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Quick Q: baby fell asleep with dirty nappy

34 replies

omri · 30/01/2015 17:07

Quick question- 9 month old was tired so I put her in her cot with her bottle while I cleaned the kitchen. By the time I was finished she was asleep so I went in to take the bottle out and cover her with her blanket. But could clearly smell a big dirty nappy... I left her to sleep in it- what would you do? This just 5 mins ago and I'm sitting here with my cuppa thinking hmmm should I pick her up and change her?!

OP posts:
GotToBeInItToWinIt · 30/01/2015 21:19

Mine has never slept through a nappy change either, sadly (but then has never slept through a poo either so never had the dilemma of whether to wake her!).

ch1134 · 30/01/2015 21:12

Oh, everyone said different to me. I change my son if his pooey nappy wakes him, but would leave him otherwise. He's never once had nappy rash and never once slept through a nappy change. He's 12 months old. I'd be much more concerned about the bottle issue, but that's been addressed. As has the nappy thing. .. too late!

GotToBeInItToWinIt · 30/01/2015 20:27

Sorry, commented before reading the whole thread as I felt so guilty about poor DD's sore bum today Blush.

GotToBeInItToWinIt · 30/01/2015 20:25

Change her. I didn't notice DD had poo'd for about 10 mins earlier and she was already really sore, I feel awful about it Sad. It can affect them really quickly.

GingerDoodle · 30/01/2015 20:16

I had a rule when DD was that age. Never wake the sleeping baby! Obv if you know poo = bad bum or they would sleep tho a change then its different but one wife bum while asleep is not going to kill anyone.

gotothegymtomorrow · 30/01/2015 19:20

Always a dilemma, especially when it has taken ages to get them to sleep, but when mine have done this I try and change them without waking them... mostly successfully with a few fails!

Marshy · 30/01/2015 19:12

Op - of course you're not a crap mother! It's gutting to have to wake a sleeping baby and most of us would have thought 'bugger, do I really have to do this' but you did the right thing.

Good info re the bottle. Best not to leave unattended.

Hope you are having a peaceful evening.

HoggleHoggle · 30/01/2015 18:49

showy I didn't know that about coats and car seats! I just googled it after reading your post.

omri did dd wake up?! I've left my ds is a dirty nappy when I knew it was going to be a quick nap. Luckily he has a very robust bottom! and now poos like clockwork at breakfast so it's no longer a problem

scarletforya · 30/01/2015 18:43

I would never leave a baby in a dirty nappy. Nappy rash is really painful.

LondonRocks · 30/01/2015 18:42

Change her. I'd hate to lie in shit!

Theselittlelightsofmine · 30/01/2015 18:41

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Showy · 30/01/2015 18:39

Grin You don't sound crap at all. There isn't a Mum alive who hasn't stood and looked at a sleeping child who needs waking for whatever reason (nappy, medicine, time to go out etc) and thought honestly, do I have to wake the sleeping beast? Really? Please somebody tell me I can leave them, please? It's a peculiar feeling of resignation and dread that only a sleep-deprived mother knows.

And lots of people do lots of things that aren't recommended. Just because you don't know. I didn't know about the propped up bottle thing really until I became a breast feeding peer supporter. I didn't know about babies not wearing coats in carseats until very recently and I've had two babies who are past the age of it being relevant. So, if you're crap, I'm crap and we can all just be crap together.

omri · 30/01/2015 18:04

Omg I sound like a crap mum on this thread! I'm a fantastic mum really I promise!!! But reading this thread I sound like I'm leaving my baby to sleep in a dirty nappy while she puts herself to sleep with a bottle unattended in her cot!!! Shock

OP posts:
omri · 30/01/2015 18:02

Thanks showy-cross posted!

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omri · 30/01/2015 18:01

Yep Bertie- quick search confirms it is a choking risk. Will only do it when she's beside me and not on her own. Thanks x

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Showy · 30/01/2015 17:59

I would change too. I know it's a pain but the one time I didn't notice dd had a dirty nappy she had terrible nappy rash. And she had only slept for about 90 minutes and had no issues with nappy rash at any other time.

Agree with Bertie. Never leave a baby alone with a bottle. It is a choking risk and if you google, you'll see a couple of worst case scenarios, just to warn you. It is okay for them to have a bottle propped up while you're with them but never alone.

omri · 30/01/2015 17:50

Oh Bertie don't tell me that!! She's just started in last 2 weeks taking bottle by herself and I've found it so handy! She nods off after 2 oz I just go in and take it away then so it doesn't spill. Great when she wakes at night. Always did it with ds1 - never heard it was a risk. Will check it out though. Thanks for tip off.

OP posts:
BertieBotts · 30/01/2015 17:30

I'd have taken the nappy off and lain her on a towel rather than putting a new one on. Wipe with warm water if you can get away with it. Although that's tricky to do in a cot!

I wouldn't have left her. I think you've done the right thing even though it's a pain to have her up. :)

I know you didn't ask this but is it not a choking risk to leave them alone with a bottle? I thought it was not advised. I could be wrong, though.

Marmot75 · 30/01/2015 17:30

Yes I'd try to change her in her sleep too. Couldn't bear the idea of poo sitting against a lovely baby's bottom. Hope you managed not to wake her!

steppeinginto2015 · 30/01/2015 17:29

I would leave her!

3 dcs and my motto is never wake a sleeping baby!

Marshy · 30/01/2015 17:27

Hope she stays sleepy. Warm the wipes up in your hand so she doesn't get a shock Grin

OydNeverDeclinesGin · 30/01/2015 17:23

Nope, not a trivial question at all. Better to ask than sit there fretting!


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omri · 30/01/2015 17:20

Happy to go with the jury on this one. I'll go in and change her now! Finished my tea anyway since posting. Thanks for all the replies!! I appreciate it for such a trivial question! X

OP posts:
ItsAllGoingToBeFine · 30/01/2015 17:18

Change her.

Marshy · 30/01/2015 17:17

X posts! Your call but I wouldn't leave her.

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