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Webchat with Sandi Toksvig, co-founder of the Women's Equality Party, FRIDAY 10 July, 1pm

102 replies

BojanaMumsnet · 08/07/2015 15:53

We’re pleased to announce that Sandi Toksvig will be joining us for a webchat this Friday 10 July at 1pm.

Sandi Toksvig OBE co-founded Women's Equality Party with Catherine Mayer in 2015. The aim of the Women’s Equality Party is to unite people of all ages, backgrounds, ethnicities, beliefs and experiences in the shared determination to see women to enjoy the same rights and opportunities as men so that everyone can flourish.

Sandi has been hosting British television and radio programmes for the last 35 years. She conceived the Playhouse Presents series on Sky Arts, is the current host of Channel 4’s 15-1 and is well known on Radio 4 particularly as former host of the News Quiz.

Please do join us on the day here for a live discussion from 1pm on Friday but if you can’t make it, leave your question for Sandi on this thread. As ever, please remember our webchat guidelines.


Webchat with Sandi Toksvig, co-founder of the Women's Equality Party, FRIDAY 10 July, 1pm
AmnesiaSocks · 10/07/2015 13:04

Hello Sandi, really miss you on the NQ already! Can you let us know a little bit about your new novel please?

Whatthefucknameisntalreadytake · 10/07/2015 13:06

And obviously we need to know what kind of biscuits are currently being consumed?

SandiToksvig · 10/07/2015 13:06


Hello and welcome to Mumsnet, Sandi. You are one of my favourite comedians of all time - I love your dry wit and am devastated that you won't be hosting the News Quiz any longer.

I loved your appearances on Have I Got News for You - can I ask what it was like to appear on the show, and what it is like to work with the other people on the show?

You are very kind. I haven't done Have I Got News for You for some time due to my appearances on the radio Newsquiz. Other comedians are always fun to work with. It's a bit like playing tennis with someone of the same standard I guess (and have to imagine.) The most fun is when you think you've hit a winner and the other side hit the ball right back.
Experts' posts:
reynoldsnumber · 10/07/2015 13:09

How and when can I join? I'd like to be a part of this movement.

I work in a restively benign environment but still men dominate senior positions, and set the tone for the organisation.

No political idea has excited me this much for ages.

SDTGisAnEvilWolefGenius · 10/07/2015 13:10

Thank you Sandi!

marthamydear · 10/07/2015 13:12

Hello Sandi,

I have become a member of Women's Equality Party and I am pleased to be part of a new exciting movement.

Best of luck and I am looking forward to seeing how this progresses.

You look amazing btw x

SandiToksvig · 10/07/2015 13:12


If you could poach any politicians from the other major parties who would you want on your team?

We are a non-partisan party so we are happy to take positive people from all sides. The point is for everyone to join the conversation and stop shouting from opposing sides. I don't believe anyone who goes into politics wants to send this wonderful country to hell in a hand cart. We all have something we could contribute if we would spend more time listening out for the commonalities rather than the differences. I can't say I would turn anyone away who wants to be constructive and find a way forward on our key aims which are -
  1. Pushing for equal representation in politics, business, industry and throughout working life.
  2. Pressing for equal pay and an equal opportunity to thrive.
  3. Campaigning for equal parenting and care giving and shared responsibilities at home to give everyone equal opportunities both in family life and in the workplace.
  4. Urging an education system that creates opportunity for all children and an understanding of why this matters.
  5. Striving for equal treatment by and in the media.
  6. Seeking an end to violence against women.

Anyone who signs up to helping with these core objectives is welcome on board.
Experts' posts:
hedgehog7 · 10/07/2015 13:13

hi sandy , as a stay at home dad i understand the frustrations of wives/mothers maybe a little better, but equality is a huge word and has many areas ...where is your focus for equality?

SandiToksvig · 10/07/2015 13:14


With the name The Woman's Equality party why would people of all ages, backgrounds, ethnicities, beliefs and experiences think your the party for them? Do you worry about appearing as a niche party with specific interests?

