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ok a bit odd, but can anyone read late medieval english?

84 replies

TheArmadillo · 12/03/2007 21:12

Am reading through document. Can read most of it but cannot understand what 'stoonis' is or 'schulen'

talking about heathen men worshipping 'stoonis' as a god? adn the phrase 'stoonis schulen crie'?

COuld schulen be children?

Anyone know?

OP posts:
Mercy · 12/03/2007 22:12

ok, thanks

( but now can't get that bloody song out of my head)

kiskidee · 12/03/2007 22:13

wow Pruni! you are my kind of geek.

Pruni · 13/03/2007 09:31

Message withdrawn

kiskidee · 13/03/2007 10:57

oh, god, no!

my professor of English who tortured me with the Faerie Queen also did his thesis on it which i think made him drone on ad vomitum with it.

DrDaddy · 13/03/2007 11:03

What a fantastic thread! I was a medievalist once, but a historian (PhD in Medieval History and Philosophy), but always loved listening to OE ME and Anglo Saxon being read....while I toiled away transcribing 13th century manuscripts. Those were the days!

DrDaddy · 13/03/2007 11:04

Medieval Latin manuscripts should have said

Enid · 13/03/2007 11:04

I specialised in Medieval English in my degree

LOVED the Faerie Queen and Sir Gawain

Pruni · 13/03/2007 15:33

Message withdrawn

KathyMCMLXXII · 13/03/2007 15:47

Classicist here but loved doing Chaucer at A level.

Did any of you Anglo-Saxonists do the Battle of Maldon? I used to live in Maldon.

Greensleeves · 13/03/2007 15:49

I can a bit, did some with my degree (am out of practice, brain has turned to organic peach melba yoghurt)

funnypeculiar · 13/03/2007 15:51

So good to hear people slagging off Piers Ploughman ... not a conversation I have often anymore

I read Beowulf to ds - but would never ever admit to that in RL

Swizzler · 13/03/2007 18:02

I remember the Battle of Maldon - one of the first OE texts we did. Not a great choice for your first tortuous translation though, as I could never figure out who was hitting who

Swizzler · 13/03/2007 18:03

Hadn't thought about reading to DS - chance to try out my dodgy ME accent

Aloha · 13/03/2007 18:08

You can get a children's Beowulf - ds has it, bought it in a jumble sale. Might read it tonight, actually, after Stuart Little (currently my favourite literary character - so brave! so inventive! so poetic!)

My old English teacher was so old that we speculated that he'd learned it as his mother's knee. The overhead projector fell on him during one lecture. I think that was my favourite bit.

kiskidee · 13/03/2007 19:02

loved doing the Battle of Maldon. i felt all emotional reading it. very moving.

the Wanderer is also OE. Anyone else a fan of it?

Swizzler · 13/03/2007 19:41

Remember the Wanderer and the Seafarer - is the W about the exiled chap?

Fillyjonk · 13/03/2007 19:43

at A level english chaucer

and thus endeth my knowlege thank god

DrDaddy · 13/03/2007 19:57

The Seamus Heaney version is excellent in my opinion...

Marina · 13/03/2007 20:01

Pruni that sounds like a wonderful degree and I adore Bill Bailey
I'm afraid we call gloves mitaynes and pillowcases pilwe beers in this house in homage to the dirty old Pardoner's Tale. (Dh is the owner of the proper English degree though).

JackieNo · 13/03/2007 20:04

I applied to do the Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic degree at Cambridge, but wasn't accepted.

Pruni · 13/03/2007 20:11

Message withdrawn

JackieNo · 13/03/2007 20:21

Brilliant - thanks Pruni. Also had to watch him doing the Hokey Cokey in the style of Kraftwerk - also v funny.


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Marina · 13/03/2007 20:22

I think the man is a national treasure, and curiously sexy. Anyone remember the old sketch of the Civil War Reenactment Society in the pub car park?

JackieNo · 13/03/2007 20:23

Marina - yes, 'curiously sexy' - I'm with you on that one.

Pruni · 13/03/2007 20:24

Message withdrawn

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