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TTC after miscarriage

30 replies

skookie · 12/12/2011 06:10

Hi ladies,

It's been 20 days since erpc for my mmc. I should have been 11w but baby only measured 8w with no movement and no heartbeat. Thank God we have already been blessed with a beautiful dd who is now 21 months.

We really want another baby and since the miscarriage I feel like "what if I can't get pregnant again" or "what if I have another miscarriage". Feeling terrified at the moment because of these two possibilities.

Has anyone fallen pregnant after erpc without waiting one cycle? I would love to hear your stories Thanks

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emi91 · 20/10/2017 13:29

Hi ladies

I’m so sorry to hear that so many of you have been through the heart break of miscarriage 😔❤️

I am also looking for some advice and positive stories to lift my hopes a little!

I have a 4 year old already, and my partner and I have been TTC for 5 months. Finally fell pregnant but unfortunately miscarried at 6 weeks. Had my scan to confirm this 3 weeks ago. Just wondered if anyone who has been trough the same can tell me how soon they got a period after MC? My partner and I are already TTC again, since 1 weeks after MC, deep down I am really hoping that I will conceive any day now, but trying to be realistic and expect a period soon.

Wish you all the best of luck with conceiving xxx

fluffiny31 · 05/02/2017 21:31

Thanks so much. X

Miami81 · 05/02/2017 20:10

Ttc after miscarriage thread #8

Here you go.
Hopefully the others find it.

Miami81 · 05/02/2017 20:08

I just started thread #8. It's in conception. Ta

fluffiny31 · 05/02/2017 18:51

Hi anyone know where the ttc after miscarriage thread is? You can't comment on #7 anymore

fluffiny31 · 05/02/2017 07:10

Thank you miami.

Miami81 · 04/02/2017 22:25

Fluffy and Helen
So sorry to hear of your losses. It is a very hard time.
TTC after miscarriage thread #7
This is a thread where there are loads of ladies in the same/ similar boats.
I have had two mc's. It's really hard fluff but with time and support you get through this horrible bit. It can be really emotionally and physically overwhelming so please be kind to yourself in the coming days.
Maybe see you on the other thread.

fluffiny31 · 04/02/2017 20:20

I have just had a mmc and the hospital told me to wait one cycle for my body to recuperate and it's easier to tell dates etc. Also for risk of infection. I desperately want another baby and i am so hurt sad and angry after my loss i also feel guilty to try again so soon. I only had surgery tgis week so everything is still raw with me. But i feel if i don't have another baby I'm not complete. I take my hat off to all you lovely lady's that tried straight away. How do i get rid of the guilt to try again? And how do you worry less about the what ifs? I'm sorry for your loss op. Flowers

helenkaysmummy · 30/01/2017 17:20

Hi I'm new to this site thought id share my story to give others hope I have one daughter from a previous relationship me and my partner tried for two months b4falling pregnant I ended up having a miscarriage at 6weeks and miscarried naturaly on 29th December 2016 the bleeding stopped by about the 5-6th of january and we decided to start trying strate away its now been 32 days since the start of the mc and today I got a fairly strong bfp so it can happen what is also weird is that my hcg levels were still faintly showing on 12th Jan must have ovulated a day or two later 😊 lots of baby dust to u all n hope this helps xx

Noora · 25/12/2016 20:33

Hello hun! I'm so sorry you have to go through all this. I know how it feels. I had 3 miscarriages. I still can't recover from unbearable pain inside. I was also very scared to get pregnant again. I had a very deep depression and problems with mental health. My dh and I decided to turn to surrogacy. Actually that was not only our decision but also doctors advise and my health' indicators. Someone may say we "gave up" too fast. But we decided it will be better for me, for us and for our family. I wish you all the best with your ttc process!

jpeg28 · 05/04/2016 11:39

Goldensquirrel... Did your af return?? I'm almost 4 weeks since mine and still no luck... Hoping it won't be long. I'm TTC while I'm waiting so hoping for the best Smile

Goldensquirrel78 · 22/03/2016 22:01

Hi guys. Im new here. I had an ERPC 4 weeks on Friday. I have been coping well up to now. Today I felt quite sad. I am confused as to when I will ovulate. I am keen to TTC as soon as. My GP told me my HCG level yest was 13. I still havent had a period.
Any help would be welcomed.

jazzybelle12 · 09/03/2016 09:38

I know this is an old post but I have gone through 2 miscarriages in four months. One at 6 wks one at 7. Im Still waiting for AF to arrive, it's been nearly a month since my last miscarriage. Dr says we have to wait until the 3rd miscarriage before we can have tests..which is ridiculous in itself! It's emotionally draining. I have a 4 year old son with my ex partner. My worry is will I ever have a baby with my now fiance. Just wish they could run tests now just to put my mind at rest..

kateyes · 15/01/2015 15:32

Hi peachez15

Thankyou for you're kind words.
I guess i am really tough on myself,
after having 2 healthy girls i never expected to go through this heartache.
But why shudnt we be positive if we are expecting??.
my husbands been amaizing he's had a month off work with me n he cries when i cry bless him.I wear a cross everyday to simbolise our baby boy .I hope and pray 1 day we will be able to conceive wont replace our loss,but I miss being pregnant so much.and i was looking forward to being a mommy again.
I will keep everything crossed for you hun.
keep me posted.
Baby dust to you x

Peachez15 · 15/01/2015 06:17

Hey Keteyes,

I'm so sorry for your loss, i understand what you are going through, trust me no words will ever console you or the pain you are going through..Pray for stregnth accept and to let go. Do not look for explanations, reasons or blame yourself. most importantly talk about it, do not shut your partner out. He may not show grief like you but he is hurting too. Talk about it with him, coz no one else knows your pain but the 2 of you.

