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How often does your nursery change your dc's nappy?

26 replies

Lostmykeys · 26/07/2007 21:35

My nursery is great in just about every way, but every so often I have to pull them up re nappy changes. Today I dropped DS (11 months) off just before 8am and his first nappy change was 12 noon! Picked him up just after 4pm and he hadn't been changes since 12! If they soil their nappies they are changed straight away. He would have been changed before 4.30 but I still think 4 hours in a wet, heavy nappy is too much. Have complained to staff and will do so again to the manager tomorrow - am I right to have a grumble at them?

OP posts:
puffylovett · 18/08/2007 11:56

hi katymac, i find that ds only smells of wee when in disposables - when he's in his prefolds and wraps, i don't smell it so have to manually check. as he's got older i check every hour or so, unless i can smell a big squitty poo

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