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Seeking reassurance - expecting twins! (7 weeks)

67 replies

CC81 · 23/11/2020 17:18

Hi everyone. I'm freaking out! Any advice would be much appreciated.

I had an early scan today (7 weeks) and there were TWO in there. I really wasn't expecting it! Two heartbeats and both the expected size.

I'm 39 and have a low ovarian reserve, so wasn't expecting to get pregnant... let alone with two.

I'm okay with the thought of two babies, but am TERRIFIED of the extra risks (for them and for me).

Had my first child three years ago and it was straightforward (although the birth was a c-section at nearly 42 weeks). She was a very large baby (literally twice the weight of our friend's baby, born the same day). So it appears I have 'form' for carrying extra weight. But I don't know if this is a good thing!?

OP posts:
CC81 · 26/01/2021 23:42

Hi, how is everyone doing?

I'm now 17 weeks and had my first consultant appointment (by phone) yesterday.

All seems quite straightforward so far - hope it stays that way!

Felt some movements in recent weeks, but it's too early for consistency, so I panic when they go quiet!

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Tamalama · 27/01/2021 07:32

Hi @CC81 I'm not too bad thank you. I'm now 9 weeks and just waiting for my 12 week scan letter. I am so tempted to book a private one next week though so that my DH can definitely attend. Plus I had a mc 2 years ago and I'm just really anxious.

CC81 · 27/01/2021 07:53

@Tamalama - I had private scans at 9w and 11w (my NHS one was at 13w). It was well worth it, for the reassurance! Also did NIPT at 10-11 weeks.

I'm struggling to wait until my 20w scan... it's still 3 weeks away!

It's tough not knowing what's happening inside.

OP posts:
MumOfThreeToBe2021 · 24/02/2021 18:52

How is everyone getting on??

I'm 21 weeks now and both babies seem to be doing fine. I'm struggling getting about already in that walking is an effort but I can't get comfy sitting down for long either!

Tempted to start buying things as well but still holding back, can't quite explain why...

TheMagicDeckchair · 24/02/2021 19:52

Sorry only just seen the updates on this thread. @CC81 have you had your 20 week scan? Did you find out what you’re having or are you keeping it a surprise?

@MumOfThreeToBe2021 I really struggled at around 20-24 weeks, Bump seemed to explode and had some terrible backache. 28 weeks now and it’s settled down a lot, though my bump is massive and I have stretching pains every evening, I can’t stand up as it’s too painful. I have it in my mind that term is 37 weeks so I’ve now less than 10 weeks to go.

MumOfThreeToBe2021 · 24/02/2021 22:24

@TheMagicDeckchair that's brilliant to hear it's settled, although you still sound mighty uncomfortable!!! This is much harder work than a singleton pregnancy!!

Are you having a planned birth at 37 weeks?

TheMagicDeckchair · 24/02/2021 22:37

@MumOfThreeToBe2021 it is harder work, I’m bigger now than I ever was with my first singleton pregnancy. I just remind myself how far I’ve come, and that actually my body is doing something amazing and I try to be easy on myself, keep mobile but also rest when I need to. And I remind myself it will be over in 2-3 months!

I’ve seen a couple of consultants, one said he would consider 37 weeks term so we’d be looking to get them out ASAP at that point if they haven’t already arrived. The other said we could go to 38-39 weeks. Given I had my first at 38+5 that would seem quite far on for me. I think we need to see how the next scans go.

CC81 · 26/02/2021 10:13

Hi all!

I'm now 21 weeks and my bump is suddenly much bigger! Uncomfortable at times, especially at night. I get ligament/stretching pains after walking for a bit, but am trying to keep active.

Had the 20-week scan last week and all looking good.

Not seen my consultant in person yet, but think that's because there aren't any particular causes for concern. I have growth scans every 4 weeks and consultant-led clinic after (with midwife then doctor).

C-section likely to be at 37 weeks, but depends on growth scans etc.

Both placentas are high anterior, so feeling movements can vary by position. Hopefully it'll get more consistent after 24 weeks.

OP posts:
CC81 · 26/02/2021 10:14

PS - Don't know gender(s)! Will be a surprise...

