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13 replies

manuka · 10/10/2007 15:23

SORRY! I know its crazily early but would like advice as me and dh are at odds on this and it isn't even November yet.
Is it mad to have a christmas tree and an 18month old??

OP posts:
manuka · 10/10/2007 20:19

Ok its decided! The tree will happen! It will be a real tree without my murano glass novelties!

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Loopymumsy · 10/10/2007 19:34

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golds · 10/10/2007 16:15

My two are older now, but I never moved anything away from them. They learnt they can touch things after being told.

I would put one up, it wouldn't be christmas without one.

Tiggiwinkle · 10/10/2007 16:12

I used to put our tree in a playpen too when the kids were little.

Fizzylemonade · 10/10/2007 16:10

I'm putting mine up with an 18month old who climbs absoultely everything, he is probably asking santa for a grapple hook

Live a little, they have to learn not to touch and just look at the pretty lights.

By the way I'm not naive, I have a 4 yr old who was also 18months at a Christmas time!

tigerschick · 10/10/2007 16:04

Just remembered - last year dh did suggest that we put the tree outside the French windows!
He was joking tho

preggersagain · 10/10/2007 16:02

i used to use my babyden to keep the tree safe because dh wouldn't let me put it in a cupboard [scrooge]

manuka · 10/10/2007 16:00

Brilliant thats also a good option!

OP posts:
tigerschick · 10/10/2007 15:30

We have an old coffee table that mil gave us. DH cut the legs down so it stands about a foot high. We stand the tree in a planter and then on the table so dd couldn't reach it last year - the lowest branches were well over 2 feet high. (Also saves money as you can buy a smaller tree but it looks really big.)
I also know of people who use one of those large fire guards like a fence around their tree if you prefer.

manuka · 10/10/2007 15:27

Thats a good suggestion! I suppose it would have to be a very sturdy table?
I love Christmas trees and all things Christmas because as a Jew I was never allowed one when I was little!!

OP posts:
purplelollypop · 10/10/2007 15:26

Sorry- mean your DC will love it!

kitsandbits · 10/10/2007 15:25

I have a train playtable and at christmas i bring it downstairs and i put the tree in the far corner of this so the kids cant reach it

purplelollypop · 10/10/2007 15:25

Yep, I'd say completly mad. But I would go for it anyway. Your DC will live it!

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