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Lippy on to give birth?!

39 replies

Jac1978 · 20/03/2013 14:19

Just caught up with One Born Every Minute on Sky Plus and couldn't believe that girl turning up in full make up to give birth! Is it me or is this incredibly vain?!! My looks were the last thing I was worried about but I asked another mum about this and she said she insisted in packing her hair dryer when she went to the hospital snd had her bikini line waxed as near to the due date as poss! Am I missing something - does everyone worry about what they look like after giving birth?!

OP posts:
thezebrawearspurple · 23/03/2013 21:09

I turned up to the hospital freshly showered, hair styled, full makeup, jewellery, perfume fully intending to pop the baby out and look beautiful in the first photos. Looked horrific by the end of it but was fully freshened and made up by visitor time. Left the hospital as groomed as I went in. I've always been very vainGrin

They can't be too vain if they're prepared to let strangers see them look sweaty and puffy, nobody looks good in labour.

ElliesWellies · 22/03/2013 23:21

Oh, and I think I had make-up on because I'd been wearing it that day, before I went into labour.

ElliesWellies · 22/03/2013 23:21

I don't watch OBEM but... sounds like she might have put the make-up on for the cameras? If so that is quite funny, being really worried about what your face looks like whilst allowing the nation to watch you giving birth...

PastaBeeandCheese · 21/03/2013 20:35

I took make up with me. I had a fit of baby blues the day after having DD as she wasn't feeding and I'd had a bit of a weep. My inlaws were due to visit and I felt so much better after 5 minutes in the bathroom washing my face, brushing my hair and putting a bit of mascara on.

Felt much more relaxed looking more like me and got DD latched on after that. Not saying it was the mascara (!) but whatever makes you feel better is important.

littleducks · 21/03/2013 20:27

I wouldn't put make up in for a trip to hospital especially not nail polish as then it becomes a problem having to remove it if something goes wrong and you need to go to theatre.

If I was going to be filmed on a documentary my viewpoint may have been different!

MamaBlue4 · 21/03/2013 20:13

lolalotta If it did, I couldn't tell the difference. Except when DH did it but I secretly think he wanted revenge from the times when I waxed his brows haha.

lolalotta · 21/03/2013 19:54

Do bikini waxes kill when you're pregnant???

IJustWoreMyTrenchcoat · 21/03/2013 19:24

I'll need my straighteners Blush I look an utter mess without them! Not bothered about make up, but I feel properly grotty if my hair isn't done. Won't bother with a hair dryer though as my hair takes forever to dry even with a dryer and I'd be too self conscious about the noise I was making.

rrreow · 21/03/2013 17:35

If I knew I was going to be on TV I might make a bit more of an effort with my appearance going into labour. Personal preference though, I'm generally not really the type of person to 'put on my face' for the public, but I know there are many people who wouldn't leave the house without makeup on.

I don't think it affects the labour experience Grin

BabyMakesTheBellyGoRound · 21/03/2013 13:21

I had an elcs on my last baby so I had my extensions in,tan on and make up done. All my other newborn pics I looked terrible and ill and I look fab and refreshed for the last ones.

Pobblewhohasnotoes · 20/03/2013 20:26

I was in too much pain to care.

Pudgy2011 · 20/03/2013 20:14

I had 10 hours sleep, did my hair and make up, got ready for work and DS decided to make his appearance 5 hours later.
Pretty damn glad I had a newborn who cooperated with my day in honesty, I had no qualms in putting those pics on facebook!

Pascha · 20/03/2013 19:58

Also, and I think this point is relevant here, I most certainly would have makeup handy if I knew there were TV cameras about...

Pascha · 20/03/2013 19:54

Ds1 was at night so the most I did was slick some Vaseline on my dry lips. Ds2 wasdaytime at home so it really didn't seem necessary. If I was going in for planned birth I absolutely would wear mascara/lip stuff etc.

MamaBlue4 · 20/03/2013 19:46

Never wore it during it my home birth, but my DH waxed me a week before due dates.

For twins I just stuck my hair up and shoved in my headphones, I couldn't care less what I looked like but afterwards when my family visited, I did my hair and got dressed.

MiaowTheCat · 20/03/2013 19:43

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MrsHoarder · 20/03/2013 19:21

I had my hair cut the day before I was induced. Is a good job I did because that was over 10 months ago and I haven't been back yet.

FlatCapAndAWhippet · 20/03/2013 19:20

Oh forgpot to say I was induced so had time :)

FlatCapAndAWhippet · 20/03/2013 19:19

Bikini line waxed, hair washed, make up on, toe nails painted, that's me.

INeverSaidThat · 20/03/2013 19:16

One of my DC's had an induced birth. It was great, I shaved, did my nail varnish, moisturised and did my hair.

VisualiseAHorse · 20/03/2013 19:14

I looked nice went I went in. Within about 20 minutes I was naked.

If you want to wear makeup, go for it. It's not vain in the least.

Welovegrapes · 20/03/2013 19:14

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TheJoeufulPuddlejumper · 20/03/2013 19:08

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Purplecatti · 20/03/2013 19:04

Hell yeah. I had waxes, pedicures etc. At the first pangs of labour I did my hair and put on waterproof makeup.
Vain? Yep. I knew oh would facebook a photo within 5 minutes of birth.
I still looked shit though. Maybe not as shit as I should have.

motherinferior · 20/03/2013 16:42

I had a haircut the day I gave birth.

(OK, so I went into labour 16 days early, it wasn't exactly planned as an act of personal grooming, but still.)

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