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Webchat with Sandi Toksvig, co-founder of the Women's Equality Party, FRIDAY 10 July, 1pm

102 replies

BojanaMumsnet · 08/07/2015 15:53

We’re pleased to announce that Sandi Toksvig will be joining us for a webchat this Friday 10 July at 1pm.

Sandi Toksvig OBE co-founded Women's Equality Party with Catherine Mayer in 2015. The aim of the Women’s Equality Party is to unite people of all ages, backgrounds, ethnicities, beliefs and experiences in the shared determination to see women to enjoy the same rights and opportunities as men so that everyone can flourish.

Sandi has been hosting British television and radio programmes for the last 35 years. She conceived the Playhouse Presents series on Sky Arts, is the current host of Channel 4’s 15-1 and is well known on Radio 4 particularly as former host of the News Quiz.

Please do join us on the day here for a live discussion from 1pm on Friday but if you can’t make it, leave your question for Sandi on this thread. As ever, please remember our webchat guidelines.


Webchat with Sandi Toksvig, co-founder of the Women's Equality Party, FRIDAY 10 July, 1pm
SunsetDreamer · 10/07/2015 09:34

I have to say, the name puts me off. I really don't know why. It seems as thought (to borrow the term) it will remain a small 'niche' party.

I agree that half the population is female, but I don't go around making decisions day to day from the position of being 'female'. I'm 'me', which is many things - female being just one of them.

And as this thread has shown, we are spending too much time focussing on the name, when we should be dong what some posters have done, which is to discuss policy...

Anyway, good luck with this. I hope everything works out for you.

JeanBillie · 10/07/2015 09:54

Hi Sandi,

Am I the only person who immediately thinks of No 73 when I see you? Smile

My question is all about me, really. How will it work? I'm late thirties, work part-time, have two children. Oh and I'm from a 'niche' group according to SunsetDreamer Shock... I am a woman. Oh and I'm mixed race and British - not how I'd usually identify myself but perhaps part of the debate.

What will the Women's Equality Party do for me?


GobblersKnob · 10/07/2015 10:24

Hi Sandi,

This is a totally unconnected, but I came to see you on tour three years ago and was very moved by the way you talked of the inspiration that your grandfather had been on yourself in terms of 'seizing life' and also you leading us to conduct 'Ode to Joy' Wink

I used both of these things to get me though a very difficult (for me) interview to do a Performing Arts degree two days later which I have just graduated from with a First Class Hons.

I always wanted to thank you and now here is an opportunity, so thank you very much Smile

Holowiwi · 10/07/2015 10:47

I said niche for a reason too often when someone wants to improve society for women what really happens is that the needs of white middle class women take precedent. So whilst women make up 50% of the population will this party actually cater to the full 50%? So I want to know what it is they will do for working class women, women of different ethnic backgrounds, disabled women etc.

eloethan · 10/07/2015 10:48

I really enjoyed your hosting of the News Quiz.

Women certainly need someone to push forward the sadly lagging equality agenda and I'm sure many of them, including myself, were pleased to see someone willing to have a go at shaking up the present male-dominated political system.

I wondered, though, how you see the party in terms of its position on the left/right spectrum or if your vision of the party is to focus almost entirely on issues that are of particular importance to women, such as equal pay, more representation at higher levels of business and public service, etc.? Even on those issues, the "left" and the "right" tend to have quite different opinions as to what actions should be taken.

PandaPandaPanda · 10/07/2015 10:56

Hi Sandi,

I am all for a feminist party being involved in politics but I'm another one questioning the name - not just because I think it will limit your appeal but also because it makes me concerned about the focus will be.

As a feminist, I am as concerned about my son growing up in this country as I am about my daughter. I am as worried about his choices being restricted as I am about hers being. I feel passionately that my husband should be able to take long periods of leave, or go down to part time hours, to spend time with our young children, without it affecting his career. I know some companies do not treat mothers well when they do this, but plenty do, but even companies who are good to mothers are not always good to fathers.

How much focus will you be giving to these issues? If you feel as strongly as I do, why would you choose a name that focuses on women?

MyCatIsBatman11 · 10/07/2015 10:58

Hi Sandi - first of all can I say that it's always such a pleasure to see you on TV or hear you on the radio, because you ALWAYS have witty and interesting takes on whatever is being discussed. You are just unflappable - which, as someone who is in a more or less constant state of flap, is the highest compliment I can give.

I agree with and support all of WEP's objectives. However I feel like everywhere in politics the language has to be so vague and all-encompassing that you end up having no concrete idea of what specifically can be done. Verbs like "foster", "strive for", "push for" etc.

