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Low-carb bootcamp

Jan '20 - Week 4 Low Carb Bootcamp - One month in!

398 replies

StuntNun · 03/02/2020 06:35

Well done for sticking with us for four weeks! You are fat-adapted now and getting the full health benefits of this way of eating. Add your weight to the Spreadsheet of Fabulousness and let's see how everyone has done. Don't forget that it's typical for weight loss to pause at some point in weeks 3-5 but so long as you are following the rules you are still losing fat!

I know a few of you have been missing meals, whether by accident or design, so I'd like to start talking about intermittent fasting this week if anyone is interested? It's completely optional so don't feel that you should fast if you don't want to. I still think it's worth finding out more about intermittent fasting, how it works, when and why you might want to introduce it, and what it feels like to fast... spoiler alert it doesn't involve feeling hungry!

OP posts:
AthelstaneTheUnready · 04/02/2020 20:46


that's genius.

i can do that.

thank you, Babe!

Doilooklikeatourist · 04/02/2020 20:46

So , little women , well worth seeing
Didn’t have fajitas for dinner , but sausages with fine green beans , shallots , courgettes and mushrooms
DH had potatoes .. I was tempted to say .. hmmm , potatoes .. again , but I managed to say it silently 😀

I looove hollandaise , and it’s easy to make @BrassicaBabe , I usually have it with salmon and shedloads of broccoli ( and grilled chicken is good too )

Found truffle mayonnaise in Tesco ( don’t remember who mentioned it last week ) quite a small jar for £4-50
Any suggestions want to eat it with ?

BIWI · 04/02/2020 20:47

Sounds fab @BrassicaBabe! Would you mind putting that on one of the recipe threads, please?

BrassicaBabe · 04/02/2020 21:02

Yep, I'll add that one to a recipe thread.

I deserve to be thin tomorrow don't I Hmm

This is the 3rd week of no wine Monday to Friday. I'm still grumpy and want to go to bed early Grin

Hagbeth · 05/02/2020 05:33

I’m still hanging in there. I had to review my eating habits and I think finally something I’d happening this week. Fingers crossed next weigh in will be the one! I’m not giving up! Grin

Rayna37 · 05/02/2020 05:53

@Tenementfunster just realised no one answered your yogurt question. A standard yogurt in individual portions is around 150g. Decanting from a big pot I'd say up to 150g-200g if it's a whole breakfast but less if it's "pudding", 100-150g so a ramekin full maybe?

Tenementfunster · 05/02/2020 06:34

Ah thanks

BrassicaBabe · 05/02/2020 06:56

another lb on 10.8.4. That appears to be diary and butter in the quantities that is hollandaise off the table SadAngry Today I am 1lb up on the start of BC. So that's egg fast for me for the rest of the week. Quite fed up.

Rshard · 05/02/2020 06:57

Did you enjoy the first day of IF housetornado? I did, didn’t end up having dinner until after 7 as I wasn’t hungry before yoga. I’m going to do it again today.

Your hollandaise sounds fab brassica, will definitely give that a try - perhaps on an eggs benedict type thing, no muffin obvs.

BrassicaBabe · 05/02/2020 06:59

To add, wtf is going on?! Normally just knocking the wine on the head is enough for a 3-4 loss in a week. Third week of significantly less wine and I'm gaining!!

BrassicaBabe · 05/02/2020 07:08

L: 2 boiled eggs and mayo
D: pancakes made with 3 eggs, 55g philly cheese, 1tbspn sweetener, served with lime juice and melted butter.

Generally it's enough for me not to be hungry.

I've been slacking on my exercise too since mid January so I ought to pick that up too. Although in my experience exercise makes little difference to my weight.

venusandmars · 05/02/2020 08:00

Aw BrassicaBabe that is tough and disheartening. But do you generally enjoy this way of eating? Do you love making (and eating) hollandaise? Do you like being able to choose steak, or bacon and eggs with mushrooms? Are you inspired by the wonderful and delicious ways to cook vegetables, buttered leeks, creamed spinach, oven roasted cauliflower or broccoli with hazelnuts? For me all that in itself is a good enough reason to KOKO.

B - herbal tea, lots of water
L - who knows.. Going to a cookery demo followed by high class lunch, hopefully lots of buttery sauces. These things tend not to have much carb, maybe a single raviolo or a smear of parsnip...
D - a small Omlette with broccoli and mushrooms.

Almahart · 05/02/2020 08:12

@BrassicaBabe that is disheartening. I would imagine/hope lots will come off at once

I’m finding I’m not losing as quickly as I used to on bc and am wondering if it might be to do with being a bit older.

Am well and truly in the zone now with no difficult social situations on the horizon so am going to get into uber camp for next few days I think

HouseTornado · 05/02/2020 08:15

Brassica that's cruel, but I'm sure someone will come along with wiser words than me to help solve what's going on?

I always had this with Slimming World - every other git would lose and lose and I just got fatter and fatter, it was soul destroying.

Rshard - loved it! So much I'm also doing it again from 8pm tonight. I have a pain in the arse meal (Indian, veggie) to go to later, where there is ONE dish I can have and I'll have to just avoid all the other bits and deal with it.