I got my period back 6 weeks after my miscarriage, went on a 30day regular cycle. I will be testing again tomorrow, i will be 10days late, hopefully something will show.

kateyes · 14/01/2015 16:16

Hi peachez15
sorry for ur loss,
we recently lost a baby at 20wks
and our worlds were torn apart. now after 4 long weeks i have a i can begin to regulate. How long after ur miscarriage dis you get urn?? And were they regular??
1stly i have 2 girls already and with both of them i tested at 4 weeks and negative.and convinced myself i was going 7days later i retested (with both) and were positive.sometimes hun you wont have enough hcg untill ur over a week try relax and take ur mind of it(i know its hard) and if its still not here in a few days test again.
hope this helps.Smile

Peachez15 · 08/01/2015 14:45

Hi Ladies,

Im a 27 year old trying to conceive her first baby..I had a miscarraige in September at 8 weeks... I have since October been trying to conceive again. i am 3days late this month, took a test this morning and it was negative though i have a few signs ( have been cramping the past few days, nausea, always hungry, n moods) I dont know whether these are not in my head. was so hurt when i got my negetive this morning but part of me believes i conceived........ Confused

allchik · 02/05/2012 21:32

Hi skookie its such a crap, shocking and sad thing to go through. I had a mmc in Feb....13 weeks, baby had died at 7. Was heartbreaking....we started ttc a week or so after....but my head prob wasnt really ready, had my first period late March, was very heavy and painful. But in a weird way it kinda made me feel good, that my body was healing and everything was working as it should! Started ttc again that cycle and I just tested positive 2 days ago!! Can't believe it, Im excited, cautious, nervous, happy and sad all rolled into one...I have no idea how this is all going to turn out, I hope and pray that this will be our time, but please take the rest and time you need and you must believe it WILL happen....good luck x

comberbird · 02/03/2012 12:48

hello TTC after MC ladies. I am TTC now after having being 4months preg in Sept and very sadly decided to terminate pregnancy as baby girl had turners and a heart defect which would likely have been fatal. Got preg again in Nov and miscarried before Christmas at just about 6 weeks. Had one month off and now two months trying .. I just assumed my lovely body would come up trumps with another baby ..but not so far .... all making the grief for baby one and preg two all the worse. Now my periods have gone haywire ... normal 30 cycle down to 28 days, then 23 days and only 3 days post ovulation ... I am terrified this could be some sign of menopuase [and 37 I know its unlikely but in my pregnancy obsessed mind anything seems possible except having a baby!] .. ladies have you experienced similar and what advice can you give me thank you all xC

fireflymouse · 30/01/2012 11:46

Hi was just popping on here to ask something but thought I'd add that I also had a mmc 2 years ago, (thinking I'd got to 12 weeks almost but stopped growing at 8) then also was desperate to fall pregnant asap, i read up on it and was reading conflicting advice about wait one cycle to dont wait! I also read that some women dont ovulate that first cycle and i think that was true for me as i was doing the ovulation indicator strips for a fewf weeks when ovulation should have occured but nothing! Then i had a period and went back to normal cycle then, (and conceived two weeks later our beautiful little girl who will soon be one). I dont think it would do any harm to conceive straight away but maybe it just isn't ALWAYS possible i.e no ovulation first month. I think if i had struggled to conceive for a few months after i would have wanted scans and tests just to check there was nothing left behind stopping me from conceiving though. All the best!

emmy100 · 29/01/2012 20:54

Had a natural miscarriage about a week ago at 7 weeks , when should we try again . Really want a baby as soon as possible

Kitesurfgirl · 06/01/2012 23:10

We lost our first baby at 17 wks (mmc), was totally heartbreaking. That was back in May and we are still ttc , with not much success, however I am 37, so guessing that doesn't help. I have exactly the same fears as you, probably worse because I don't already have a child - i think you should take great comfort from your DD, you KNOW you can do it, just be positive!

I would say, look after yourself. I know I was a mess emotionally for about 2 months, and still find it incredibly difficult to see pg women or women with small babies/toddlers (and I work in a primary school! Not helpful!). Time is a great healer, but I'm just trying to be positive . Thinking about you x

babybunintheoven · 02/01/2012 15:17

I am in a similar boat, I had an mms at 12 weeks with my first pregnancy and am terrified that I will never manage to carry full term. Still haunted by the sonographers words and the walk to the private room.

We have started ttc as soon as bleeding stopped as per the experiences I have read here on MN and docs advice.

I am in awe of the ladies who have shared stories of multiple mc, I have no idea how I would cope but I feel I have no choice but to keep trying. Good luck to you Stookie and any others in the same boat!

Dartfordmummy · 01/01/2012 23:23

I got pregnant straight away and my DS is now 8 months old. The doctor told me the best time to get pregnant is straight away after a miscarriage as your body is still full of pregnancy hormones and your body is more geared up to accept the new baby (if that makes sense!)

Good luck xx

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