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Could anyone help me out on Friday morning? (need witnesses for my wedding!)

111 replies

oliviaaah · 26/10/2011 21:43

I'm getting married in the local registry office on Friday. I wondered if anyone would be free to be a witness? 11am in West London...

OP posts:
TimeForCake · 27/10/2011 16:16

Ahhh congratulations! Wrong side of London unfortunately and have a little one full of cold, not at all what you need! Can vouch for that LooseHooker one though! Grin She really is practising her crochet and all in a very good cause!

CuppaTeaAndAJammieDodger · 27/10/2011 16:18

I work in west London so could possibly pop over :)

afishcalledmummy · 27/10/2011 16:20

I'm in SW London but would happily pop over to Ealing to help if you need it, I have no plans at all on Friday!

malovitt · 27/10/2011 16:21

I'm supposed to be going to Westfield in Shepherds's Bush tomorrow morning so could make a slight detour... I hate dressing up though - what's your dress code? Smile

ratspeaker · 27/10/2011 16:31

Good luck
I'm in Scotland so can't help
Though years ago when registering DD2s birth the registrar asked if we would witness the marriage of a couple who had "eloped"

oliviaaah · 27/10/2011 20:19

Hi everyone. Back from a damp day at Kew Gardens. I'm so heartened that you lovely people are happy to do this for a stranger. I'm not sure how to go forward now with so many kind offers! Malovitt there is absolutely no dress code. We won't be dressing up at all. DP is one of those men who wear their one pair of trousers 'til they fall apart and only then will he get another pair - preferably exactly the same as before. We will just be us three: DP, DS (age 7) and me. Thats how we want it and thats how its going to be.

OP posts:
purplewerepidj · 27/10/2011 21:35

Yay, Pistey's on for it (I fb'd her the thread knowing she's in the right area and works part time!)

Please tell me you're all going to Gregg's for lunch afterwards?!

Congratulations, btw Thanks

RatherBeKnownAsALooseHooker · 27/10/2011 21:36

Pidj - I'm really excited!!
Bless you for sending me the link!

purplewerepidj · 27/10/2011 21:49

I'm just Envy I can't come Grin

oliviaaah · 27/10/2011 21:55

Hi Pidj. Thanks for your input! And HUGE THANKS to ratherbe and, (I hope) fishcalledmummy. I've given them a description, so I hope we all find each other in the foyer tomorrow.

OP posts:
ajandjjmum · 27/10/2011 22:01

Have a wonderful day. Smile

ColdSancerre · 27/10/2011 22:03

Fabulous, have a great day!

beatenbyayellowzombie · 27/10/2011 22:03

Congratulations! Have a fabulous day!

purplewerepidj · 27/10/2011 22:07


Oliviaaaah, we're having a little rowlet on FB about what to get you as a present. Torn between Boden vouchers and a crate of fruitshoot. You Have Been Warned Wink

I'm also trying to talk Pistey into spending the night crocheting a hat out of plastic bags because she doesn't own a proper Big Wedding Hat evil friend

RatherBeKnownAsALooseHooker · 27/10/2011 22:26

You will probably thank me if I DON'T make the hat!!

Fortunately Pidj lives too far away.

oliviaaah · 27/10/2011 22:36

Thanks ajandjj for asking your DD. Good luck for her househunting. I'm going to retire now for my beauty sleep and see if I can wake up three stone lighter...

OP posts:
531800000008 · 27/10/2011 22:36

good luck tomorrow and oooh a wedding thread

Blondeshavemorefun · 27/10/2011 23:03

good luck for tomorrow

and veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery dodgy having a hooker at your wedding Grin

pisty try and catch the Thanks

shes ok really - had her at my house sat night ..........................

TimeForCake · 27/10/2011 23:08

How exciting! Please update us tomorrow!

Have a wonderful day.

RatherBeKnownAsALooseHooker · 27/10/2011 23:11

Right I am changing my name back, she can't have a hooker at the wedding!
Hang on....

NellVarnish · 27/10/2011 23:11

Oliviaaah have a fabulous day, congratulations!

You'll be in good hands with the LooseHooker there - I expect she'll be wearing purple nail varnish and will have crocheted a dress ready to wear. Grin

RatherBeOnThePiste · 27/10/2011 23:13

I think we will all agree that is better suited for a wedding?!

Gets crochet hook out...
I do have purple toe nails Nelly, they'll just be in my boots!


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NellVarnish · 27/10/2011 23:14

Pistey cross posts! LooseHooker To The Rescue! You and your porn star names. Poor Oliviaaah.

NellVarnish · 27/10/2011 23:18

Oliviaaah, if you sneak on to have a read in the middle of the night cos you can't sleep, this is Pistey, your bridesmaid. Grin

Have a great day! I hope the sun shines for you and all your dreams come true.

RatherBeOnThePiste · 27/10/2011 23:21

That is what I'm wearing too, how did you know?!

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