFairylights · 17/12/2011 20:42

Hello in new thread come over and chat part two from the September edd babies arriving thread.
Just watched strictly dancing final part one but can't keep eyes open for part two so off to bed now will tom. Sleep well.....zzzzz

OP posts:
jimmijam · 27/12/2011 22:10

hiya, just a quick note..

we dont have a bath but our lo has outgrown his baby bath but far too young to shower. have seen a flexibath meant for up to 4yr olds but read bad reviews, any other suggestions please?
very greatfuly appreciated

hope you all had a fantastic christmas, bet your lo's got spoilt! (strangely 3 ppl brought our lo choc and sweets!!)

falalalalagirl · 27/12/2011 22:29

Phew, thank god that's all over!

Good to see you again Cbear, and wow, it sounds like you've had a very eventful and scary three months!

Ssmile, my Christmas was a bit anti-climactic as well; DD is hellish atm and been v hard work so I am shattered. Sorry your day was hard-going too.

Minky, that's really good of you to help your FIL like that, you're so kind! I feel a bit Blush now as I've been moaning like crazy about my two very elderly relatives who came and stayed this year. I also have a kindle and I adore it, DH got it for me as a well-done pressie after having DD and he got me one of the posh covers with a light as part of my Christmas present so I can read in bed without disturbing DD. I actually have no room for any more books in my house so the kindle is a godsend!

Santageek, I think you're right and there's a lot to be said for staying home for Christmas. We capitulated to my mum and spent two nights at her place this year and it was too much for all of us (esp me!) Last year we only stayed for one night and it was much easier. I got v Angry with my brother telling DS off for things that don't bother me; he doesn't have kids and clearly doesn't subscribe to my rather lazy laissez faire style of parenting! I have marked a place on your C25K thread but I need to finish all the crap food in the house before I make a start!

Loves, we had to do Christmas in stages for the two DCs as well. DS would open one present and then wander off to play with it for half an hour and have to be persuaded to come back and open any more. The two of them got way more than we have room for and I am going to have to put some of DD's stuff in the loft until she's ready for it I think!

Snowy, my DD's starting to really interact with stuff as well now. She got a new playmat and has spent ages on it today having a whale of a time.

I know I've missed people and I'm sorry but I hope you've all had a lovely time this week. I can't believe we're already over 3months in. Just think, in another 3 months time we'll be dealing with teeth and food and the beginnings of crawling; how exciting! The best bit of my Christmas day was marking the fact that it was exactly one year since I had my BFP which was the best present that I have ever had Smile

CBear6 · 27/12/2011 22:29

Cheap inflatable paddling pool from the poundshop? I bought DS one over the summer and it was tiny, not really big enough to use for a pool but certainly big enough to bath a baby in.

Would he not like the shower? I sometimes take DD in with me and so long as the spray isn't directed at her face she enjoys it, I think it's the skin-to-skin in the warm water she likes more than anything. DS used to enjoy it too.

falalalalagirl · 27/12/2011 22:34

Hi Jimmi hope you've had a lovely time and Shock at the sweets for the babe (I bet they've found a good 'home' though Wink) I get in the bath with DS and DD every night which I love and means we don't need a baby bath (which always knackered my back). I've also got one of these for when I can't get in with them; both DCs have had a whale of a time in it!

falalalalagirl · 27/12/2011 22:35

Never thought of taking them this little into the shower, although I used to at the swimming pool with DS I suppose. Maybe if I'd done it more he wouldn't hate it so much now...

Santageekmum · 28/12/2011 02:34


Didn't see cbear's message before - what a start you've had! I hope things have settled down for you now.

My mum always seems to boast about how I was washed in the kitchen sink (and slept in a drawer when visiting rellies) so that's the only thing I can suggest!

Minky you are the true spirit of Christmas, how generous!

Right, desperate for sleep so will catch up more later x

ssmileWithFairylights · 28/12/2011 07:36

My SIS lives in OZ off rainwater they only have a shower. Her Lo is washed in sink or sat in bottom of shower can wash with watering can or just put shower on the floor or cuddle them and shower with you. We only had a shower for first 7mths of DD1 life.

