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Low-carb bootcamp

Jan '20 - Week 4 Low Carb Bootcamp - One month in!

398 replies

StuntNun · 03/02/2020 06:35

Well done for sticking with us for four weeks! You are fat-adapted now and getting the full health benefits of this way of eating. Add your weight to the Spreadsheet of Fabulousness and let's see how everyone has done. Don't forget that it's typical for weight loss to pause at some point in weeks 3-5 but so long as you are following the rules you are still losing fat!

I know a few of you have been missing meals, whether by accident or design, so I'd like to start talking about intermittent fasting this week if anyone is interested? It's completely optional so don't feel that you should fast if you don't want to. I still think it's worth finding out more about intermittent fasting, how it works, when and why you might want to introduce it, and what it feels like to fast... spoiler alert it doesn't involve feeling hungry!

OP posts:
CheddarGorgeous · 03/02/2020 14:11

@bibliomania I'm of similar thoughts. Beans and pulses are/were healthy options for me, especially for micronutrients and fibre. I'm not a natural lover of green veg so find it hard to get excited by it.

AthelstaneTheUnready · 03/02/2020 14:45

Hmm, interesting dairy thoughts. Think my broc/leek/cauli cheese extravangaza certainly didn't help me; the first meal I'd had where I ate long past fullness. Bit of a warning sign there.

Right, am going to drop dairy entirely for the rest of the week and see if that helps. I know that micromanaging a WOE over days not weeks is an exercise in futility, since such a short period proves or disproves nothing.

But what I've been not admitting - positively shriekingly ignoring - is the fact that my breakfast creamy coffees have been having an instant effect on my digestion these last two weeks. I don't want it to be true, you see Sad

But if my body is objecting to dairy, I can at least try without and see what happens.

AthelstaneTheUnready · 03/02/2020 14:46

Best case scenario - it's the coffee causing the problem.

StuntNun · 03/02/2020 14:50

Biblio and Cheddar there's a school of thought that you shouldn't eat pulses, grains, nuts or seeds due to their anti-nutrient qualities. Whether you subscribe to that viewpoint or not, I do think we have to re-consider that the "facts" we think we know about nutrition are really just soundbites and marketing tactics. A few years ago I was eating five-a-day, low fat, heart-healthy whole grains and polyunsaturated fats and I was overweight and unhealthy. Now I eat meat, fish, eggs, animal fats, and a small amount of dairy and vegetables and I feel amazing. I still feel ten years younger than when I started this way of eating seven years ago.

OP posts:
bibliomania · 03/02/2020 15:10

Yes, I suppose the proof of the pudding is in the eating (boom, boom). There is something to be said for experimenting on yourself and seeing what diet suits you. I think two people can respond different to the same diet.

TamingToddler · 03/02/2020 15:27

Thought I'd jump in as people are doubting themselves! Please please keep going! I actually got to goal weight at the end of last bootcamp, about 32lbs of weight in total between may and December. I promise it works. I've actually stayed the same since the end of December even with some questionable food, a holiday, and DPs fancy work event with lots of free food and alcohol Grin.
My weight went up and down absolutely loads in that time, but I eventually got there. I stick to the key principles now, but if I want a potato I'll have a potato. It's not that long of being strict (ISH), I can't believe my weight is stable now! For the first time in a long time I don't actually have to think about my weight which is amazing!

ShagMeRiggins · 03/02/2020 15:58

Rayna!i really appreciated the honesty in your post, about knowing you find it impossible to stick with this way of eating when so close to target. That’s something for you to examine and try to figure out the why, but it made me think about a few things as well. It was helpful, so thank you.

absopugginglutely I was about to answer with fondue dipping suggestions but them remembered the famous British sense of humour! Seeing as how I did a page worth of fondue blather the last thread I thought you might be having a chuckle.

If not, is it a cheese fondue that you got? Because any LCHF raw veg is great—cauliflower, celery, broccoli, mushrooms, etc. Some things can also be parboiled then dipped if raw veg feels too much. Also any meats like steak and chicken, but if it’s just a cheese fondue I’d recommend cooking first as it’s really only oil and broth fondues that cook meat reasonably quickly. Deli meat can be dipped as is and is delicious. And I’m not a great fan of low carb substitutes but this might be an opportunity for you to toast a slice of your low carb bread and dip into cheese.

cherries I know you’re frustrated and it’s baffling, but hang in there.

As for the dairy y’all going around, I have cheese or cream with just about every meal. I’ve never thought to give it up because I won’t and if it’s slowing my weight loss I don’t care.

One of the greatest pleasures for me has been learning to accept that this is how I eat. Low carb, high fat. It’s simple. Even if I have a McDonald’s once a week (I don’t), or a pasta dish when visiting Italy, or baguette pieces to mop up moules mariniere in France, I’m still—overall— eating far fewer carbs than the average and much more veg, and real food. And it’s all delicious.

Twit · 03/02/2020 16:09

I lied, I didn't have any sausages left- which I'm actually ok with as I've eaten better food because of it. i actually had...
B. Tea and egg
Pork scratchings
D. Broccoli and stilton soup with smoked salmon
T: lime chicken curry and buttery spinach.

I'm on target for my water and got my period so hopefully I'll start losing again.

1Wildheartsease · 03/02/2020 16:40

Still here :)

Busy,-eating happily - losing very very slowly (but then I'm still drinking wine or gin at weekends). I am not dieting; this is normal eating for me now.