Can you tell us one specific WEP goal, and how it can "physically" be achieved? What specific action we can take? I want to help!


hedgehog7 · 10/07/2015 11:03

Hi Sandy,
I am lucky enough to be a stay at home dad to 2 girls of 4 and 22 months . I have written some poetry for them both during their early years and have been told its good, Is there any advice on how i can share/publish or get an opinion on these ? HEDGEHOG WITH AN ANSWERPHONE

I’m a hedgehog with an answerphone
I record the important things that matter
Please get to the point dear caller
Be concise leave your message don’t chatter

I find life can be so demanding
You are all in such a hurry
What’s not done today gets done tomorrow
Time should we no reason to worry

I venture out across the plains
On a journey with no start or end time
I observe and enjoy without clockwatching
I just know when it’s dark it’s bedtime

I will listen to your message
And take heed of what you say
But dear friend nothing is really urgent
So I just take life day by day

Are you picking up my vibe
Do you see from where I’m comming
Rushing around opens up no advantage
Walking is far more beneficial than running

Take in your surroundings
Appreciate mother earth
Exhale your daily stress
Enjoy life for what it’s worth

Hine sight is a word that should not exist
Regret an emotion we should never feel
For now is the only time we live in
Yesterday is gone and tomorrow can never be real

So think carefully what message to leave
And doesn’t really need to be left
For you have now just lost these few minutes
You’re a victim of wasted time theft

There is no need to prioritise
We do not need to make lists
Don’t be guilty of over analysing
Life is life it just exists

So if there’s one thing I impart on you
It’s the need to open your mind
You only need to look properly
To discover what you need to find

I’m a hedgehog with an answerphone
Do you understand the message you have heard
It’s my outlook on life that is important
And not the hedgehog answerphone concept cos that’s absurd

As reality is only what we perceive
We must explore our imagination the best we can
Beep Beep my message tape is full
So I leave you to become a more contented woman or man

HapShawl · 10/07/2015 12:07

"too often when someone wants to improve society for women what really happens is that the needs of white middle class women take precedent. So whilst women make up 50% of the population will this party actually cater to the full 50%? So I want to know what it is they will do for working class women, women of different ethnic backgrounds, disabled women etc"

totally agree wtih you there

Backforthis · 10/07/2015 12:08

Does anyone still wonder why we need a Women's Equality Party? Hmm

AhSureIMightAsWell · 10/07/2015 12:13

Confused @ the poem

Hi Sandi [waves]

I was wondering (as an Irish Mumsnetter] what you made of the referendum method for deciding on same sex marriage? Do you think asking the population to vote on an issue which would probably not have impacted much on a sizable number of the electorate is a fair way of doing things?

Still, it all worked out well anyway!

Myturnnow4 · 10/07/2015 12:17

Sandi I think that this is a great idea, long overdue and the name is perfect. My questions have already been asked, how can we find out more and what can we do to support?

Myturnnow4 · 10/07/2015 12:19

Sorry, I hope I will be forgiven another question. Hopefully we'll hear a lot about the aims of the party. Have there been any decisions on what the party won't be doing/aiming for?

caramelshortbreadnowplease · 10/07/2015 12:39

Hi Sandi

Thanks for doing this webchat. What do you think about the EU, has it been good for women in the UK? What could the EU do better?

SunsetDreamer · 10/07/2015 12:42

^We need EQUALITY for EVERYBODY, not just for women Smile

Backforthis · 10/07/2015 12:47

I didn't realise you were a communist Smile

SandiToksvig · 10/07/2015 12:47


Experts' posts:
marchart · 10/07/2015 12:59

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Foxypaws70 · 10/07/2015 13:00

Hi Sandi

What would you say to the criticism that the WEP might further fragment the opposition vote and make it easier (under current electoral system) for the Tories to stay in power (forever?). Do you think it might only be voters for ‘progressive’ parties who will switch their support to you or do you hope to have any support among Conservatives? (The Conservative Woman blog isn't a fan and says of you: ‘their equality for men would mean pussy-whipped lap dogs tethered to their feminist cause’ ....)

Thanks! x

AmnesiaSocks · 10/07/2015 13:01

Newbie here, apologies but how do I join the web chat?
Many thanks.

SandiToksvig · 10/07/2015 13:01

here I am eating biscuits and ready to answer what you throw at me. (I hope).

Experts' posts:
Whatthefucknameisntalreadytake · 10/07/2015 13:02

Hello Sandi! Welcome to mumsnet :)


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SandiToksvig · 10/07/2015 13:02


Hello, Sandi

I was delighted to hear about #WE and hope it's a roaring success. I'd like to know what I can do to support the party, please.

Also, I think you've said you're not going to lead the party - why don't you want to and who will be leading it?

Hello Hunkermunker
First of all - my sister is lovely so thank you for that.
Re WE - we are now open for membership and would love it if you signed up. It turns out that starting a new political party is way more expensive and complex than any of us realised so all help - financial, practical and moral - is gratefully received. I am not going to be the leader because well, I don’t think I am really suited to such a role. I still have loads of TV and radio work to do, a novel being published etc and I just couldn’t do the job full time which is what is needed. The steering committee have selected someone wonderful who will be revealed very soon. She is a fab woman who is going to be amazing. She will stay in post until we can sort out the democratic process for the leader to be elected by the membership. I will be the official MC for the party which will make us the only political party in the world who thought anyone needed such a position.
Experts' posts:
SDTGisAnEvilWolefGenius · 10/07/2015 13:02

Hello and welcome to Mumsnet, Sandi. You are one of my favourite comedians of all time - I love your dry wit and am devastated that you won't be hosting the News Quiz any longer.

I loved your appearances on Have I Got News for You - can I ask what it was like to appear on the show, and what it is like to work with the other people on the show?

Whatthefucknameisntalreadytake · 10/07/2015 13:04

If you could poach any politicians from the other major parties who would you want on your team?

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