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Seeking reassurance - expecting twins! (7 weeks)

67 replies

CC81 · 23/11/2020 17:18

Hi everyone. I'm freaking out! Any advice would be much appreciated.

I had an early scan today (7 weeks) and there were TWO in there. I really wasn't expecting it! Two heartbeats and both the expected size.

I'm 39 and have a low ovarian reserve, so wasn't expecting to get pregnant... let alone with two.

I'm okay with the thought of two babies, but am TERRIFIED of the extra risks (for them and for me).

Had my first child three years ago and it was straightforward (although the birth was a c-section at nearly 42 weeks). She was a very large baby (literally twice the weight of our friend's baby, born the same day). So it appears I have 'form' for carrying extra weight. But I don't know if this is a good thing!?

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TheMagicDeckchair · 10/12/2020 18:40

@CC81 I know! They still haven’t turned up! Might be postal delays. I figured that no phone call was good news but I still wanted to know.

I’m sure it feels like a massive wait for you now, my first trimester went very slowly. Since having the scans and results and going into second trimester it feels to be flying by. I’m sure by third trimester when I’m massive time will drag much more slowly!

CC81 · 13/12/2020 23:13

Posted on a couple of threads I started:

Hi all, just a note to say I'm going to (try to!) take a step back from forums for a little while, in an attempt to stop focusing so much on my pregnancy. It's constantly on my mind and the intensity is making me more anxious - so I need to reduce the attention I'm giving it.

So if you don't see updates from me for a bit, that's why! But I'm fine otherwise, so far Smile

I very much appreciate everyone's responses to my posts and have found them really, really helpful. Thank you. x

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TheMagicDeckchair · 20/12/2020 09:04

@CC81 I hope everything’s ok. I completely understand about getting obsessed with things like this. I sometimes do the same and it’s really bad for my mental well-being, I had to cut back on reading certain comments on the forum (not this board but others), especially judgy stuff re older mums and bigger families. I was also quite anxious waiting for screening results, hopefully once those come back you can start to enjoy it.

Anyway hope all is good with you and you have a relaxing Christmas.

CC81 · 22/12/2020 17:48

Hi @TheMagicDeckchair - I'm back after my short break!

Got our NIPT results today and they're all low risk (1 in 10,000). To say I'm relieved would be the understatement of the century!

Also had a private scan and the twins were both big enough to check the nuchal measurement, which looked fine for both. Everything else also ok so far. I'm 11+5 today.

My NHS scan and blood test is next week (when I'll be 12+5).

So... we're going to tell my parents on Christmas Day (as it's not easy to hide). I'll be 12w by then and I've had as much reassurance as I can get, for now.

So, not letting myself get carried away, but I'm feeling encouraged!

How are you doing?

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TheMagicDeckchair · 22/12/2020 20:58

@CC81 I’m glad your results came back low risk, it should definitely be reassuring for your NHS scan next week.

I have my 20 week scan next week, I’m just hoping everything looks alright. I’ve been feeling flutters for the last week or two and I’m growing all the time so fingers crossed all is progressing as it should.

I’m in the process of starting to recruit a maternity cover for my position at work, it still feels too early and like tempting fate but I need a month or so to do a handover and I’m planning on going on mat leave in March. Plus there’s more chance of me being incapacitated sooner with a higher risk pregnancy so I can’t really delay it any longer!

Your parents will be thrilled- what a lovely Christmas present!

CC81 · 23/12/2020 22:48

@TheMagicDeckchair - That all sounds really positive 😊

Hopefully you'll feel much more at ease once you've got the work stuff sorted! All sounds very sensible.

I'm a long way from that stage - but I'm self-employed and work from home, so it's a bit different for me.

At 12w (tomorrow) I'm feeling a bit of pelvic pain, which isn't terribly promising!

Hopefully it's just my body adjusting and not the start of SPD/PGP - I've heard bad things about those! I had no problems last time, despite a 99th percentile baby. But I suspect I was a bit fitter three years ago... Wink

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CC81 · 29/12/2020 16:49

Hi @TheMagicDeckchair, hope your 20-week scan has gone ok.

I had my 12-week one today (actually 13 weeks, based on measurements). Still all looks ok so far. Got the expected telling-off about already having had the NIPT!

They still haven't mentioned aspirin to me - wonder if they will? I have pretty low blood pressure, so maybe I'm not considered high-risk (or at least not yet).

Weirdly, before the scan they asked me if I'd had 'counselling' about twins prior to screening. I explained I'd seen a private consultant and midwife, who explained lots of things to me, and they seemed satisfied with that. But apparently it's an NHS thing that's supposed to be offered pre-scan. First I'd heard of it!

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TheMagicDeckchair · 29/12/2020 16:58

@CC81 really glad the scan went well! My 20 week one was all looking good which is a relief. They mentioned at my 12 week scan that the screening is less accurate with twins and that NIPT is more accurate- so still happy to go ahead with it but they asked what would happen if the results differed?

It was the community Midwife who mentioned Aspirin. My blood pressure is low-normal but maybe trusts differ. It might be mentioned when you see a consultant.

When is your next scan? Are you planning to find out the gender(s) or keeping it a surprise?

CC81 · 29/12/2020 17:07

@TheMagicDeckchair - Think we're going to see how we feel about gender at 20 weeks, if all else looks ok!

Yeah, they said the same to me three years ago about NIPT vs combined screening. Once again, my answer is that I'd rather have as much info as I can! If there was a conflict, we'd do another NIPT.

Next NHS scan 20 weeks, but if the consultant doesn't do one earlier, we may have another private one at 16 weeks.