I plan to make exceptions for special occasions - but so far haven't found many of these when I can't be perfectly happy with HFLC. (Knowing that I'll be extra hungry the day after exceptions is off-putting and keeps me from being too casual. )

I have occasionally tried the HFLC baking and even use of sweeteners. (Very cautious with the latter) It is enjoyable and a change (I had a BLT with the 'pretend' bread-rolls and really enjoyed it) but not something I'd want to do all the time. I don't need substitues on a daily basis and have just adapted my meals so that carbs aren't needed or missed.

I NEVER want to go back to having to think about eating all day long and always finding the scales inching upwards. In my nightmares this WOE fails and I have to go back to miserable calorie-counting and food obsession.

Creamy coffee and buttery eggs
2 babybels
1 litre water

Ham with cauli and broccoli in (HFLC) cheese sauce
1 litre water

(Light as it will have to be late tonight)
Homemade broth or Covent Garden Chicken soup
Salad if hungry
Rosehip tea
More water :)

venusandmars · 03/02/2020 16:44

@biliomania when I'm in a maintenance phase I have pulses once a week (lentils, beans chickpea etc). However on that day I cut back on fats. I find I can have either fats or carbs but not both. And I don't eat a large portion of the carbs.

Anyone got a good recipe for salmon? I can't seem to find a bootcamp fish recipes thread. I actually fancy it flaked into cauliflower rice but I haven't got an cauliflower - might have to send dh to the shops he'll be delighted

B - nothing, just water
L - salad with mozzarella and pesto, mushrooms and an egg
D - salmon with shallots, chard and something???

bibliomania · 03/02/2020 16:50

That's interesting, venus, thanks. I could live with once a week.

For salmon, I marinate in lemon, tamari and oil, then fry skin down on a hot pan. I then stick it in the oven till it's cooked enough. Fry some garlic, add spinach to the pan to wilt it, then serve.

prettybird · 03/02/2020 17:18

venusandmars - the fish and seafood recipe thread has somehow unpinned - so if you scroll down the threads, you'll find it.

I'm going to make a salmon, broccoli and ginger recipe this week that a friend posted on Facebook about that was in the NY Times. I need to find it again though.

Tenementfunster · 03/02/2020 17:52

Does anyone know how much total yogurt constitutes a serving? I think I need to make sure I don’t overeat

Mandelinka · 03/02/2020 18:09

Lunch : some broccoli and cream soup I made last night out of some rather yellow broccoli lurking in the fridge. Looks a bit like dishwater but tastes OK.
This made me laugh!
I make weekly soups out of all the yellowing/starting to get mouldy veg. Unless I blend it smooth, nobody in the family is interested in having any! Oh well, my dinners for 3+ days covered.

1lb down, which is ok. have been feeling unwell for last 4 days, definitely eating mor carbs ( crackers, dark chocolate, fruit) to get through the day. Hopefully on the mend now so back to BC ( except the last 4 days, I’ve been very good, zero alcohol and fruit, low diary etc). I’ve been doing IF on/off for about a year and it really works for me.
B: green tea
L: stir fried leeks, Savoy cabbage and bacon, small amount of protein noodles ( Lidl)
D: crackers, pate, lettuce, cheese. Dark chocolate
W: lot of green tea and cucumber water, around 2.5l

Harveywoo · 03/02/2020 18:11

Thanks @shagmeriggins.
B: 2 buttery poached eggs with salmon pate
L: chicken, avacado and cheese mayo salad
D: red cabbage, broccoli and chicken fillets fried in lo-dough southern fried coating. I promised to report back about it, it’s bloody lovely but goes a very long way, used the rest (of the tiny percentage of the bag that I tipped out) to coat a load of carrots and parsnips for the kids: stealth vegetables!
25g Aldi 85% choc in my sights for later

absopugginglutely · 03/02/2020 18:13

Ooh can I ask how you make broccoli cream soup? Is it literally just stock, wizzed up broc and cream?

Harveywoo · 03/02/2020 18:26

Hmm, regretting coating their veg, rather salty!

BrassicaBabe · 03/02/2020 18:45

Oooh Lo-dough southern coating?!! ShockShock

BIWI · 03/02/2020 19:15

@bibliomania and @CheddarGorgeous - beans and pulses are, I think, lovely and provide important nutrients. However, on Bootcamp they are too carby - if you can stay away from them for the next few weeks that would be better.

CheddarGorgeous · 03/02/2020 19:24

Thanks @BIWI, will do.

I found sugar cravings really strong during the day today but I think it was mostly boredom/frustration (tricky day at work) so emotionally driven.

Survived by having a pre made lunch and crap weather that put me off popping out to the shop Grin

absopugginglutely · 03/02/2020 19:55

@ ShagMeRiggins thank you so much!

HouseTornado · 03/02/2020 20:15

Thanks for the IF info BIWI and StuntNun - doing my first one from 8pm tonight - 12pm tomorrow.


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Rshard · 03/02/2020 20:29

Let us know how you find it please *horsetornado. Planning to do one from tomorrow evening into Wednesday

Rshard · 03/02/2020 20:29

I meant housetornado, not horse - ffs! Sorry!

Lionsleepstonight · 03/02/2020 20:44

Im 3lb back on, but I've got my period, had a boozy night Fri, a chinese Sat night, where rice may have fallen on my plate. However. I was out for lunch yesterday and looking at the menu thinking shall i fall off the wagon again when i had a lightbulb thought that im not on a diet. Theres nothing to fall off. Ive chosen a WOE to follow. So i made the right choices. I enjoy what im eating. My skin is great. It suits me.
Onwards and upwards!

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