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YEY! I am a single parent family - lets celebrate, first round on me.

36 replies

redstar · 04/10/2006 21:15

I am very happy to officially announce my arrival as a single mother of two!
Most of my family and friends are wringing their hands and wondering why I am not on the floor wimpering. Me? I feel freedom coming at last, not bothered that he has buggered off with a woman from work - she is welcome to the miserable sod. My kids seem quite happy with the mines a bacardi and coke.

OP posts:
makemineadouble · 06/10/2006 21:24

Sereneno emskino?? May i buy you both a very large one? you deserve it

makemineadouble · 06/10/2006 21:25

Emskilou even lol

Emskilou · 06/10/2006 21:32

hehe! thank you, very kind, I'm off out tomorrow night so must pace myself with the drinking!!

Emskilou · 06/10/2006 21:38

Sod that lets get merry and celebrate for redstar, my round what would you all like ????

Emskilou · 06/10/2006 22:14

Am I drinking alone?? thats not good is it

mamamaaargh · 07/10/2006 04:00

Yay - congrats on your new beginning. Glad you're so chipper about it - Hope I will be too when my mess is sorted out. Have to say, although I'm very very sad, part of me is looking forward to it too. Thanks for sharing!

Alibaldi · 07/10/2006 04:13

Another one joining in here. Toasting the strength we women have under duress. Well done on your view of life. I'm hoping that I will be the same. Have in all intent purposes been a single mum for so long since h has been travelling and not around for the last two years.

gillybabys · 19/10/2006 05:40

hi, im new to mumsnet,
ive been a single mum of my dd, since she was born, he hasnt even enquird about her, but 2 and half years on, im glad, we have a ball together.

gigglewiggle · 19/10/2006 19:20

Well done you! My fella has just buggered off too and i couldnt be more dirty socks to 'chase' round the bedroom

aandme · 31/10/2006 21:35

oh, i'm a bit late joining the party but i'll raise my glass to all of you. i too am glad to be rid of the miserable moaning ba*tard!

kikki · 31/10/2006 22:13

I have been a whimpering wreck for too long. It's only coming on MN that has opened my eyes and I agree, it is far better to be rid of those w**kers. Let some other poor woman be lumbered with him and get up a two in the morning to feed him cause he's hungry after a hard night partying.

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