I'll have a massive lunch to try and counteract it.

B: 2 x boiled eggs
L: Rocket salad with chicken, parmesan, olive oil
D: Spinach and paneer curry

3l water etc

Happy Wednesday everyone.

Rshard · 05/02/2020 09:00

That’s tough brassica, I’m sure BIWI and stuntnun will have some advice.

Glad you enjoyed it housetornado. Ah yes, your Indian meal - you’ve planned ahead which is the best thing to do.

Notwatchingtvtoday · 05/02/2020 09:07

Hi, Brasica that must be really tough, I’m sure someone will have some wise words, I wonder if it could be the artificial sweetener, I think I read that for some people the body thinks it’s sugar. I too have to avoid too much dairy and cheese, so I can empathise.

I’ve lost the 1 lb that went on last week, so hoping for a good week. I do find that eggs are a really good standby on this woe. The other thing that seems to really affect me negatively is anything salty or processed, so I am trying to avoid this week and will see how the scales do on Monday.

B total Greek yogurt, Tsp flax seeds, 2 crumbed raspberries, 1 tsp cream.
3 coffees, that’s me done for the day
L eggs and avocado
D courgette spaghetti and a mince beef , tomato veg sauce

StuntNun · 05/02/2020 09:09

I'd be tempted to ditch the Lo Dough Brassica and limit yourself to dairy no more than twice a day. I find konjac flour, coconut flour and almond flour cause me problems; I suspect it's the excessive fibre. It's not clear from your posts whether you're having artificial sweeteners or not but definitely avoid those if you can. Then water water water and make sure you're eating plenty of healthy fats.

OP posts:
CheddarGorgeous · 05/02/2020 09:10

@BrassicaBabe huge sympathies. I've been in similar positions. It could be hormonal / cycle related. Don't get too disheartened.

Exercise / a walk can make you feel happier as well as burning calories.

CheddarGorgeous · 05/02/2020 09:14

My day:

B - 2 boiled eggs with butter
L - tuna salad
D - soup, either broccoli or general vegetable.

Snack - smoothie made with natural yoghurt, ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, banana, walnuts (I know banana and ginger are on the red list but it's a small amount of each).

Been to an exercise class this morning, 560 squats plus lunges, box jumps, hamstring curls and frog jumps before breakfast!

absopugginglutely · 05/02/2020 09:24

Good morning all.
I am a week (or less) away from AF and feel a bit sugar cravey, low energy, cold and wooly headed.
This WOE works so well for me apart from at this time of the month. Does my body need the extra calories it craves before AF? There must be something that changes in my hormones pre AF because when my period finally arrives I lose my appetite almost entirely!
Anyone else have this and any food recommendations for this week where I could really do with a mars bar!?

StuntNun · 05/02/2020 09:38

Abso chicken wings are my go-to pre-period emergency food. You can get bags of frozen ones (check the carb count) that cook in about 20 minutes from frozen.

OP posts:
CheddarGorgeous · 05/02/2020 09:51

@absopugginglutely I feel your pain. That will be me next week! I don't have any snack ideas but I drink a pint of warm water and go for a 10 minute walk. Don't know if that's practical at all?


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absopugginglutely · 05/02/2020 09:51

Thank you @stuntnun 😊

Mimosa1 · 05/02/2020 09:59

@brassicababe that sounds really tough. Are you very near goal weight ?

Food yesterday

B - tea w milk (trying IF)

S - small pot of nuts

L - itsu chicken and avo salad, threw away the rice, with a miso pot and one of their seaweed crisp packs

S - black chocolate and raspberries, tea w milk

D - salmon and veg stir fry

BrassicaBabe · 05/02/2020 10:04

Thanks for the commiserations all! I'm definitely KOKO. I can't imagine going back to the crazy eating I used to do, juicing for 5 days, no cheese, nasty low fat rubbish. I started in Sept '17 and this is me in for the long haul. (A couple of holidays and Xmas aside of course Grin)

Thanks @StuntNun The lo-dough is only an occasional feature in my diet. I had a pack of 2 open. I'll set that aside for now.

But.... I have a confession I have always avoided mentioning this one. I have a diet coke habit of 30 years standing. Blush Giving up diet coke is a bigger issue for me than giving up wine, gin, champers, bread, pots, chips, pasta etc ALL PUT TOGETHER.

I like to tell myself diet coke been a "constant" for so long my body must have adapted to it. On my recent trip to Sweden I packed an 8 pack of diet coke in my luggage. Blush Recently I've been telling myself that I lost plenty on BC between Sept /17 and 18 so I can BC successfully with diet coke along for the ride. I don't drink tea or coffee so it's my caffeine injection. Giving up is a massive thing. But I'm really fed up with the extra stone I'm carrying since my lowest post BC in about July/18 to now. I can't contemplate complete cold turkey. I tend to "load" in the morning and taper into mid-afternoon. Generally about 5 cans a day. I've had 2 cans already. I've put the 3rd can that I had on my desk ready to go back in the box.

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