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How often do your kids tell you they hate you ...

34 replies

oxocube · 09/01/2007 19:05

and that you are the worst mother in the world? Cause I've had this twice in the past couple of weeks from both my 9 yr old dd and tonight from my 5 yr old ds when I asked him to put back all the seat cushions from the sofas which he had taken off and was jumping on on the floor!

OP posts:
oxocube · 09/01/2007 19:56

thanks everyone! It doesn't help at the moment that DH is working on the other side of the world, and although I am much closer to the kids than he is, he is the one they listen to regarding discipline. If I think about it rationally, I know that my kids love me but they certainly know which buttons to press!

OP posts:
QueenBodicea · 09/01/2007 19:59

No we don't use the word 'hate' in this house either but by the age of 9 they tend to have heard words from other people than just their parents!

oxocube · 09/01/2007 20:01

Misspinkcat, the word 'hate' is a big taboo in my home too. If dd(9) or ds (11) ever say 'I hate ...' I always pull them up on it and say that hate is such a strong and powerful word and that they can say they don't like something but hate is a word I don't want to hear.

Didn't stop dd hating me though

OP posts:
misspinkcat · 09/01/2007 20:02

Martha aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

oxocube · 09/01/2007 20:04

Although all my kids hate brocolli with a passion. They still have to eat it, but this is the one thing I allow them to 'hate'

OP posts:
Pinkchampagne · 09/01/2007 20:04

They pick it up from their peers & know it is a word that is sure to get to their parents. Just remember, they don't mean it & are saying it for a reaction because they are cross. They love you really!

mellowma · 09/01/2007 20:04

Message withdrawn

Pinkchampagne · 09/01/2007 20:06

My mum used to react a bit like that too, mellowma!

LucyLouise · 09/01/2007 20:22

DD1 (3.11) has told me she doesn't like me a few times. I ignore it. I think she picks these things up at nursery.
Same with the 'F' word (have no idea where she picked this up) which she tests me with to get a reaction. She got a big reaction from m-i-l once.
Have caught her inciting DD2 (2.7) to use the same word. I just divert their attention elsewhere or ignore it.
She has no idea or understanding of what she's saying, just that it can provoke a reaction. With my two it's best ignored and it will go away.

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