Hello Holowiwi, I can see that you and several others have asked about the party name. There was a debate right at the beginning of WE about whether we should just be called The Equality Party. We are proud to focus on women’s equality - for goodness’ sake, it’s 2015 and we are still nowhere near equality on so many measures – but we also understand very clearly that not all women are equal or indeed all people and that many people suffer double or triple inequalities. I personally believe that achieving gender equality will open the door to progress towards other kinds of equality.
Our party is focused on equality for women and men in our society – that’s ALL women and ALL men – so that everyone can thrive.
Experts' posts:
SandiToksvig · 10/07/2015 13:14


Dear Sandi,
Thank goodness you got a proper Mumsnet hair cut. It was well overdue. Who persuaded you?

What on earth is a mumsnet haircut? I'm in a room full of fabulous mumsnet folk and there is not a standard look in the place.
Experts' posts:
Hollycam · 10/07/2015 13:15

Hello Sandi,

lovely to see you here (all the more so as I have a HUGE funding application deadline). I'm part of the Bath Branch WEP, hello :)

I know that Stella has written beautifully about Why the Women's Equality Party, and not The Equality Party, but as this us a conversation that I keep having to have, I wonder if you have a beautifully succinct way of encapsulating why women, while still making sure than men feel that it is a party for them too?

Thank you,


TalksVig · 10/07/2015 13:16

(I'm late, I'm late- hopefully this hasn't been asked already as I don;t want to waste my question)

What's the WEP's stance on prostitution is it simply another "job" or will you strive to protect women working in prostitution with the Nordic model and help them out of prostitution

SandiToksvig · 10/07/2015 13:16


Hi Sandy,
I am lucky enough to be a stay at home dad to 2 girls of 4 and 22 months . I have written some poetry for them both during their early years and have been told its good, Is there any advice on how i can share/publish or get an opinion on these ? HEDGEHOG WITH AN ANSWERPHONE

I?m a hedgehog with an answerphone
I record the important things that matter
Please get to the point dear caller
Be concise leave your message don?t chatter

I find life can be so demanding
You are all in such a hurry
What?s not done today gets done tomorrow
Time should we no reason to worry

I venture out across the plains
On a journey with no start or end time
I observe and enjoy without clockwatching
I just know when it?s dark it?s bedtime

I will listen to your message
And take heed of what you say
But dear friend nothing is really urgent
So I just take life day by day

Are you picking up my vibe
Do you see from where I?m comming
Rushing around opens up no advantage
Walking is far more beneficial than running

Take in your surroundings
Appreciate mother earth
Exhale your daily stress
Enjoy life for what it?s worth

Hine sight is a word that should not exist
Regret an emotion we should never feel
For now is the only time we live in
Yesterday is gone and tomorrow can never be real

So think carefully what message to leave
And doesn?t really need to be left
For you have now just lost these few minutes
You?re a victim of wasted time theft

There is no need to prioritise
We do not need to make lists
Don?t be guilty of over analysing
Life is life it just exists

So if there?s one thing I impart on you
It?s the need to open your mind
You only need to look properly
To discover what you need to find

I?m a hedgehog with an answerphone
Do you understand the message you have heard
It?s my outlook on life that is important
And not the hedgehog answerphone concept cos that?s absurd

As reality is only what we perceive
We must explore our imagination the best we can
Beep Beep my message tape is full
So I leave you to become a more contented woman or man

That is the finest hedgehog poem of the day. I have no idea how to help, I'm afraid. Sorry. All I can say is to keep writing and send your work to publishers who are in the poetry line. It's not my area of expertise but jolly good luck.
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Whatthefucknameisntalreadytake · 10/07/2015 13:17

Thanks Sandi.
I have so many more questions, but will try to shut myself up now otherwise I am in danger of coming across like an overexcited toddler in a sticker shop. But suffice to say I am thrilled with what you and the WEP are doing and will be signing up to do my bit.
Good luck!

SandiToksvig · 10/07/2015 13:18


Welcome to MN Sandi (another fawning fan here).

I love the idea of the WE party and its aims. However, I have doubts how successful it can be within the current FPTP system, as sadly I think the likelihood of getting any MPs elected would be slim - what with half the electorate being male and all that (albeit with some sympathetic to the cause). And sadly, good proportion of women voters don't identify with feminism (MN seems to have a weekly debate on this).

Also, in the event of a general election, many people would struggle to vote for a single-issue party as this would effectively mean they had no input on other key policy areas.

