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Ed Miliband excellent on Andrew Marr Show

53 replies

claig · 30/09/2012 09:58

Ed is phenomenal. He is right on nearly all the issues. No spin, he'll do it his way, he is for real.

The Labour conference will be very interesting. If they were all like him, they would deserve to win. He even says he will separate retail banks from casino banks. He says he will take on vested interests on behalf of the people, but that may be his downfall, as they will be out to defeat him to prevent him making change for the better.

OP posts:
Xenia · 14/10/2012 15:13

Is this a joke? He is the Conservatives best secret weapon. Long may he maintain his position. Of course he is as rich as many Tories. He went to the Eton of Comprehensives. He inherited his political crown through nepotism - look at his ancestors, like the leader of North Korea. He is married to a barrister as he did a moral sell out by suddenly for political reasons deciding marriage mattered so he will be very well off. He has the personal charisma of a slug.

He is as said above a millionaire in terms of assets. He is part of the London champagne socialists and lives in a very expensive bit of London where most of us could not even consider living. He is unlikely to get in but let us hope he stays as leader until the election as that will help us move towards a Tory win.

claig · 14/10/2012 21:25

But apart from all that, I don't think he has ever put a foot wrong.

'Is this a joke?'
Certainly not. His poll ratings are rising.

OP posts:
Xenia · 15/10/2012 15:43

He is certainly very robotic and entirely lacking in charm and charisma which leaders need.

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