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So cross at school

28 replies

HappyWithLife · 22/11/2010 23:24

All 3 of my children have been off school most of last week and today with flu; I've had it too and it's been rough. DD2, who is 6, went in on Monday but was off Tuesday - Friday and then again today.
The school rang today and the headmistress was SO snotty with me, basically saying it was unheard of for a child to be off so long (really? For 5 days with flu? Has she never had flu then?) and that she had been seen at a child's birthday party at the weekend. I explained that as she had been feeling better I let her go, but that I had been up with her all night last night so decided to keep her off again today. She is chesty, tearful, weak and very very sleepy. My older 2 have been equally bad.
From what the head said she had questioned some of DDs classmates to see if she'd said anything to them. I was furious at this; it's my call...if I think she is too ill to go to school I will keep her off. Not like it was intentional, I work from home and haven't been able to work with the kids home. Anyway, after speaking to me like one of the pupils she told me DD has missed so much work (she's 6 FFS not doing her GCSEs) and that she expects to see her in tomorrow. Well, at 8.30 tonight DD had a bout of diarrhoea and terrible tummy pains. Now, the school policy is that no child should be in school until 24 hours has passed since the last episode of vomiting or diarrhoea, so what the hell do I do? Take a sick child in or keep her off another day?
At the beginning of the flu she told her teacher she felt ill and the teacher told her off, saying that her mother (me) shouldn't have brought her in to school as nobody else wants to catch it!

OP posts:
HappyWithLife · 23/11/2010 17:40

Mazzy...that's it, no more correspondence, as you've said I have made my point, and I for one have better things to do than e mail back and forth (like MNing Grin) At the end of the day she is MY daughter and I will raise her as I see fit.

OP posts:
RunawayChristmasTree · 23/11/2010 17:41

it is all about ratings and nothing more, tell her to sod off, you child will return to school when you decide she is well enough.
Also report her attitude to the governors

FreudianSlimmery · 23/11/2010 18:49

Good grief. What a moo. I'd leave it now, I'm sure DD will be better soon and you can all move on from it, but if there is any other incident or example of this cowbags teacher's bad attitude, you will have previous ammo!

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