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How often does your nursery change your dc's nappy?

26 replies

Lostmykeys · 26/07/2007 21:35

My nursery is great in just about every way, but every so often I have to pull them up re nappy changes. Today I dropped DS (11 months) off just before 8am and his first nappy change was 12 noon! Picked him up just after 4pm and he hadn't been changes since 12! If they soil their nappies they are changed straight away. He would have been changed before 4.30 but I still think 4 hours in a wet, heavy nappy is too much. Have complained to staff and will do so again to the manager tomorrow - am I right to have a grumble at them?

OP posts:
puffylovett · 18/08/2007 11:56

hi katymac, i find that ds only smells of wee when in disposables - when he's in his prefolds and wraps, i don't smell it so have to manually check. as he's got older i check every hour or so, unless i can smell a big squitty poo

MightyMoosh · 18/08/2007 11:40

our policy was different to a regular nursery as we took children every hour, not drop in, pre-booked but a policy of changing or even sleeping at set times was just unworkable as child a was here longer than b, c is due at changing time etc. Katymac ive read your profile and assume you're doing this for mindees- the best advice I can offer is- use word or whatever to set up a page with charts, one for nappies/toilets, one for sleep and if room one for food/milk. leave date blank then you can photocopy loads, have a folder all your staff need to do is make quick notes and initial each thing eg on the nappy one have 9am, 10am as headings then an initial with w means changed wet, s soiled or just initials means checked not changed. Does that make sense? all of my experience is with making life easier as we had up to 30 in the under threes room, arrivals and leavers every hour and most were strangers.

Katymac · 16/08/2007 21:20

Mightymoosh - did that work OK - that is the sort of policy I am aim ing towards - but hopefully with real nappies not disposable

I am assuming that if the real nappy smells of wee it needs changing - not quite sure how that works btw - it's been a long time since dd was in real nappies

QueenofBleach · 16/08/2007 21:20

after snack time so about 10.30 and after lunch so about 1230.

oregonianabroad · 16/08/2007 21:19

I changed nursery because of something similar. It kept nagging at me that if they couldn't wipe his arese when I wasn;t there, what else weren't they doing? I think it is just basic, isn't it?

DynamicNanny · 16/08/2007 21:14

I work in a 1-2 room, and we change the nappies at 9, 1130, 215 and then again at 4.30 - the children are also changed as and when

MightyMoosh · 11/08/2007 15:24

The nursery I worked at had a policy of checking every nappy and asking every potty or loo changed child every hour, and noting down wether they were changed or not. Can be difficult, we had up to 30 in the under threes room, but we got it done. And we had a policy of changing every nappy 10 mins before pick-up, unless they were only in for a hour or changed in the last hour, so all babies smelling sweet for parents! Some parents didnt provide enough nappies though, made it difficult.

1dilemma · 11/08/2007 02:37

Far far too often!
Isn't it true 1 cup of crude oil is needed for each nappy?
When needed is enough
Wouldn't expect that to be 3 hourly most days sometimes might 'need' doing far more than that but then would prob be sent home

mummynumnum · 27/07/2007 19:32

Think they check at least four times a day and of course if obvbiously messy.

nzshar · 26/07/2007 22:27

when working in nursery as a senior nursery nurse in the under 2s I usually put this kind of routine in place if not already there for nappy changes
10am which was usually after free play but before set activities
12 30pm after lunch before sleeps
3 30pm after set activities and before tea
5 30pm check and change if needed before home
I dont think 3/4 nappy changes is excessive but still had parents complaining that we were going through too many!

Bubble99 · 26/07/2007 22:04

And I'm a nursery owner. And we provide the nappies.

Bubble99 · 26/07/2007 22:03

Children's skin can go from being OK to red and sore very quickly. I don't think it's unreasonable to expect your child to be clean and dry at all times if you are paying people to look after him.

sweeties · 26/07/2007 21:58

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Lostmykeys · 26/07/2007 21:56

I'm just an old fuss pot and hate soggy nappies.... your right about them staying in nappies for several hours, no harm really done.

OP posts:
Bubble99 · 26/07/2007 21:54

12 hours running around in a nappy would cause irritation and probably nappy rash.

12 hours asleep wouldn't, though.

JARM · 26/07/2007 21:52

tbh, if a child can go 12hrs at night in the same nappy, 4hrs is hardly abuse imo.

obviously dirty ones inbetween if necessary.

i will admit DD2's nappy didnt get changed for 6hrs today.... and that was us looking after her

Lostmykeys · 26/07/2007 21:49

Thank you for your own experiences, didn't realise how different each nursery would be. Will monitor and grumble again if it continues.

OP posts:
Bubble99 · 26/07/2007 21:43

At our nursery children are routinely checked and changed three hourly (unless they have obviously pooed, in which case it's any time, obv.) They are also changed before they leave.

sweeties · 26/07/2007 21:43

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Pannacotta · 26/07/2007 21:41

Think it is too long between changes, esp at his age (think that might be ok with an older child). Would have thought a mid morning and afternoon change are necessary.

fondant4000 · 26/07/2007 21:40

I often stretch to 5 hours if no poos with no ill effects, so wouldn't be bothered Guess it might depend on the type of nappy?....

Lostmykeys · 26/07/2007 21:39

Yes, so I asked them to change him, pointing out that it had been some time since his last change.

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Monkeybar · 26/07/2007 21:38

Mine changes nappies 3 times a day and also chanegs them inbetween if needed. sweeties - my nursery writes down times of nappy changes and put if they were dry, wet or soiled

Bubble99 · 26/07/2007 21:38

Was his nappy heavy and wet when you picked him up?

Lostmykeys · 26/07/2007 21:37

They record it all on a diary sheet and report to you when they pick you up. There is nothing to stop them from fibbing as I have grumbled a couple of times before.

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