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Would you like to test Stikins stick on name labels? Sign up here - £300 voucher to be won for feedback - NOW CLOSED

84 replies

JustineBMumsnet · 19/09/2019 11:26

Recruitment has now closed

Stikins would like us to find 150 Mumsnet users to test their stick on name labels.

Here’s what Stikins has to say: “Stikins name labels simply stick on and stay on; providing busy families with a name labelling solution that lets them save time and money by providing them with one pack of stick on name labels that can get all of their children’s school uniform and kit labelled safely and securely in seconds.
A leading UK supplier of name labels, Stikins have been selling name labels since 2004 and currently have millions of labels in use across the UK.”

If selected to take part, you’ll be given a 100% off discount code for a pack of 90 name labels. You’ll then need to order the pack on the Stikins website and test the labels by adding them to your children’s clothing and kit and then washing labelled items. We’ll then ask you to give your feedback on a thread on Mumsnet as well as completing a short survey.

All selected testers who give their feedback will be entered into a prize draw where one MNer will win a £300 voucher for the store of their choice (from a list).

If you’re interested in taking part, please click here to sign up.

Thanks and good luck!


Insight Terms and Conditions apply

Would you like to test Stikins stick on name labels? Sign up here - £300 voucher to be won for feedback - NOW CLOSED
Would you like to test Stikins stick on name labels? Sign up here - £300 voucher to be won for feedback - NOW CLOSED
OP posts:
Pandamodium · 22/09/2019 09:15

Interested 3 DC at school/nursery not enough hours in the day lol.

namechangedyetagain · 22/09/2019 12:15


twinmum85 · 22/09/2019 13:32

Signed up

onitlikeacarbonnet · 22/09/2019 15:37

I’m really to be proved wrong that sticky labels stay stuck beyond a couple of washes.

Flanjango · 22/09/2019 16:02

Not got a child in the age but interested to know if there's any that could be applied directly to the clothes rather than the label. Having two with sensory issues many labels have to be removed making naming clothing a nightmare.

Tasha042 · 22/09/2019 16:33

Hope I get chosen to test these labels. My daughter has lost her new school jumper already. She's only had it a week! 🤦‍♀️

lolly2010 · 22/09/2019 16:40

Fingers crossed

usernamexox · 22/09/2019 18:52

Signed up 🤞

mamastired · 23/09/2019 10:04

Fingers crossed! I feel like this would be such a time saver

mummydutson3 · 23/09/2019 10:14

This would be amazing with two children at school who keep losing uniform this would help massively.

PrimalLass · 23/09/2019 10:37

Yes please :-)

lovemenorca · 23/09/2019 11:57

Finally a promotion that genuinely appeals to me?

tigerbear · 23/09/2019 12:17

Done. None of my DD’s stuff has names on, so fingers crossed!

Longtalljosie · 23/09/2019 13:54

I’ve been using these for years and they're fantastic. They eventually fade on water bottles but only after a year or so. @Flanjango yes you absolutely can stick them direct to the clothes.

TheTurn0fTheScrew · 23/09/2019 16:14

I'd really like to test these. As a non-sewer, my current labelling system involves marker pen every few washes (or nail polish on black PE kit) and it would be great to try something a bit smarter looking.

tmh88 · 23/09/2019 16:19

I have these, love them because they don’t come off just a pain when they don’t come off and the name wares off.

PhilomenaButterfly · 24/09/2019 12:24

Done! Grin

star1000 · 24/09/2019 14:30

These look so easy to use, I've been sewing labels on and it is so time consuming!!

minipie · 25/09/2019 21:46

I use these, they are great, only the dishwasher has faded them (and only after a while). And when handing down uniform you can just stick the younger child label over the older child label!

@Flanjango you can stick them on cloth as long as it’s smooth cloth if that makes sense - they don’t really work on a ribbed material and suspect fleecey material wouldn’t work too well either. Pick an area that doesn’t get stretched much .

Flanjango · 25/09/2019 23:10

Thanks for the info @minipie and @Longtalljosie. Sadly right now my very sensory lad isn't attending school, let's hope that changes and I have need to them 🙄

coastergirl · 26/09/2019 15:44

I've got these. They are great so far...except my little boy thinks they shouldn't be there and determinedly peels them off and sticks them all over the house! I don't think that would be an issue for most though.

Soubriquet · 26/09/2019 15:48

Yes please!

The company I’ve used for 3 years has let me down this year Angry


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stupidboyman · 27/09/2019 10:53

Oh my gosh, yes please. With 4 children I am constantly losing something and all the labels end up strewn around the house

ThenBellaDidSomethingVeryKind · 27/09/2019 16:28

Me please!

RaymondJohnson · 27/09/2019 20:36

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