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How to get out of house with 4 week old

58 replies

Bex134 · 14/02/2017 17:50

Hi everyone
I have a 4 week old- and feeling a little house bound. At the moment I can't shower until 1.30pm when DS has a decent nap. Naps before this are on me as he isn't settling in his crib in the morning and he wakes at 5.30 and doesnt really settle after. My husband leaves the house at 7am- should I get up and shower before he leaves.. any other thoughts?? Would love to be showered by 10am is this realistic?? Bx

OP posts:
ineedwine99 · 23/02/2017 08:43

Hi OP, i've just put baby either in her bouncer chair or laid on the floor on a few towels, she'd just lay there staring at the lights Smile

lostandconfused6576i · 23/02/2017 08:56

Lakehouse - I think I'll try this with my 5 week old. He hates being bathed (lots of tears) but enjoyed it when I took him in the bath with me. I think a shower would be easier to get a baby in and out of...I'll just have to have the water a lot cooler!

ceeveebee · 23/02/2017 09:05

Glad you've managed it! I had twins and always just left them in their cots with their light/music mobile playing - probably helped that there were two of them so maybe didn't feel so alone, and also to be honest I think I just accepted that with two, there would usually be one crying at any given time! It's so important to feel human again and get out and about. I did cut my hair into a pixie crop though as otherwise just never had time to dry it!

usernoidea · 23/02/2017 09:12

My baby fitted in with my life a bit more than I changed to fit his.
So, I was out with him by myself on week one, had showers with him next to me etc...
Yes he might get upset but I'm glad I started all this early
I know mums who are months down the road and still barely go out/shower/leave the room etc. I think this sounds a difficult thing to crack later on so start early - they will get used to it x

merrymouse · 23/02/2017 09:20

Both my children loved the sound of the shower so bouncy chair worked well for me.

However, with a second child you also learn that sometimes babies have to wait.

If a shower takes five minutes and makes you feel able to face the day, just make sure your baby is safe and have the shower.

user1487849259 · 23/02/2017 11:31

I've been having the same problem, didn't even think about bringing the baby in the bathroom with me! Great idea x

mistermagpie · 23/02/2017 11:40

I was another one with the baby in a bouncy chair in the bathroom. We've got a clear shower screen so he could see me and i could see him. Sometimes he cried, but it's only a couple of minutes and they are in sight all the time so what's the harm? I found that if I could get a shower and dressed as soon as I got up (before DH left for work ideally, but he doesn't leave until about 8:15) then it made such a big difference to how the day went. You can always bung a bit of make-up on later if you have five minutes and want to feel a bit more human but that's a luxury.

PPs are right that it actually gets harder when they can move. DS is now 19mo and I either shower before he wakes in the morning (he's not an early riser and I'm up for work anyway) or during his naps if I'm at home all day. I can't bring him into the bathroom anymore as he starts wrecking the place and trying to get into the shower with me!

Backhometothenorth · 23/02/2017 13:31

That's great news OP. Hope you enjoy your showers and manage to get out and about more now. Try a bath next perhaps- you never know!!

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