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Can someone please explain The Masons to me

34 replies

Grammar · 30/10/2014 16:29

I always thought it was a misogynistic, dodgy 'secret society'. I still do but found out yesterday that the nearest 'Defibrillator' in a town, can invariably be found near a Masonic Lodge, as they have invested a lot of time and money into providing these things. So clearly they do some good things too.
I want to know;

  1. Why the secrecy and 'Nepotism'?
  2. What have they got to hide?
  3. What do they provide for society and how is it decided?

4.Who becomes one and why? Do you 'get invited'?
5.Is there a hierarchy?
And lastly and most importantly
6.What influence, good and bad do they it right they can retain secrecy in this climate of 'Transparency'?
I have no information on any of this and welcome any of my possibly poor preconceived ideas being challenged.
This is a genuine request for information.
OP posts:
AcrossthePond55 · 31/10/2014 21:11

All of my uncles were Masons, Dad wasn't (not into 'clubs' he said), Dad's best friend was a 32 degree Mason and a member of the Shriners. Lots of secret malarkey (imo) but they were some of the most upright men I've ever known. Did loads for charity and subscribed heavily to Shriners Hospitals, where children are treated free of charge.

As far as women, I don't feel the organization is misogynistic, just archaic in that way. One of my aunts was in the Easter Star and again, did lots of charity work.

ArgyMargy · 31/10/2014 22:00

Ok Vintage I stand corrected!

MissRueful · 02/11/2014 12:09

Can't remember where I read it, but it was regarding their charitable giving tends to be within the family, eg families of Masons. They are a brotherhood who protect each other, network for business and such. Apparently the annual costs of being a member can prohibit poorer men from belonging.

The symbology is based on Ancient Egypt. Lots of conspiracy theories around them. That in the upper echelons, they make far reaching global decisions. I don't suppose any one who is not at the top will ever know the truth. Incidentally my ex husband was one and he refused to talk about it.

Flowerfae · 02/11/2014 12:18

I'm married to one, it does seem a bit strange when you don't understand it... its not sinister though :)

BackOnlyBriefly · 02/11/2014 12:24

As has been said you are supposed to favour other masons. That means in effect that you will discriminate against non-masons.

So at best unethical/immoral and at worst (especially if you are in a position of authority) it becomes criminal.

MrsToddsShortcut · 04/11/2014 18:45

My late DF was in the Police and a Mason. I seem to remember that at the time (70's/80's) most police that we knew were members. It just seemed to be the done thing.

I never saw any strange costumes (not that I think he would have shown me - maybe they were kept at the lodge) but did stumble across some lodge paperwork, oaths and the like, once. It all seemed pretty innocuous to be honest.

Of course DB and I thought it was hilarious at the time and would spend hours gleefully making up silly handshakes to show my Dad.

JoanHickson · 06/11/2014 00:20

It's a group of mostly old guys helping each other out in business.

Riverland · 06/11/2014 00:48

Afaik, what's secret in the masons, you'll never find out, unless you get to the inner sanctum, yourself, in which case you'd be sworn

Riverland · 06/11/2014 00:49

To secrecy!

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