I realise that there are bigger, fundamental issues at stake regarding the structure and attitudes of our society and political institutions, but I wonder if you could explain how the WEP will be able to persuade sympathetic voters that their vote is any more than a wasted protest vote.

Thanks in advance.

Hello DoItTooJulia and MardyBra – to your questions about working with mainstream parties within the current system: I don’t want to stand for a mainstream party. I want the mainstream parties to start thinking differently. We set up WE because we noticed that the fastest way to get the mainstream parties to prioritise something is to look like an electoral threat. You’ve seen it in the way environmental concerns went mainstream and more recently immigration was suddenly a huge topic because of the apparent threat from UKIP. We decided that by setting up a political party exclusively focused on gender equality we’d get the mainstream finally to take action. That way we win by winning seats and we win just by existing.
Experts' posts:
Miabasel123 · 10/07/2015 13:19

Hi Sandi
I joined the party this week, fantastic idea.
I'd be really interested to understand a little more about how the party will try to address inequality in the workplace. I'm not just talking salaries and promotions but also tackling the all boys club culture that can make working environments sometimes difficult. I work in financial services but I'm sure it happens elsewhere also.

TalksVig · 10/07/2015 13:21

Also what steps will you take to make sure that the WEP represents women of colour and those who aren't middle class and British by birth?

(Oh and also I think you are brilliant- forgot to mention that on last post!)

Backforthis · 10/07/2015 13:21

Do you think shared parental leave in Nordic countries* has altered the perception of childcare as mainly a women's issue?

  • Sorry to make you official spokesperson
flatbellyfella · 10/07/2015 13:21

Hi Sandi if you are not already a Mumsnet member , will you now become one of our wise women?

SandiToksvig · 10/07/2015 13:21


Hi Sandi

Thanks for doing this webchat. What do you think about the EU, has it been good for women in the UK? What could the EU do better?

There are a few issues which are not covered by the WE objectives and the EU is one so this is personal - I am a huge fan of belonging to Europe because it is always better to be at the table for talks than excluded. Belonging to Europe has kept peace since WW2 and will continue to do so if we continue talking. I am very interested in the feminist initiative parties which have begun in Scandinavia and which are already having a political impact. I suspect WE could become the first truly global party because the objectives we wish to secure for Britain apply to all women.
Experts' posts:
SandiToksvig · 10/07/2015 13:22


And obviously we need to know what kind of biscuits are currently being consumed?

Chocolate digestive which rather pleasingly linger in your teeth for some while
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Whatthefucknameisntalreadytake · 10/07/2015 13:25

Nice choice. Classic, but never dull.


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SandiToksvig · 10/07/2015 13:28


I'd like to know, will the WEP be working for all women or just left or right wing ones? I love the idea but I'm concerned that this may just be the 2009 lib dems with more vaginas Hmm

All I can think of now is Nick Clegg with a vagina. I'm not sure why you think we would only work with the extremes of the political spectrum. The point is that all the main political parties have paid lip service to the idea of equality but never actually made it either a priority or a reality. How is it possible that 45 years after the Equal Pay act women still receive less money for the same work than men? The progress toward equality has been glacial. I think if the suffragettes returned they would be ashamed at our inactivity in getting the job done. Now WE are calling on everyone - women and men - to finally bring equality to our society so that we can all flourish. Just to repeat - we are strictly non-partisan. We welcome people from all parties to roll their sleeves up and help get the job done.
Experts' posts:
fiddlybulb · 10/07/2015 13:29

Oh Sandi, please say you've got plans to work with Susan calman again?

And thank you (fervently) for hosting a show that regularly was truly dominated by women's voices. I remember Rebecca front getting genuinely passionate about the misogynistic bullying of Julia Gillard; it felt like a really serious, important moment in British radio.

What's your favourite moment from the News Quiz over the years?

GlassOfPort · 10/07/2015 13:30

Hi Sandi

You say you don't want to be partisan, but your policies are certainly more likely to attract a Labour voter than say a UKIP supporter.

Don't you worry that in a FPTP system voting for you will actually damage mainstream left, centre-left parties (labour, green libdems) and end up favouring those who bemoan obstentatious breastfeeding and design benefit cuts that are disproportionately hitting women?

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