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Do your kids wear pants for bed?

29 replies

Northerner · 20/05/2006 19:58

We don't in our house, but neice and nephew having a sleepover and they do.

And if you do why?

Are we odd or are they?

OP posts:
Gloworm · 22/05/2006 08:38

wahey, roll on seprember Grin

and i wish i hadnt read this while eating my breakfast [puke emoticon]

Blandmum · 22/05/2006 06:53

mmmmmmmyes. Nice little thinks aren't they Grin

and also they help to trap the air bourn eggs that you will otherwise swallow. Some female thread worms dry out when they leave the rectrum, explode and send their eggs into the air! And we moan about childbirth eh? Grin

geekgrrl · 22/05/2006 06:51

mb, you left out the 'touches door handles, cutlery of others when laying the table etc. and infects everybody else' bit.

Blandmum · 22/05/2006 06:34

the pants make it less likely that they will scratch their itchy bum in the night and re-infect themselves. The worms lay their egg round the anus at night and this causes the itching. Kid scratches arse, bites nails (sorry if TMI) and re-infect him/her self

Gloworm · 21/05/2006 21:26

re: they turn up in the pants then? or why wear them? Ds starts school in sept so need as much info as possible, I like to be prepared Grin

geekgrrl · 21/05/2006 21:20

well, pre-thread worms ours never did ... ever since dd tends to wear knickers when she's wearing a nightie - just because I get paranoid and by the time we work out she's got them she's infected us all.. gag

you just wait until your ds starts school northerner and see what you think then.Grin

Bozza · 21/05/2006 21:20

We don't. I occasionally do when having a period and find that knickers and pj bottoms a bit consticting so might wear a nightie on those nights. Although having said that DH wears his boxers in summer, and pj bottoms in winter but then ditches the boxers.

DS just wears pjs. When he first came out of nappies I thought it was better that he could feel that there was nothing there IYSWIM. Also he is a very hot child and so would get a bit sweaty. The other morning he turned up in just his shorts because apparently it was too hot with a pj top on as well. DD is wearing either short pjs or a nightie but is still in nappies and a very thin grobag. So she is obviously also warm blooded.

Pernod · 21/05/2006 21:14


Blandmum · 21/05/2006 19:42

Only when they have thread worms Blush

mousiemousie · 21/05/2006 19:39

healthier not to IMO

frodofitz · 21/05/2006 19:30

dh feels weird about being naked in bed and 3.4 dss getting in with us, i didn't until today in the loo a very inquisitive dss asked where my peepee was. He has always worn pj's unless very hot and will rather him go free than all constricted in underwear in the night.
I was always made to wear underwear and pj's growing up so can't quite shake off the pj thing.

puddle · 21/05/2006 19:25

DS no. DD insists on them when she's wearing a nightie. She also insists on socks.

motherinferior · 21/05/2006 19:17


Like the divine Ms Monroe said about pants, "they gag me".

Am clearly unsuitable parent, though, because I don't mind them getting bed with us when we're naked.

NannyL · 21/05/2006 19:15

i wear knickers under PJs.... am i relaly that odd?

threebob · 21/05/2006 02:56

Oh, I didn't want to mention that I also give ds a new bed every night - but I feel okay about it now.

Tortington · 21/05/2006 02:37

not at all, my oldest and favourite son, gets a new matress eery night

threebob · 21/05/2006 02:26

Ds has a new pair of PJs every day - am I odd?

serenity · 21/05/2006 01:01

Just turn into a disorganised slob like me. I can never find a complete set of PJs - I swear DSs eat them in the night - so we really are a household of pants and T's. Me and Dh don't own any night clothes, but have had to give up nekkid sleeping because of small children getting into bed with us. DD is the only one who wears them, but only because there is only one part to a nightdress (and wears pants because I worry her bits will get cold Blush)

arfy · 21/05/2006 00:55

oh well
I guess I'll find out what I'll do when DD is out of nappies. Maybe it makes perfect sense. Can't see us managing a new pair of PJs everyday!

handlemecarefully · 21/05/2006 00:47

ds doesn't because he is still in nappies, but dd does (3.10) because I find that her pjs are less likely to smell of ammonia if she has been wearing her knicks; so I can get a couple of wears out of them (her pjs that is)

arfy · 21/05/2006 00:23

oh I was thinking the OP meant pants PLUS PJs which seems a bit odd. Maybe she didn't mean that...
pants instead of PJs fair enough. it's the idea of both that I think is odd

serenity · 21/05/2006 00:09

Mine rarely wear pjs, so tend to wear pants in bed instead. Can't see why it's unhygenic really. Surely it's worse to have bare bits in your night clothes night after night, unless you change them everyday too!? (Although that would bother me less with boys than girls tbh)


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arfy · 20/05/2006 23:53

yes I think it's rather unhygenic actually - agree your nethers need some air!

misdee · 20/05/2006 23:53

not generally. dd2 is in a nightdress tonight, and i just went in and she is lying with her bottom up mooning me lol.

nannyme · 20/05/2006 23:52

Not as a rule.

However, my daughter had worms last year and so wore knickers during the recommended 2 weeks but also beyond due to my paranoia!

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