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Quick Q: baby fell asleep with dirty nappy

34 replies

omri · 30/01/2015 17:07

Quick question- 9 month old was tired so I put her in her cot with her bottle while I cleaned the kitchen. By the time I was finished she was asleep so I went in to take the bottle out and cover her with her blanket. But could clearly smell a big dirty nappy... I left her to sleep in it- what would you do? This just 5 mins ago and I'm sitting here with my cuppa thinking hmmm should I pick her up and change her?!

OP posts:
scarletforya · 30/01/2015 18:43

I would never leave a baby in a dirty nappy. Nappy rash is really painful.

HoggleHoggle · 30/01/2015 18:49

showy I didn't know that about coats and car seats! I just googled it after reading your post.

omri did dd wake up?! I've left my ds is a dirty nappy when I knew it was going to be a quick nap. Luckily he has a very robust bottom! and now poos like clockwork at breakfast so it's no longer a problem

Marshy · 30/01/2015 19:12

Op - of course you're not a crap mother! It's gutting to have to wake a sleeping baby and most of us would have thought 'bugger, do I really have to do this' but you did the right thing.

Good info re the bottle. Best not to leave unattended.

Hope you are having a peaceful evening.

gotothegymtomorrow · 30/01/2015 19:20

Always a dilemma, especially when it has taken ages to get them to sleep, but when mine have done this I try and change them without waking them... mostly successfully with a few fails!

GingerDoodle · 30/01/2015 20:16

I had a rule when DD was that age. Never wake the sleeping baby! Obv if you know poo = bad bum or they would sleep tho a change then its different but one wife bum while asleep is not going to kill anyone.

GotToBeInItToWinIt · 30/01/2015 20:25

Change her. I didn't notice DD had poo'd for about 10 mins earlier and she was already really sore, I feel awful about it Sad. It can affect them really quickly.

GotToBeInItToWinIt · 30/01/2015 20:27

Sorry, commented before reading the whole thread as I felt so guilty about poor DD's sore bum today Blush.

ch1134 · 30/01/2015 21:12

Oh, everyone said different to me. I change my son if his pooey nappy wakes him, but would leave him otherwise. He's never once had nappy rash and never once slept through a nappy change. He's 12 months old. I'd be much more concerned about the bottle issue, but that's been addressed. As has the nappy thing. .. too late!

GotToBeInItToWinIt · 30/01/2015 21:19

Mine has never slept through a nappy change either, sadly (but then has never slept through a poo either so never had the dilemma of whether to wake her!).

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