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Do your kids wear pants for bed?

29 replies

Northerner · 20/05/2006 19:58

We don't in our house, but neice and nephew having a sleepover and they do.

And if you do why?

Are we odd or are they?

OP posts:
Blandmum · 22/05/2006 06:34

the pants make it less likely that they will scratch their itchy bum in the night and re-infect themselves. The worms lay their egg round the anus at night and this causes the itching. Kid scratches arse, bites nails (sorry if TMI) and re-infect him/her self

geekgrrl · 22/05/2006 06:51

mb, you left out the 'touches door handles, cutlery of others when laying the table etc. and infects everybody else' bit.

Blandmum · 22/05/2006 06:53

mmmmmmmyes. Nice little thinks aren't they Grin

and also they help to trap the air bourn eggs that you will otherwise swallow. Some female thread worms dry out when they leave the rectrum, explode and send their eggs into the air! And we moan about childbirth eh? Grin

Gloworm · 22/05/2006 08:38

wahey, roll on seprember Grin

and i wish i hadnt read this while eating my breakfast [puke emoticon]

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