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Ed Miliband excellent on Andrew Marr Show

53 replies

claig · 30/09/2012 09:58

Ed is phenomenal. He is right on nearly all the issues. No spin, he'll do it his way, he is for real.

The Labour conference will be very interesting. If they were all like him, they would deserve to win. He even says he will separate retail banks from casino banks. He says he will take on vested interests on behalf of the people, but that may be his downfall, as they will be out to defeat him to prevent him making change for the better.

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claig · 30/09/2012 22:33
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LittleBearPad · 30/09/2012 22:36

Cracking cheese gromit...

Sorry I couldn't resist

Ponders · 30/09/2012 22:37

Andy Burnham for PM

chipstick10 · 30/09/2012 23:14

He walks with his feet turned out.

claig · 30/09/2012 23:21

What's wrong with having polished, smart shoes?

Article about the Labour in-fighting. If they ditch him, they will lose the election. The others are so transparent, they are nothing like Ed.

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dotnet · 01/10/2012 18:15

I thought Ed Milliband did a really good interview, too - even to the extent of being relaxed enough to laugh, a couple of times (real laughs, not uncomfortable or put-on ones.)
Andrew Marr didn't really get anything over on him at all - E.M. was convincingly genuine throughout.
But aren't political interviews exhausting - all that verbal speeding and cutting up and overtaking on the inside.
Even though the things she said may have made you want to scream, Margaret Thatcher's interview technique of being like a tractor on a motorway, was effective in its way (and had the advantage of cutting down on the number of tricky questions put to her.)

Ponders · 01/10/2012 20:55

Eddie Mair interviewed Douglas Alexander about Ed M on PM this evening.

it all went quite swimmingly until Eddie said "now, tell me about Ed M's flaws"

you could hear DA's jaw hitting the floor - looooong silence & then he floundered for several minutes. Eddie was exactly like a cat playing with a mouse Hmm.

(his supposed reasoning was, Jack Straw has just belatedly told us about John Smith's & Gordon Brown's flaws - wouldn't it have been good to know about them in advance?)

I wonder how Maggie would have managed with Eddie. He is very good at the killer question Grin

Alibabaandthe40nappies · 02/10/2012 22:44

claig did we watch the same program? He was awful.

If you already like him, then you aren't really a good barometer.

claig · 02/10/2012 23:45

I like him. Today's speech had too much spin, but that is probably down to his teenage advisors and not him.

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Alibabaandthe40nappies · 03/10/2012 00:01

I think he pitched it really badly, because he presented it as being all him, no script, blah blah.
And it was all spin, so now he just looks even more of a deluded fool.

Except of course if you are Allegra Stratten and appear to have forgotten that you work for the BBC, an allegedly impartial broadcaster, and have cast yourself in the role of chief cheerleader to the Milliband cause. Stupid woman.

claig · 03/10/2012 00:08

I think it was right that he made it all about himself, because the alternative was to include the Shadow Cabinet, and just looking at them was enough to remind one that that would not be a good idea at all. But, yes, there was too much spin.

Yes, Allegra Stratten thought it was very good, which came as a bit of a surprise. But then again it is the BBC. They probably won't rave about Gove's speech in the same way, when we all know that that will be an undoubted cracker.

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claig · 03/10/2012 00:20

But Paxman was good, he treated it with the requisite amount of cynicism it deserved.

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UnlikelyAmazonian · 08/10/2012 18:49

Boris for PM. Milliband is a knob. So is Dave.

claig · 08/10/2012 23:40

It is starting to look more and more as if that might happen, and Boris would probably beat New Labour singlehandedly.

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ttosca · 09/10/2012 12:05

Yeah, it's a great idea to elect a party on the basis that a party's PM is a lovable, laughable buffoon.

That's good politics. Definitely won't end in tears.

UnlikelyAmazonian · 09/10/2012 21:57

B Johnson is many things but a laughable buffoon he is not.

He's razor sharp.

grovel · 10/10/2012 00:16

Ed did not mention the deficit in 60 minutes. He mentioned "one nation" 39 times. Idiotic. I am so cross with him. It was well-delivered blather.

Devora · 10/10/2012 00:17

I like Ed Milliband. He's got that North London Jewish nerdy shtick that I, personally, find very appealing.

grovel · 10/10/2012 00:22

And all that comp school stuff is embarrassing. He lived in a "learned household" and inherited big time. He bought his current house for £1.6 million (with a £400k mortgage). He did not save £1.2 million from his career as a politico.

Ed, you are inviting derision. Get into the detail of how you will help the disadvantaged or get out.

Greythorne · 10/10/2012 06:28


As much as the Tories would like you to believe Haverstock is "Labour's Eton", it remains a comp in North London. It is in no way comparable to Eton.

Fishwife1949 · 10/10/2012 13:03

Are you drunk op

When i read the title i had to look again there is no such thing as ed Ed and phenomenal the two words dont compute

HE always looks like hes a bit lost

Fishwife1949 · 10/10/2012 13:05

Greythorne yes we all know the millionare ed milliband is stright out of the getto (she scoffs trying to no injure herself giggling)

He was never ever in danger of working in gregs now was he despite what labour try and convince them selves


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claig · 10/10/2012 13:46

'Are you drunk op?'

Not yet, it's too early in the day.

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slug · 10/10/2012 14:25

You do know that a salary of £73,000 does not make you a millionaire don't you? Hmm

Devora · 10/10/2012 22:44

I suppose his house is worth over a million... but that is true for loads of Londoners (not me, sadly). It doesn't mean he has a huge disposable income, certainly nowhere near that of Osbourne or Cameron.

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