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So cross at school

28 replies

HappyWithLife · 22/11/2010 23:24

All 3 of my children have been off school most of last week and today with flu; I've had it too and it's been rough. DD2, who is 6, went in on Monday but was off Tuesday - Friday and then again today.
The school rang today and the headmistress was SO snotty with me, basically saying it was unheard of for a child to be off so long (really? For 5 days with flu? Has she never had flu then?) and that she had been seen at a child's birthday party at the weekend. I explained that as she had been feeling better I let her go, but that I had been up with her all night last night so decided to keep her off again today. She is chesty, tearful, weak and very very sleepy. My older 2 have been equally bad.
From what the head said she had questioned some of DDs classmates to see if she'd said anything to them. I was furious at this; it's my call...if I think she is too ill to go to school I will keep her off. Not like it was intentional, I work from home and haven't been able to work with the kids home. Anyway, after speaking to me like one of the pupils she told me DD has missed so much work (she's 6 FFS not doing her GCSEs) and that she expects to see her in tomorrow. Well, at 8.30 tonight DD had a bout of diarrhoea and terrible tummy pains. Now, the school policy is that no child should be in school until 24 hours has passed since the last episode of vomiting or diarrhoea, so what the hell do I do? Take a sick child in or keep her off another day?
At the beginning of the flu she told her teacher she felt ill and the teacher told her off, saying that her mother (me) shouldn't have brought her in to school as nobody else wants to catch it!

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FreudianSlimmery · 23/11/2010 18:49

Good grief. What a moo. I'd leave it now, I'm sure DD will be better soon and you can all move on from it, but if there is any other incident or example of this cowbags teacher's bad attitude, you will have previous ammo!

RunawayChristmasTree · 23/11/2010 17:41

it is all about ratings and nothing more, tell her to sod off, you child will return to school when you decide she is well enough.
Also report her attitude to the governors

HappyWithLife · 23/11/2010 17:40

Mazzy...that's it, no more correspondence, as you've said I have made my point, and I for one have better things to do than e mail back and forth (like MNing Grin) At the end of the day she is MY daughter and I will raise her as I see fit.

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mazzystartled · 23/11/2010 17:38

She must either be power crazed or TERRIFIED about the attendance figures.

I'm amazed to believe that she has the time or the inclination to be so utterly unreasonably on the case of one child who is unwell.

I think I would desist from any further email exchanges, however. You've made your point, clearly and well.

HappyWithLife · 23/11/2010 17:29

I'm right aren't I, that this was a snotty e mail, basically saying I don't care about her education?

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HappyWithLife · 23/11/2010 17:28

Zookeeper...cross post but similar don't you think? I'm bloody sick of being dictated to.

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Hullygully · 23/11/2010 17:28


Why don't you fuck off you sanctimonious old bag?

zookeeper · 23/11/2010 17:24

Dear Headmistress

Thank you for your email. I have explained to you that I allowed DD to go to the party as she was feeling better after her illness . Of course I was not to know that she would deteriorate again that night. Unlike you, neither I nor her doctor accept that her presence at the party must have impacted upon her health or that of the other children present but you are of course entitled to your opinions, however erroneous they might be.

HappyWithLife · 23/11/2010 17:24

Have just sent this reply...

Dear Mrs A

X went to Y's party because at the time she felt well enough, the same way that my oldest daughter felt well enough to go to school on Wednesday and Thursday but relapsed on Friday. It is the nature of this particular virus that we have all had. Had I felt that she was still ill I would not have allowed her to go to the party, obviously. But she did, and as it was not in school time I do not feel as though I should be justifying that any longer.

I also have a duty of care, towards my daughter, which is why I have kept her off school. When, at the start of her illness, I sent her into school, Mrs B told her that I should not have sent her into school, and yet when I make the decision to keep her off I am made to feel that I am being neglectful towards her education.

Yours sincerely

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gillybean2 · 23/11/2010 17:15

She'll never go away otherwise

HappyWithLife · 23/11/2010 16:59

Just had this reply, sanctamonious old bag:

Thanks very much for your email.

I appreciate your comments and hope that X is feeling better. I feel that it is a shame that X went to Y's party at the weekend as this must have impacted on her health and that of the other children present. It could also give children the wrong impression that a birthday party has precedence over school.

I apologise if you feel that my views are rather strict but the school does have a duty of care for all children and also to promote the value of education.

We look forward to welcoming X back at school.


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mummytime · 23/11/2010 14:58

The worst the head can do is send the Educational Welfare officer to see you. I would think she/he would take one look at your plague :) infected house and run a mile.

