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The reality of living in poverty in 2012 - heartbreaking (contains distressing information about the death of a child)

37 replies

Northernlurker · 21/11/2012 13:29

This story is in my local paper today. You may find it distressing. I certainly did.

In brief it features a mum who was living with her young son and baby and partner in a one bed flat in York. The flat was damp. The council knew it was damp but as the one bedroom was very crowded condensation etc was seeminly inevitable. The family were filmed by the Guardian for their poverty series. 4 weeks after filming the baby died sudenly. No cause has yet been found for her death.

I live in York. I am bitterly ashamed to live in a city where such a thing could happen. The pictures in the film remind me of those from the late 19th/early 20th century when so much pioneering work was done combating poverty. The film is heartbreaking (i'm at work so i haven't yet heard it with the sound up). Baby Telan should be happy and healthy. If she was my child the statistics say that she would probably still be happy and healthy but her parents were poor and so she's dead. I can't believe that happens in 2012.

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gaelicsheep · 21/11/2012 20:37

HoleyGhost -who says she wasn't doing that? We do. Isn't it funny how condensation is only such a problem in rented houses, where landlords can't be bothered to install working extractor fans, etc.? How convenient that it's the tenant's fault for breathing!

defuse · 21/11/2012 20:41

I feel so annoyed at people who sit passing judgments on who should and who should not have kids! Or the whole 'they had kids so they could get somewhere bigger from the government' attitude.

For goodness sake! This is a tragedy and it is not an isolated case. So many families live in these conditions, but instead of having compassion, trying to solve this issue, some people decide that they will get sickeningly 'they should have done it differently' over it all!

Do you guys always need someone totally vulnerable to blame so that you can feel good about yourselves??!

Rant over!

gaelicsheep · 21/11/2012 20:41

Also, cleaning with bleach doesn't help with the spores surely. We've had mould grow on a piece of furniture nowherenear the wall, it's appeared in the space of one day on a new patch of penetrating damp. It's surely in the air in many cases.

HoleyGhost · 21/11/2012 20:43

I know. I've lived in mouldy rented houses and hated having to deal with it.

I agree re extractor fans. Also repainting with mould resistant paint would have been sensible. Our landlords were useless.

But leaving mould unchecked was not an option. Dettox worked best.

Sarahplane · 21/11/2012 20:51

Such a sad story. Whether the damp and mould was to blame or not people should not be living like that in this day and age.

gaelicsheep · 21/11/2012 20:53

But the problem is that making that the tenant's responsibility is carte blanche for landlords to deny theirs, such as they are.

Northernlurker · 21/11/2012 21:26

I think tenants should do what they can to air the home etc. Problem is for this family they were so over-crowded that wasn't possible. There is no dettox etc that will stop the condensation in a small room occupied every night by four people. If they had known the baby was going to die I'm sure they would have tried to get out - but tbh they were already trying that. They logged the mould, they switched off the heating, they were waiting for a bigger home.

Furthermore - I bought this story to mumsnet because I am dismayed and horrified by what has happened to a baby in my own city. I have no problem at all in saying that the housing conditions contributed to that child's sudden and tragic death. I didn't bring the story here for people to point and say 'shouldn't have kids'. If you watch that film, watch that father bathing his baby, watch that mother playing with her. Watch her rolling about on that bed because there's no where else for her to play. If you can watch all that and then all you can say is 'its' a tragedy but....' then truly I have no words for you.

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BarbecuedBillygoats · 21/11/2012 21:35

Switching of the heating won't have helped
A constant low ambient temperature would be better (but expensive)

And I only know this because we live in a house with damp and mould. Our income is slightly above national average and we pay nearly half in rent so its supposedly not some crummy house
My husband is pretty ill with it. He has asthma and they've had to up his meds, which makes him vomit so he's also on anti emetics.
We can't afford to move.
If we can't get out I can see how easy it is that they were stuck

defuse · 21/11/2012 22:15

Hi northernlurker . Sorry - i wasnt having a go at you. I am glad you mentioned this story. It is important that people know how some have to live.

I remember watching some documentary on tv a while back and they showed house after house with severe damp issues - all had little children residing. All had landlords who didnt care. Something does need to be done to address this issue. Health issues associated with damp are well documented. But landlords need to be held responsible for at least attempting to tackle this issue.

gaelicsheep · 21/11/2012 22:48

I haven't said this yet, but I'm desperately sorry for this poor family, such a terrible tragedy.

As for this damp/ condensation/ventilation issue, I don't get it. If a house/flat has an inherent damp issue then airing only goes so far. Looking at that picture it went way further than condensation. The place was riddled. Either previous tenants have let it build up to the point it is inherent, or poor maintenance is at fault.

I can't believe that tenants specifically do not air their houses enough. We didn't change the way we live when we moved from our own home to a rented place. That response to the problem is simplistic and frankly a total cop out. Inadequate maintenance and works done on the cheap, if at all - that is the real problem. It needs sorting out and soon.

CreepyLittleBat · 22/11/2012 22:43

Poor little baby - if you watch the film, they're just a family like anybody else, caught in the poverty trap because their previous landlord decided to sell up and the father is epileptic and can't get work. The fungus growing in their one, overcrowded bedroom is a disgrace, and there really is a limit to what you can do with mould. My baby ended up in hospital with breathing problems when we lived in a damp house, thankfully he was ok. This film made me cry. Anyone who judges them, just remember that any one of us is only a redundancy, a bereavement, an accident or an illness away from poverty. We have a duty to help people like this.

Northernlurker · 25/11/2012 16:42

As chance would have it I was doing the intercessory prayers at church this morning so I mention Telan's family then. Have also e-mailed our MP to ask him what he will do in response to this case.

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