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have your kids ever made you panic

9 replies

babycarrier · 14/12/2007 10:49

i just thoght i would share my panic attack with you,
i woke up as my 4yr old dd wanted the loo so i got her to the loo and realised my 17mth dd was not there in the room i had my 3yr dd in bed with me so she didnt wake others too early my 4yr old dd went back in her room and said "wheres abey shes gone" so i replied she was in there,but i couldnt see her there so without turning lights on i went in the room couldnt see her there went in my sons room she wasnt there starting to real panic now went downstairs to see if dp took her down but she wasnt there so ran upstairs again turned all lights on and found her under the bed asleep.
i started thinking of all sorts of things

OP posts:
ALdc · 19/12/2007 20:54

Staying at my parents house looking after the dog when DS was 2. Their house is much bigger than mine and I lost him in it. The front door was also open (onto a large but secure garden). Was talking to a friend in the same room as DS. One minute he was there the next minute he was gone. For about 5 minutes I honestly thought that he had been taken from the garden even though he couldnt get out there on his own. He was in the next room on the same floor - I looked but in my panic missed him. Worst 5 minutes of my life. Then of course there are always the times at the park when you take you eyes off them for a second and then can t see them for a minute and you get that sick scared feeling surging up inside you.

themoon66 · 14/12/2007 15:45

Lost DD in nightie section of BHS. She was stood vertically up inside a hanging full length nightie, hiding. Another time I lost her in Tesco and found her playing among the clothes. Actually, I've lost her more times than I can count.

My worst ever panic was with DS, aged 4 or 5 at the time. His first time on the London Tube and he got swept along in the crowd and jumped on a train just as the doors were shutting, leaving me on the platform. It is true that a person can find great strength in moments of need.... i threw myself at the doors, thrust my arms in and forced the doors apart.

BellaDonna79 · 14/12/2007 15:40

I was playing hide and seek at nursery when I was 3, I was (unfortunately for the nursery staff) prodigiously gifted at this game. I managed to unhook the babygate, climb the stairs, find the store room and hide in an old blue tub. I only came out when I heard my mum screaming next door... They'd called the police, my parents and they were about to issue a statement! I'd stayed still and quiet for nearly 2.5 hrs!!!
I feel soooooo bad when I think of this now!

micegg · 14/12/2007 14:30

All the time! DD runs off at the first opportunity and has huge tantrums if I refuse to get her out of the buggy when shopping. I fall for it each time. Agree to take her out of buggy if she stays with mummy. Two seconds later she is running off. I now dont take her shopping unless essential and then keep it to the minimum. Last time I went into Hennes she disappeared. My heart was in my mouth until I found her under one of the dress rails

MissPebbles · 14/12/2007 12:57

I made my parents really panic when I was about 6/7 I had asked my dad if I could go next door to my friends house and I don't remember his reply but I went anyway - this was about lunchtime - I was still there about 6/7pm at night - when there was a knock at the door and it was my mum frantic as I had gone "mising" she had looked everywhere - had my dad out searching etc my babysister was only about 4 weeks old at the time

dustystar · 14/12/2007 12:36

Not really with dd but ds is forever doing daft stuff. I think I was worse as a child though. i once disppeared on the ferry to France and my poor parents wree frantic as they and loads of others raced around the ship looking for me. We had been stood outside on the deck and i simply slipped inside the door but it took them 20 mins to find me as i hid behind a chair. My poor Mum

NAB3littlemonkeys · 14/12/2007 12:33

All the time!

My new born baby was never where I went to get him. Panic as obviously a 6 week old could move I had left him some where else.

My 2.5 year old has made me panic about 3 times when I have lost him in shops and at school. Actually make that about 6 times.

babycarrier · 14/12/2007 12:32

oh my god,
at least ds was found safe and sound.

OP posts:
mishytoeandwine · 14/12/2007 10:52

Went to a toddler party once and all kids were playing outside on jumping castle, etc. All queuing for popcorn and my DS (2) just vanished! After about 5/10 minutes of frantic searching, we found him outside the front of the house playing! Someone had left the front door open and he just wandered through the house and out!

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