Poor Lo is very full of snot, another long night ere will post more later

OP posts:
Obsidian · 28/12/2011 13:05

Lovely to hear all your first Christmas stories. Sorry to hear that some of you didn't have the greatest time. Just think, next Christmas the LOs will be over a year old and probably toddling about - can't believe it! At least they'll be a bit more interested in presents and Christmas traditions, although I guess it won't be until the next Christmas that they get really into Father Christmas, reindeers, stockings and the like. So much fun to come!

We had a really nice Christmas, and LO did amazingly well considering we spent three days with relatives, not getting home until 10/11ish at night. On two of those nights she went straight from the car seat into bed without waking up!! I must admit I was shattered by the end of boxing day though - all that socialising and trying to bat away relatives when LO was trying to sleep, as well as far too much food and drink, rather took it's toll. Having a day at home just the three of us today - bliss!

LO finally seems to be getting the idea of going to bed earlier now too - although realise this could all change any moment! She was in bed at 8.30 last night and slept until 1am, as did I, then back to bed by 1.30, so feeling much better today. She did wake up for a quick feed at 5.30 though, but then slept until 8.30 - practically a lie in!! Really hope this is the beginning of a pattern, and not just pot luck!

She's starting to really get into toys now too - which is a good job considering her Christmas hoard. It's so lovely to watch her learning. She's getting pretty good at blowing raspberries too :) I think next Christmas we might have to ask Santa for a new house to keep all LOs stuff in!

Santageekmum · 28/12/2011 17:45

Good to hear things are going well in the obsidian household!

Just a quick one to say my moby wrap has arrived! Haven't quite got the hang of putting lo yet though Blush

the100yearsofchristmas · 28/12/2011 18:14

Right then.

Hi again everyone :)

ssmile. Maybe I'll take ear plugs to soft play if I go, just in case! Sorry to hear about your cold.

Santageek, thanks for the word of warning re TT. I shall bear it in mind. I'm going to have a think about the running. my running has been fitful at best due to a bad heal, but I might start the plan and see how I get on. I can do just over 2K now, but it's slow and getting from there to further is not happening at the moment. When you get the hang of the moby I'm sure you will love it.

We got LO a few bodysuits in size 3-6 months as we need them, nearly about to go into them! A couple of soft toys, a body warmer thing for swimming and a book for me to read at bedtime :) Didn't go mad, didn't see the point, had lots of nice things of everyone else too, nothing too big :)

Cbear, sorry to hear of everything you have been through. Hope things are getting better now.

Jimmi, I've put LO in the shower with me at swimming when I go. The first bit under the water is a bit Shock but she is fine with it.

Sorry it's not a catch up for everyone, I've just had a read through and sounds like a few up and down Christmases.

We had a mega busy day on Christmas day, woke up at 6:30 by my Mum as my nieces were already awake and wanted to open their presents. Then it was non stop the whole day. Was lovely, but very busy. Then in the evening we headed up to OH's parents for a more relaxed boxing day. Had a lovely time at both places, but total polar opposites in how busy they were, still that's a good thing.

LO is a bit unsettled at the moment after about 5 or 6am, she used to sleep quite well, but is getting a little less so at the moment and I was awake 3 times this morning between 5 and 8! Ah well.

Waiting on next week for the referral re the TT, have read a few more things and there are quite a lot of things that could (not definite) happen if it's left untreated, and so I would rather not risk having problems with those things in the future when it's harder to deal with then. The feeding isn't getting worse and feels a bit better now, :) but I have a slightly sore nipple, something I never had even when she was weeny tiny and first feeding. But I'm hard as nails me and I'll be OK (until it gets properly painful Wink)

CBear6 · 29/12/2011 13:49

We got DD a ragdoll (or whatever the name is for a fabric doll) which she enjoys chewing, a teether rattle, a singing bear, and clothes which she needed and I wrapped up as gifts. She's an odd size for clothes I think. She's mostly out of first size now and in 0-3 months but some of her 0-3 are too small, some are too big, and some fit just right. She's in first size and 0-3 for vests but 3-6 for sleep suits and a mix of 0-3/3-6 for daywear. She's really long in the body and different shops seem to have different ideas on what size 0-3 is!

