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TTC after miscarriage

30 replies

skookie · 12/12/2011 06:10

Hi ladies,

It's been 20 days since erpc for my mmc. I should have been 11w but baby only measured 8w with no movement and no heartbeat. Thank God we have already been blessed with a beautiful dd who is now 21 months.

We really want another baby and since the miscarriage I feel like "what if I can't get pregnant again" or "what if I have another miscarriage". Feeling terrified at the moment because of these two possibilities.

Has anyone fallen pregnant after erpc without waiting one cycle? I would love to hear your stories Thanks

OP posts:
Miami81 · 05/02/2017 20:08

I just started thread #8. It's in conception. Ta

Miami81 · 05/02/2017 20:10

Ttc after miscarriage thread #8

Here you go.
Hopefully the others find it.

fluffiny31 · 05/02/2017 21:31

Thanks so much. X

emi91 · 20/10/2017 13:29

Hi ladies

I’m so sorry to hear that so many of you have been through the heart break of miscarriage 😔❤️

I am also looking for some advice and positive stories to lift my hopes a little!

I have a 4 year old already, and my partner and I have been TTC for 5 months. Finally fell pregnant but unfortunately miscarried at 6 weeks. Had my scan to confirm this 3 weeks ago. Just wondered if anyone who has been trough the same can tell me how soon they got a period after MC? My partner and I are already TTC again, since 1 weeks after MC, deep down I am really hoping that I will conceive any day now, but trying to be realistic and expect a period soon.

Wish you all the best of luck with conceiving xxx

kimcraig277 · 11/09/2018 12:06

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