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MF1981 · 28/02/2021 09:54

Would love to join you guys if I may?! I’m 39 (40 in a month) and had my ivf viability scan on Friday which showed I’m 7 weeks pregnant with twins! I’ve been freaking out a bit! But I’ve never been pregnant before so have nothing to compare anything to. I’m not really sure what happens now?! I have my first midwife appointment by phone a week tomorrow.

AngelDelightUk · 10/03/2021 19:11

I hope everyone is keeping well!

MumOfThreeToBe2021 · 23/03/2021 21:19

Hope everyone is doing well?

I'm only 25 weeks but getting more and more uncomfortable, I just can't get comfy anywhere, even in bed. The thought it's only going to get worse is not good!! As much as I'm terrified of going into labour early, and I am, I can't imagine doing another 11 weeks of this, (I'll be booked in at 36 weeks as my two have one placenta between them).

Feel so unprepared, and wonder if it's a bit of denial!! Really need to sort out where they will be sleeping when they come home. What has everyone else got planned for safe sleep??

TheMagicDeckchair · 23/03/2021 21:33

Hope everyone is doing well. I’m now 32 weeks and feeling enormous. I’ve gained 3st already! I only gained 2st in the whole of my my first pregnancy. The stomach stretching has settled down fortunately, but I’m so uncomfortable. Turning over in bed is an ordeal. I’ve stopped driving unless I have to as the bottom of the my bump’s getting in the way and it’s too uncomfortable to shift around and see properly, or use the pedals.

The babies are growing well, lots of movements from them and presenting twin is head down, so I have discussed trying for a natural birth with the consultants. Had to have a couple of extra scans due to there being a large fluid discrepancy between the twins, but this has evened out.

Overall I’m alright but tired and fed up with my mobility being restricted. As I’m third trimester I’m also vulnerable to Covid so not really going out, and have finished work. Feel a bit housebound and fed up, but not long to go now.

@MF1981 congratulations on your pregnancy! Has the news sunk in yet?

TheMagicDeckchair · 23/03/2021 21:52

@MumOfThreeToBe2021 we must have cross-posted! If it’s any reassurance I found the growth spurt around 21-26 weeks to be the worst as I grew so fast, and put my back out. Once I hit third trimester I’m still growing but it isn’t as intense, and doesn’t really feel any worse than I did earlier on. I think it feels better now as I know I’m only another 6 weeks max away from having them.

I know what you mean about the anxiety over prem Labour- with every week that passes I’m glad they’re still in there and the chances of getting to 37 weeks increase. You can only really take one week at a time.

I’ve bought a Next To Me for sleeping at the start- I was going to sleep on a floor mattress next to a three sided cot but if I end up having a c-section I won’t be able to manage the floor bed or lifting them. I’m planning to put both in there to start then figure it out as I go along.

MF1981 · 24/03/2021 08:17

Thank you @TheMagicDeckchair I don’t think it’ll sink in until I go back for my 12 week scan in 2 weeks! When did you guys start to show?

MumOfThreeToBe2021 · 24/03/2021 09:40

Ah we might have, I did read your post but as I was getting into bed (super early, but I'd had enough!!) That does reassure me somewhat, I was genuinely wondering how much more I'd be able to stretch and carry, being so uncomfortable now. Walking is as bad as trying to sit comfy!!

I'm hoping to make it to the 36 weeks they've told me it'll be for mcda twins, since that's still a bit early. My leading twin is head down too but plenty of time to change I suppose. So many unknowns!!

@MF1981 congratulations!! It still might not sink in at 12 weeks!! (Sometimes it still hasn't for me!) I too found out early, I know how anxious you must be too. I started with a bump by 10 weeks, but I do already have a toddler, not sure if it makes a difference!

TheMagicDeckchair · 24/03/2021 19:49

I probably started showing around 14 weeks, but my jeans were tight before that. I still don’t think it’s sunk in for me yet! @MF1981

@MumOfThreeToBe2021 have you got a pregnancy belt? It doesn’t remove the aches and stretching but does take the edge off and gives a bit more mobility and comfort.

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