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OMFG just found out DS has spent £1700 on ipod game!!!

365 replies

splodge2001 · 11/11/2013 21:14

It's all in the title really. Still shaking, It's been going on since June> I hadn't noticed because the spending was masked by some unusual purchases over the last few months. Am livid! I've deleted 'Clash of Clans' banned the Ipod, grounded him, asked him to think of ways he can pay us back (he won't be able to). What the hell do I do? Can I get my money back. Do I report it as fraud? After all, I didn't allow it to happen. Help!

OP posts:
DaveGahanAndADeckchair · 11/11/2013 21:59

But your card statement would itemise every purchase! My credit card is a long list of iTunes, Amazon and Google payments. It's the main use for it. You cannot possibly not have noticed. One month yes, but not several.

SomewhereovertheRainbow02 · 11/11/2013 22:01

This happened to me 2 days ago!
I went on to the live chat in apple support and explained my situation and was given a refund and help on what restrictions to use!

curlew · 11/11/2013 22:01

How did he "guess" the password?

SilverApples · 11/11/2013 22:02

My CC is full of 99p daily deals for my kindle.
Everything itemised.
He's not Nick Leeson, this is very basic stuff. So simple an unsupervised child could do it. And did.

Strumpetron · 11/11/2013 22:02

^I can't even stop in game purchases on the xbox so ds keeps buying 50p crap on minecraft.
It is totally immoral to charge £££ for a virtual doughnut or whatever. It is not immoral to sell a game on line; that is totally different^

The only thing that is immoral is people abusing it and stealing money from the bill payers. Lots of people - mostly adults- chose to buy add ons to improve their gaming. It isn't immoral for companies to offer those added extras just because people can't prevent their children from abusing it.

IamInvisible · 11/11/2013 22:03

Someone has obviously changed the email address the notifications were going to, or getting to the emails and deleting them first. Either way though iTunes would show on the credit card statement.

Sorry OP, it looks like your son has been playing you like a fiddle.Sad

DaveGahanAndADeckchair · 11/11/2013 22:04

I was given a refund using Candy Crush on the iPad early on - I bought another level, it didn't work and when I clicked on the link it charged me again. I ran up about £15 worth for nothing. I deleted the app and Apple refunded the money. It did not take long before I spotted it though. Have never had a problem with Google Play.

curlew · 11/11/2013 22:04

"^I can't even stop in game purchases on the xbox so ds keeps buying 50p crap on minecraft. "

So take the xbox away. Simple.

5madthings · 11/11/2013 22:05

Yes supervision is key. This is why mine are not allowed internet devices upstairs. The Xbox is in the living room and all purchases are password protected.

But my elder three know they are not allowed to buy stuff online, inapp purchases etc without me being there and inputting password. Each and every time they have to ask me and if they didnt they would lose the privelidge of using the nexus or Xbox or whatever device.

It must say on your cc statement?

optimusic · 11/11/2013 22:05

Nerf do the controls on your account to stop this, or do a family setting I think it's called, which comes with parental controls. Better still take off your bank detail if you are unable to do the above.

Aarow · 11/11/2013 22:07

It looks like your DS has been devious and knows exactly how much he was spending. Sad for you.

Is it your iPod? If it's his, I'd sell it. If he has any consoles, sell them too. Anything to recover that money to within a reasonable limit- say £50- where the money could be recovered by not paying pocket money.

SilverApples · 11/11/2013 22:09

I wonder what he's getting for the next ten birthdays and Christmases?

Shaky · 11/11/2013 22:09

I bloody hate games/apps with all the ads. Yesterday I discovered that ds had clicked on the amazon app and had added 7 fireman Sam tablets to my basket. He will be 4 in a fortnight. Thankfully he couldn't complete the purchase.

Not helpful I know, sorry.
I hope you manage to get it sorted out soon Flowers

DaveGahanAndADeckchair · 11/11/2013 22:09

My dd has a Nexus 7 set up on my Google account. I can see every transaction - not that she can make any as she doesn't have the password. She did once invite my entire contact list to join BakeStory or somesuch. Blush But at least that was entirely visible to me and didn't cost me money.

IAlwaysThought · 11/11/2013 22:11

He could have only changed your email notifications if he had your Apple ID password. Is it possible that you had previously turned off email notifications yourself?

5madthings · 11/11/2013 22:13

After the last thread on this I went on our Xbox an tablet amd tried to buy an in app purchases it made it very clear I would be spending real money, and alsed for password etc to allow purchase and detailed the bank account etc.

I have sat and discussed this with my children and made it clear they are not to buy anything without checking with me first. Tbh we jsit use free apps amd they dotn buy any in app purchases. On the Xbox only we can download stuff/biuy stiff it's in the control account settings.

I was really paranoid after reading of these cases of kids spending lots so made sure to set controls.

I do think your son knew what he was doing :(

Def sell the iPod and strict controls now onwards.

DaveGahanAndADeckchair · 11/11/2013 22:13

And there is not a PIN number for Apple purchases but an account name and password. I cannot see how he could "guess" either.

lljkk · 11/11/2013 22:14

Not condemning you OP, you're not first & won't be the last.
I am so grateful we were only stung for £50.
We don't allow any credit card details to be stored with our Apple IDs. EVER.
Throw yourself on mercy of someone, I think.

MrsMot · 11/11/2013 22:14

He didn't have to guess your password.

Unless you set the password required time to 0 there's a default 15 minute window from you inputting your password to it being needed again so he could have set up the in-game purchase very easily.

My 5 yo did it... We did get the money refunded though. I think Apple are on slightly dodgy ground as they don't make it clear what the setting is - I certainly never consented to have my account 'open'.

splodge2001 · 11/11/2013 22:15

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Tailz · 11/11/2013 22:15

I am genuinely not trying to start a row but I can't quite see why Apple should refund ie if it was that your ds knew what he was doing and was being devious etc.

It's a hell of a lot of money and must be a horrible shock for you but I'm not sure it's Apples' fault? I'm happy to be corrected though as I'm just wondering what I would do and how I would handle it.

IamInvisible · 11/11/2013 22:16

On ours, when you buy an in app purchase you click buy, the it asks for the password, the it gives you the option of continuing to buy or cancelling the purchase. You don't put a pin in.


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5madthings · 11/11/2013 22:17

I !am guessing he has maybe deleted the emails?

IamInvisible · 11/11/2013 22:18

He's more than likely deleted the emails!

optimusic · 11/11/2013 22:19

How very mature, saying you would slap me for pointing out the bloody obvious.

It doesn't matter if there were or not emails, there is banking transactions that are as clear as day on your statements.

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