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Toddler bed or normal single??

18 replies

WazzaWoo · 16/11/2012 15:26

Hi there, would love some advice. Going to move my Dd Into a bed after xmas, nearly 2. I have people telling me to get toddler bed as lower to floor etc but others saying they are a waste of money and to just buy a normal bed!!?
Any advice greatly appreciated!

OP posts:
sarahtigh · 22/11/2012 17:20

we had cot bed, DD loved it as cot but not as bed likes my double really but OK in single, if space get proper 3' single not a narrow one, very few children fall out of bed more than a dew times and can put cushions spare duvet on floor for a few nights

Youaresoright · 21/11/2012 17:50

Normal single - it isn't just the cost of a toddler bed, when you will need a single eventually, but all the associated bedding (small sized sheets, duvet, duvet cover etc etc etc).

We have this bed guard and it is fantastic, take it on hols/grandma's too bedguard

breatheslowly · 19/11/2012 21:39

DD is on the bottom bed from one of these with a bed guard too.

It is vital for us that we can get into bed with her when she wakes up.

ChablisLover · 19/11/2012 21:01

Normal bed

Saves time and money.

We had cot bed so it converted from cot to toddler bed but that's why we bought it - so we could get more use out of it.

When ds was ready he went to normal single bed

nocakeformeplease · 19/11/2012 20:56

We went for a small double for DS and I'm so glad we did. I end up in there with him some point most nights and it lovely being comfy!

It obviously depends on the size of the room though.

MarshaBrady · 19/11/2012 09:41

Normal single.

We have a toddler bed because it was a cot first. If we didn't I think I would be irked by how little time you get to use a toddler bed.

Ds2 is nearly three and he could upgrade soon.

TheCountessOlenska · 19/11/2012 09:37

I got a single as I knew I'd end up in there with her! In fact I agree ChunkyPickle, I may swap it for a double when the new baby comes along - more adult size beds the better IMO!

DD has been in her single since about 16 months and only fallen out once, I always put something soft on the floor next to the bed and she didn't even wake up!

Turnip09 · 19/11/2012 09:29

Look very cute but are a waste of money really

Turnip09 · 19/11/2012 09:29

I would say def a single bed. If your worried, you can get a clip on bed guard and/or put a spare duvet or mattress on the floor beside the bed. Think the toddler beds l

IWillOnlyEatBeans · 16/11/2012 19:05

Normal single. The Ikea Malm beds are low to the floor and pretty cheap. You can always use a removable bed guard/rail for a few nights if you want.

DS was in a bed from 9 months old and has only just started coming into our bedroom in the morning now - 2 years later :)

Nevercan · 16/11/2012 17:22

Normal single. Must more cost effective and you can sleep there too Smile

Flojo1979 · 16/11/2012 15:54

Get a single bed, so when your DD gets in your bed, u had somewhere to go.

MrsJohnDeere · 16/11/2012 15:54

Toddler beds a waste of money, just get a normal bed, unless space is a major issue.

Beatrixpotty · 16/11/2012 15:51

Went straight from cot to low divan with no footboard to minimise corners/injuries etc.Next do a good one.But,DS was over 3!Couldn't face him wandering into my bedroom and waking us up at 6am but just postponed the inevitable..

ChunkyPickle · 16/11/2012 15:42

We got a toddler bed, but we didn't have a cot, and needed something at the same height as our futon.

I've always thought that singles were a bit pointless too - I confess we've considered just getting a second double, so that if/when DS gets a sibling we'll have a spare bed for one of us to escape to (albeit shared with a toddler)

SiameseIfYouPlease · 16/11/2012 15:34

We had a cot that changed to the toddler bed. She's been in it since march but I'm looking for a normal single for her now, as she's started coming into our room at 2AM and crawling in bed, kicking DH out. When I can't be arsed don't take her back to her room, DH is left in the spare room ok for now but not when we have guests. At least if DD has a single bed, he can swap with her!!

MamaMary · 16/11/2012 15:31

No need - get a normal bed! DD can climb into it her self (27 months).

YoullScreamAboutItOneDay · 16/11/2012 15:29

We have a toddler bed, but the only reason was the DD1's room at the time was very small. I wouldn't bother otherwise.

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