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Low-carb diets

Low carb Indian takeaway

11 replies

ImperialBlether · 11/05/2016 17:50

Is there anything I can have? I'm sick of cooking the same things and am starving!

What about tandoori chicken? That should be okay, shouldn't it?

OP posts:
ClopySow · 14/05/2016 20:35

Low carving might actually help weight loss, you know, if you carved less or something. I'm not sure how calorific card is.

BIWI · 14/05/2016 20:19


My laptop usually corrects to low carving. After all these years you'd have think it would have learnt!

ClopySow · 14/05/2016 20:16

Low carb obvs. I'm not low carding. I don't even know what low card is.

ClopySow · 14/05/2016 20:15

So i just had my first low card curry and it was amazing. Mixed tandoori, spinach paneer and salad. I don't have that horrible heavy feeling i usually get after a curry with bread and rice. Wasn't even slightly tempted by the rice or nan or popadoms. I'm feeling pretty chuffed ☺

Fourarmsv2 · 12/05/2016 23:24

Ours comes with an onion, tomato and pepper but I generally pass those to DH and have it with a pile of lettuce :)

BIWI · 12/05/2016 22:01

Shashlik usually comes with onion, peppers and tomato, so you don't always. But I like to have a vegetable curry of some sort with mine - usually cauliflower or mushroom or spinach.

ImperialBlether · 12/05/2016 20:36

What with, Fourarmsv2? I love curry but you need to have it with something, don't you?

OP posts:
Fourarmsv2 · 12/05/2016 18:26

I usually have chicken or lamb shashlik.

BIWI · 12/05/2016 17:43
ImperialBlether · 12/05/2016 16:38

I was very good, BIWI, and didn't give in to my cravings!

OP posts:
BIWI · 12/05/2016 04:34

Tandoori chicken, or chicken tikka would be perfect. Add to that a mushroom or spinach or cauliflower bhaji and you've got a great and relatively low carb meal. Just don't give into the lure of the naan, poppadom, chapati or rice!

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