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Is it possible to feed cats through a letterbox?!

105 replies

Nokeysnoentry · 26/07/2019 20:07

I’ve been feeding my friend’s cats for the past week. As she was due back from her holiday this evening, I put the keys through her letterbox after I had locked up today. Unfortunately her flight has been cancelled and she won’t be back until Sunday evening. What do I do?! I’m most concerned about them not having enough water. Would it be crazy to pop some ice cubes and food pouches through the letterbox?! Or, will they be okay until Sunday?

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Drum2018 · 26/07/2019 21:29

They'll be fine. Neighbours cat got locked in another neighbours garage for a weekend and was fine. They have food and water which will probably keep them till tomorrow so really it'll only be one day without and you can try the ice cube idea and throwing the dry cat food in the letterbox to deal with that. Don't feel bad. Your neighbour confirmed to leave the keys. Nobody was to know the flight would be cancelled. It's just one of those things.

RustyBear · 26/07/2019 21:30

A cat would not suckle water from a hamster bottle. That's such a strange suggestion.
Actually they can - one of the cat cams I watch had a kitten with a cleft palate who was taught to drink from a rabbit bottle and the other kittens in the litter started drinking from it too without any teaching.

Drum2018 · 26/07/2019 21:30

Oh, and tell her to get a cat flap Grin

candycane222 · 26/07/2019 21:32

How about lowering a wet (natural) sponge on a string?

Whoopstheregomyinsides · 26/07/2019 21:32

Genius idea of freezing tubs of water. May do this when we are out overnight - I do t leave her often and put more bowls of water down but this is great. She loves and ice cube in her bowl ☺️

HeadsDownThumbsUpEveryone · 26/07/2019 21:33

who was taught to drink from a rabbit bottle and the other kittens in the litter started drinking from it too without any teaching.

As cute as that is it's a very different situation to 2 random adult cats stuck in a house who have probably never seen a water bottle before let alone knows that they are for drinking from. Grin

ThrowThoseCurtainsWide · 26/07/2019 21:34

Get some Tupperware that will fit through a letterbox. If you half full them and freeze them then maybe the weight of the ice would make them land the right way up? Perhaps conduct a scientific experiment with your own letterbox to see if it's better to post them in the right way up or upside down...

Nokeysnoentry · 26/07/2019 21:34

She’s not my neighbour, she’s a friend. A friend who lives 90 minutes away from me, which is another reason why I need a plan that will work. I can’t go on a three hour round trip for nothing.

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Nokeysnoentry · 26/07/2019 21:35

I’ve told her to get a cat flap! Day one of me opening and shutting the door repeatedly told me that she needed a cat flap!

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Nokeysnoentry · 26/07/2019 21:39

I like the experiment idea, I’m a big kid at heart.

Now that I’ve thought of the 90 minute journey back to hers, I’m worrying the bloody ice could start to melt before I got there!

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Limer · 26/07/2019 21:44

What's the floor covering in the hall? If it's carpet, I'd risk not bothering with any water/ice. If tiles, go for it!

Please update the thread with what you end up doing!

DontCallMeShitley · 26/07/2019 21:45

Don't put grated cheese through, they might react badly to dairy and get the squits.

If there is only one lock you could try to slide a credit card in.

RustyBear · 26/07/2019 21:45

@HeadsDownThumbsUpEveryone - I wasn't really suggesting it would work in this case, just saying it wasn't all that strange a suggestion Grin

Roominmyhouse · 26/07/2019 21:48

I agree with the previous posters that cats actually drink very little water. So if there was half to 2/3 of a bowl I’d imagine that would be fine until Sunday. We often leave our cats over the weekend with just a bowl of biscuits even though they usually have wet food. So if they already have some biscuits out don’t worry too much, they really won’t starve! They’ll just be really pleased to see your friend when she gets back.

The previous poster who said cats can go without food for 2 weeks worried me though. That’s definitely not true, as we found out a couple of months ago within 2-3 days of not eating can cause liver problems. Our boy had an infection and refused food then got jaundice and had to have several days of rehydration therapy.

dollarsandpounds · 26/07/2019 21:57

You are a kind friend cat sitting for a friend who lives 90 min away hope you get a nice present.

For water, I'd drop a couple of frozen ice cube trays. Other than that put dry food in unsealed envelopes which you chuck through the letterbox too, job done.

Is it possible to feed cats through a letterbox?!
Speckledhen10 · 26/07/2019 21:59

Put a packet of wet food onto a paper party plate & slide it through the letterbox. A bit will spill but the kitties will eat it. Try the same with milk/water. If the flooring is tiled they will drink it wherever it lands. Then when your friend is home DEMAND a key so this never happens again,

Lindy2 · 26/07/2019 22:00

I'd post through something like moist chicken slices. Cats get a lot of their water from wet food. If possible I'd dip the chicken in water first so it was even wetter.
Hopefully it will land on a doormat rather than a very expensive carpet.

Nokeysnoentry · 26/07/2019 22:03

Most of the hall is tiled, but there is an inset doormat right behind the door. There could be some mess, but at least it’s not cream carpet.

I’ve messaged my friend to ask if she’s heard from the other key holder (who lives far closer) yet. For now I’m going to charge my iPad. I will post again to let you know what happens.

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Nokeysnoentry · 26/07/2019 22:04

Oh, thanks for your suggestions, I appreciate it.

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raindropsonwindows · 26/07/2019 22:18

I wouldn't be setting off on a 3hr round trip to do this. Instead, I'd be asking your friend to get one of her neighbours to put some food & ice through the door. There's no need to tell them about the keys being inside so it doesn't matter if it's neighbours that she wouldn't trust with a set of keys.

TheoriginalLEM · 26/07/2019 22:24

Did they leave the toilet seat up? Door open?

CrackOn · 26/07/2019 22:30

I agree with the previous posters that cats actually drink very little water

On wet food, yes. In this weather, our dry-fed kitty has been finishing a bowl of water every day.


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Tulipvase · 26/07/2019 22:30

My cat licks the kitchen tap to make it drip. She also never drinks water I put down for her, I think she drinks rain water.

I know that isn’t an option but I think the cats will be fine, even if it’s not an ideal situation.

stucknoue · 26/07/2019 22:58

Use an old takeaway container, push through letterbox (use a stick to get it upright, then squirt water through letterbox. Don't worry about food, she due back Sunday

Nokeysnoentry · 26/07/2019 23:24

My friend finally heard back from the other key holder and she’s going to check on the cats tomorrow! I’m glad I don’t have to worry about them tonight. Now I just have to nag my friend to get a cat flap!

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