She's teething with a vengeance - one cheek is bright red, drooling, and that awful high-pitched slightly screechy teething cry :( I added to it by getting her second lot of jabs yesterday afternoon, she's three week behind on them so these were the twelve week boosters, one in each leg.

What has everyone got planned for New Year?

snowysebs · 29/12/2011 18:17

Hope everyone enjoying their Chrismas week (I enjoy this bit probably more than Christmas day... !)

Sorry, can't reply to everyone, as just quickly catching up... but yes, Cbear - my LO is in alsorts of different sizes, depending on the shop. She's just about getting too big for her 0-3 months sleepsuits and vests, but the 3-6 months we have (presents!!) just look SO big next too... but she does seem to be growing quite a bit recently, so think it won't be long she'll be in them. She does wear the odd 3-6months top and leggings.

Well, my friend had her little girl yesterday, Eva Rose, at 6lb 3 oz - not bad for 36 weeks. But, she had to go to intensive care for a c-pap for her breathing (which she did come off 2am last night) and also have a drip as she wasn't feeding. However, my friend has managed to feed her today. I was quite emotional yesterday, as my friend was texting saying she'd hardly seen her as she was whipped away to SCBU with her husband, and as she'd had a C Section and was sick as her blood pressure had dropped, she didn't get to see her much. I just thought back to when my LO was born, and the thought that I wouldn't have her next to me after the birth would have devastated me... so really felt for my friend. BUt, hopefully now she can be up and about and therefore can be next to her LO. Can't wait to see her, hoping I can go and visit tomorrow. Was fun shopping today for some newborn clothes again!

Ummmm, New Year - well, I think OH, LO and I shall be having a quiet one in!! Whether I can stay up till midnight will be a bit of a test! Might open a bottle of cava though! Kids will be with their mum, so it'll be a quiet one. TBH, haven't been out on NYE for a few years now, as the only option here is the local pub, or one of us has to drive. But, can't take LO to the pub on such a rowdy night, so definitely be indoors!! But, we'll have the woodburner on, so nice and cosy!

Right, LO waking up ... best go!!

candr · 29/12/2011 19:54

Hi all, missed loads of posts so just a general hope you all had a good Christmas. Nice to see you back Cbear sorry you had a rough time. Good to see lots of you have babies starting to sleep better. We managed to get better sleeping habits when at my parents so have continued them at home - fingers crossed. DS got more gifts than DH and I from grandparents. We know we are very lucky there although some of the clothes - dear god they are awful!Grin He has started to chat more now and is reaching for toys but still prefers to chew fingers and is over a stone in weight. Hope you all have a great year, will be strange saying I had a baby last year!

jimmijam · 29/12/2011 20:13

wow cbear sorry to read you've been having a bad ime of it, wouldnt want to be in your shoes, here's to a better 2012 for you!!!!!!

thankyou all on teh suggestions! our shower is crap tho, it was here when we moved in and is really old, you can either have it scorching hot (hurts when you get in but after a minute its ok) or stone cold (the kids have very quick showers in this setting) so dont fancy holding lo in that. i've looked at new showers a few times but dh insists ours is fine- the hot setting is not hot to him. one day I'll call out a plumber myself to get it sorted.

good thinking with the bottle of cava, it's a few years since ive been botherd by nye, prob cuz im usually working, would rather be tucked up in bed! dh is going out with a few ppl from work. i could go, but as i said, would rather b at home.

santa sleeping in a drawer sounds so cute, hope you have photos to show your lo's when theyre older!

dh got me a flip camcorder for christmas (sounds like us mummys were very spoilt), put xmas footage onto dvd but it wont play in the dvd player-any tips please? it only seems to want to play on the computer but i want to send a copy to pil who dont have a computer

snowy thats one of your (well, my anyway) worst fears when giving birth. luckily she's doing ok now- huge relief :)

LovesBloominChristmas · 29/12/2011 21:05

Wow lots of different experiences over xmas!