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TheMagicDeckchair · 01/01/2021 14:23

@CC81 happy new year! At my consultant appointment at 16 weeks he did a quick scan then. I now have a scan booked every month. I’m getting definite movements now from them now. DD had a little nap on me the other day and they were kicking like mad, trying to get big sister’s attention!

We have found out the gender (I am having two boys! I definitely thought there was one in there). I wanted to be more organised this time around but I loved being team yellow last time and almost wished I’d kept it a surprise!

CC81 · 02/01/2021 22:28

@TheMagicDeckchair - And Happy New Year to you!

My 16-week consultant apt will be by phone (due to Covid, I guess). But will also see the midwife that week. But if there was any doubt over heartbeat (or anything else), I assume we'd have a scan.

We were the other way around last time! Found out gender via NIPT at 10-11 weeks (girl - our daughter is now 3).

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CC81 · 02/01/2021 22:31

Oh, and aspirin mystery solved!

The midwife said I only have one risk factor (twins) for high BP.

To be prescribed aspirin, I'd need two - e.g. aged 40+, or higher baseline BP, or high BMI, etc. I'll be aged 39 on my due date, so just under.

But they'll monitor my BP and would prescribe it if needed.

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MumOfThreeToBe2021 · 04/01/2021 08:49


Can I join?!

14 weeks with MCDA twins here. Downs results from NHS test at 12 weeks was low, but I only received the one result on my letter, is that right? Obviously I assumed it would be the same for both, but now I'm wondering just in case it should have specified a separate number for each.

...Probably just finding more things to get anxious about...!!

CC81 · 05/01/2021 16:02

Hi and welcome, @MumOfThreeToBe2021 Smile

My original post title is now a bit outdated, so I may begin a more relevant one soon! Will post the link here if I do.

Re: MCDA twins - What does that mean in layman's terms? It may affect the way your results are pres

Based on scans, mine are most probably DIDI - separate eggs, separate sacs, separate placentas.

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CC81 · 05/01/2021 16:03

*presented (clicked send before finishing, sorry!)

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CC81 · 05/01/2021 16:05

I had an NIPT test at 10/11 weeks, which gave me an all-round 'low risk' result. Still awaiting results from my NHS scan-test last week.

I'm 14 weeks today. Constantly paranoid that it isn't real, even though I have no reason to think otherwise! It's a weird limbo between 12 and 16 weeks...

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MumOfThreeToBe2021 · 05/01/2021 18:34

Oops sorry, i mean they are in separate sacs but sharing a placenta, and are identical.

It's SUCH a weird time isn't it, supposedly 'past' the most the most precarious early weeks but too soon to feel movements, so just so much time to wonder if everything is all right in there!! I am so hoping my 16 week appointment is in person as opposed to over the phone, and I can get a scan then too, I'm really itching for another one!

TheMagicDeckchair · 05/01/2021 19:55

@CC81 that clears up the Aspirin question then! Being 40 also means I have to have extra screening and blood tests for the life insurance, which I wouldn’t have at 39!

You’re all welcome to hop onto the April/May twins thread on here, though we may be a bit further ahead!

Tamalama · 06/01/2021 13:19

@CC81 I'd like to join this thread please. I had a 6 week scan today to check that my pregnancy wasn't ectopic. I have a suspected blocked Fallopian tube as I had a hycosy and the dye wouldn't go through, but I'd was under having an endometriosis ovarian cyst removed when they did the hycosy at the same time.

All went fine at the scan but I also saw TWO heartbeats! I have a 4 year old DD and I have literally just turned 40. 😱 my DH and I are just in shock right now. I had a mc two years ago so I was freaking about the scan today anyway even though my pregnancy symptoms have been strong and my morning sickness is absolutely horrendous (now I know why!) both babies are measuring 6 weeks 2 days, which is spot on.

I only had my surgery and hycosy a couple of months ago so I've literally fallen pregnant on my 3rd cycle post surgery, and I guess I'm just in shock and feeling overwhelmed that I'm having twins.

CC81 · 06/01/2021 18:45

@Tamalama - Sure! That's very similar to my story (at 7 weeks).

Now 14-ish weeks and it still doesn't feel quite real.

Really hope the next 6 weeks go well for you.

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CC81 · 06/01/2021 18:47

@MumOfThreeToBe2021 - Yup, I'd happily have a scan every week!

If your twins are identical you only need one result (as they'll have the same DNA and therefore the same features etc). That's how I understand it, anyway!

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MumOfThreeToBe2021 · 09/01/2021 19:11

@CC81 Thank you - now you say at about identicals having the same dna and therefore 1 result, it makes perfect sense now and I wonder why I didn't think of that!!!

@Tamalama Congratulations!! Are you getting your head around it more now? It is a big shock!!


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MumOfThreeToBe2021 · 09/01/2021 19:13

Oh and also! (More questions!) Were you ladies prescribed 5mg folic acid? I was but I'm not sure if I need to keep taking it as it said on the box 'to be taken up to 12th week of pregnancy' so I wasn't sure if there's any harm in taking it at a higher dose past that point. The spine's developed by then anyway, so I was wondering about moving to a normal pregnancy vitamin or not. I did ask my midwife but she said she didn't know!!

CC81 · 09/01/2021 21:37

@MumOfThreeToBe2021 - I've taken Pregnacare multivitamin since the start and will continue until the end (I did the same in my first pregnancy).

Was prescribed additional 5mg folic acid at my booking in apt (7-8 weeks) and so assume they prescribed the right number of doses... will probably continue until it runs out, then ask!

Unless anyone has had different advice?

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Tamalama · 11/01/2021 18:04

@MumOfThreeToBe2021 I'm still in shock to be honest! I'm 7 weeks today and the morning sickness is horrendous 😕

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