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going out with your child on your own?

56 replies

nappyaddict · 28/06/2007 20:19

would you feel uncomfortable or stupid going to the park, swimming, to soft play, to fun days etc if it was just you and your 11 month old on your own?

OP posts:
NannyL · 30/06/2007 10:07

Not at all!

Loads of these places are full of mums and much smaller babies.... just the 2 of them!

UniSarah · 30/06/2007 22:07

yes we have Boy, sometimes The Boy. I blame Dahl, who's book of the same title I was reading while in hospital having Boy.
It anoyes MiL :-)

katelyle · 01/07/2007 05:10

Unisarah, it annoys my MIL too! I love it, especially when ds flings himself at me saying "Here comes Boy!"

LoveAngel · 01/07/2007 08:44

...haven't read all the replies but:

I have been taking my son out on my own since he was born (he's now 2 and a half). We go to softplay, swimming, the park etc, and its great fun. I was never that into toddler groups and the like (found them boring, to be honest, and I'm an usociable git...) so am used to spending time alone with my DS.

katelyle · 03/07/2007 11:28

But I wouldn't be going out with my child on my own, I would be going out with my child!

LennyLapin · 03/07/2007 11:32

lol nappyaddict, your OP describes my entire life

I hope your friend has fun at the beach.

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