Funny to think this time last year we were/about to get pg Shock

jimmijam · 30/12/2011 11:29

yes, we found out about this lo with a very faint positive line on a test on boxing day last year :)

anyone else thinking about when to wean yet?
after following a curve just below the 98th centile our lo dropped to 91st centile at last weigh in, now wakes most nights for playtime and watches us eat while shoving his fists into his mouth. i know now is too soon tho (although i started our eldest 2 on baby rice at about 16weeks), everyone says wait til 6months now. will c if weigh in is open next wed to c which curve he's on and speak to a hv.

the100yearsofchristmas · 30/12/2011 12:24

CBear, I think we will probably be asleep on NYE when it turns to next year! I can't imagine anything happening for us. But I'm fine with that, I've always preferred spending Christmas with family and that than drinking/doing stuff on NYE.

snowy, 6lb3 for a 36 weeker is fab, my LO was 6lb9 and she was 41wks! Glad she managed to get off the Cpap quickly, that's good.

jimmi, I have asked OH about the DVD thing and there are a lot of different things that it could be, he went through a couple of things and they all sound complicated. One of them is that some computers won't write a DVD that can play on a DVD player, another is that the disc is still 'open' and needs to be finished otherwise it won't be read, like I said complicated and he said he would need to know more about how it was written! Our LO also watches with interest when we are eating and her fists are always in her mouth!

Loves I actually found out I was pregnant on Christmas day last year!

Just had the 16 week jabs. She was fine, cried a little while it was happening, but normalised within a minute. Hopefully as they are just boosters of everything she has had in the past she will be OK.

Hair drama(in a it's really not a drama way), I want blonde hair again properly now. The only trouble is the time it's going to take at the hairdressers :( (and cost) I just don't want to have to keep doing in my hair rede or purple or brown forever which is what is going to happen if I don't go back to a blondish colour.

Got a load of money of the PIL for Christmas (well more than I expected) so I can go shopping :o which will be fab. I also had a bit of money for my birthday earlier in the month, which I spent yesterday on a sewing box, pin cushion, and tape measure from John lewis in this pattern (that's the sewing box I got. :) I want the craft bag next, but they didn't have it in the store and it's out of stock at the moment, but I'll keep an eye on the website and probably order it :) [old woman emoticon]

It's film afternoon with OH this afternoon :)

Santageekmum · 30/12/2011 13:22

Quick post to say I have hair drama too! DH keeps asking me when I'm going to get it done, but it takes so long and I have to feed lo every two hours!

Nothing for new years except sleep.

I'll catch up later a bit more...

falalalalagirl · 30/12/2011 15:11

Bah humbug to NYE; I haven't bothered since before DS was born coz I just get bored of waiting at a busy bar to get served. We'll prob just get take-away and go to bed at 10.30 like we have the last two years! Last year my mum said that they would babysit for us so we could go out this year but that was before I'd told them that I was pg. I did contemplate reminding her and pretending that we expect her to honour the offer but I thought that was a bit mean Grin

I am planning our first proper night out though as our best present by far was £100 worth of vouchers for Fifteen in Newquay (the Jamie Oliver restaurant) from my MiL. I was actually so overwhelmed when I opened her gift that I started to cry!

100years, I did the test on Christmas day too. I had to pretend that I was going out to the car to get DH on his own to show him the stick without any of my family noticing. It was so exciting, having a little secret. We kept going off into corners and giggling Smile

Jimmi, I'm not weaning until 6 months. I remember being so excited with DS that we started at about 23 weeks and then I realised that, actually, it's a massive PITA cleaning up after a baby's meal and so I'm leaving it as late as poss this time around. We did BLW last time and I am too lazy to make purees and introduce one foods at a time so I will be doing the same again. I like the whole flinging a couple of lumps of food on a tray for them and letting them figure it out for themselves approach!

I use flipcams at school and have the same problem sometimes. The files tend to be in an odd format and I have to convert them so they'll work on the school's Mac and then burn onto a DVD. I have some piece of software that came with the school's video cameras but it's v time consuming. Sorry, that's not much help really; hope you get it figured out!

Oh god, I really need a haircut. I can't afford my usual dye job so I'll have to do that myself but I am going to have to go for a cut very soon. What to do with the babe though? Maybe DH can just walk up and down the high street with her until I'm done.

snowysebs · 30/12/2011 17:56

Yes, I'm not sure about when to do the weaning thing. I think if you ask a HV about it, they'll say wait till 6 months because that's what they have to say now... unless you have one that doesn't buckle to trends. It's still 4 months in Ireland and the US. She doesn't look like she needs anything at the moment, so I'll try and go on gut instinct, although this being my first, I don't really know what I'm looking for!! ALthough a friend got me Baby and Toddler meal planning books for Xmas, so I'll read those with interest!

Re everyone and hair... can you try mobile hairdressers that come to your house?? I'm really lucky in that a friend from work does mine (I worked in an FE College that has a hairdressing dept, and I'm really good friends with the head of hairdressing.... and bless her, she comes to my house to do my roots - otherwise I'd be grey... have been since going more and more grey since the age of 21 Blush) But, a mobile hairdresser might be the answer?

Been to an aquarium with the kids today, and the LO loved being in the cafeteria watching the world and it's pram go by (there were more prams in there than mothercare!! Think it's the only place to take kids around here obviously!! The swimming baths are all closed over the Christmas break for carbon reduction work!!! Instead of doing them one place at a time, the council have decided to do all of them at the same time... was hoping to take LO for her first swim!!) But she loved the noise and people, it was fun to watch her take it all in!

Seems like we'll all be in this NYE then... but then, with 3 to 4 month olds, where else would we be!?! No different to most years for us...

I found out I was PG on 3rd Jan... didn't dare test before then and I actually thought I definitely wouldn't be as I had PMS pains and really thought it was a normal month!!! The best shock in the world for me to find the two blue lines! Wow, can't believe it's almost a year ago.

snowysebs · 30/12/2011 17:58

Ooh, and Falalala... vouchers for Fifteen is a brilliant present... hope you have a fab night whenever you go!

Santageekmum · 30/12/2011 18:13

Amazing gift... When are you going? You will have to report back on the food!

I have now purchased some running shoes, so am hoping to get fit soon... Have never run before but the lady in the running shop said I had a good gait Smile

Still having issues with lo waking every. 3 hours at night. Given that it takes an hour to feed and settle, it means I'm only getting two hours of sleep each time. I'm getting very very tired Sad

DS managed to go 10 days without pooping. He finally pooed today thank goodness Grin but it was quite thick Hmm


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Santageekmum · 30/12/2011 18:25

Snowy any tips on taking younger ones swimming? I've never done it before and haven't been swimming myself for a long time.

ssmileWithFairylights · 30/12/2011 19:22

My top tip on taking Lo swimming is take your dressing gown or huge towel as it can take a while to get little wiggly babes dry&dressed meanwhile mums get freezing! We also got a baby wetsuit jacket as unless the pool nice 32c babes get cold blue lips fast, the wetsuit wrap is deadeasy to put on and means we can stay in 20-30mins with out shiving.also you need baby swim nappies. We have wetsuit swim nappy pants but some pools insist on disposable nappies too. Gd luck, enjoy it.
We slowly on mend here. Baby has hacking cough and last two days on multiple doses of calpol using oral syringe and mini drops we have mastered the art of getting 2.5ml in with min spit back. Poor Lo has needed it she was moaning with discomfort and struggling to feed. If cough doesn't improve will be off to Drs as her ears been red waxy too but have lessened today. I've virtually lost my voice though and the two hourly wake ups been taking its toil.
Hope u all have gd new years, ours will be quiet early night! We were very luckly to be in Sydney Suburbs (OZ) 3yrs ago where our then 20mth old DD stayed uptill midnight running around a local park in the dark it was 20c, but the last 3have been at home early to bed.
Won't be weaning till babe ready 6mths+ and would like to do more baby led weaning as gd friend of mine did it with her second with great success.

OP posts:
LovesBloominChristmas · 30/12/2011 20:33

Fifteen wow very jel Envy

I was given a weaning talk about 3 weeks ago when they came to weight him. Can't even begin to think about giving him anything yet.

I managed to get my hair cut by getting a dry cut instead.

I had a miscarriage before having ds, infect I didn't actually have axperiod inbetween. I had a scan on dec 15th to make sure everything was ok and it seems I was probably already pg again by then but only just which is why they couldn't see it.

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