I really think this head needs a reality check.

Good luck!

FreudianSlimmery · 23/11/2010 14:48

Good news that you've been proved right (though I don't think any sane person doubted you!)

Hope she feels better soon.

sugargirl1 · 23/11/2010 14:30

Well done hon - what a lunatic head teacher, especially as your child is soo well behaved and does so well. That should show her. :0

HappyWithLife · 23/11/2010 14:21

So I took DD to the doctor this afternoon at the school's insistence and the GP confirmed that DD has/had the flu, and that I had taken the appropriate action and should continue to do the same until she is well enough in my eyes to send her back to school. She also said it was a reasonable amount of time to be off with flu.
So I emailed the head and told her this is no uncertain terms.
Let's see what she says next Hmm

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FreudianSlimmery · 23/11/2010 11:17

Good grief this teacher gets weirder and weirder! She seems like a really negative person - I bet the more lively kids are complained about for not doing enough work Hmm

HappyWithLife · 23/11/2010 08:58

And that was my point exactly Freudian...that's how epidemics start, swine flu for instance.
I'm fortunate in that I work from home so can keep her off until she's well, but it is still detrimental to me as I am just starting out on building up my career, so it has seriously put me behind.

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HappyWithLife · 23/11/2010 08:56

Thankyou all, it's made me feel better knowing it's not just me.
Freudian...DD is always working at home, she never stops writing, reading etc. I will go over her songs for the xmas play with her so she knows the words.
It's an odd school...when I went to her parents evening recently I was asked was there something wrong with DD as she is so quiet in class. I said I was surprised as she is a real clown at home. I asked what her work was like; they told me she was top of the class. I asked what her behaviour was like; I was told she'd never had to be told off. But I had to ask for that information, all the teacher wanted to focus on was that DD was quiet and she complained...actually complained...that DD was happy to get on with her work quietly instead of messing about with the other children Shock. She has lots of friends, is always being invited to parties, but shock horror she actually likes to learn.

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pleasechange · 23/11/2010 08:39

She sounds like a complete bully. I can't believe what she's said about absence figures. You must feel awful - being ill yourself with ill children and now having the headteacher telling you off! I would write a letter putting it all down on paper, maybe also a copy to the governors (not complaining as such but setting out all the facts) - it will only upset you to have her on the phone about it any more

FreudianSlimmery · 23/11/2010 08:37

Teacher sounds like a right moo. It's hardly the end of the world when she's six FFS! If it was swine flu she wouldn't be allowed in surely?

Can you give her some gentle work to catch up at home? Reading, maths workbook etc?

clam · 23/11/2010 08:29

You could always say to her that you understand she has her attendance figures to consider, but that your primary concern is the welfare of your daughter and that you will therefore make the decision as to whether or not she is fit for school, not her.

ConstanceFelicity · 23/11/2010 08:24

I would complain.
I think it was unprofessional of her to be so snotty and judgmental over the phone, and I think she needs to be told that you made a decision, as a mother, to keep her at home, at great expense to yourself.


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HappyWithLife · 23/11/2010 08:21

Exactly Sugargirl. I have just called the school because I really felt it unfair to wake my DD when she has been up all night and is still unwell. She was her usual obnoxious self, and said that apart from 2 seriously ill children in the school, out of 200+ pupils etc etc (spouting numbers at me) that they have never had a child off for this long. I find that hard to believe as flu knocks you right out. I said I wasn't concerned about DD, and that she has classic flu symptoms, as do/have the rest of us, and she made me feel like a terrible mother for not panicking about her! She then insisted I take DD to the doctor, even though, as I pointed out they will not want a sneezing, coughing child passing it on to their other patients. She said the diarrhoea indictaed something serious, which I am in complete disagreement with as I know when I have even a heavy cold, the phlegm build up makes me either sick or gives me diarrhoea.
I've woken up today feeling like hell, and no way I'd be able to go into work if I worked away from the home, so I know DD would be unhappy and ill if she went to school.

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sugargirl1 · 23/11/2010 08:06

HappyWithLife you are not one of the head's pupils and if she gives you any further trouble I suggest you point this out to her.

HappyWithLife · 23/11/2010 07:34

Thanks Gillybean, I think I will have to do that as I have been up all night again with DD, coughing til she was nearly sick. I think she/we had about 4 hours sleep in the end. It will be disruptive to the class if she's coughing like this in school and I'm sure the other parents won't thank me if their children get ill in the run up to christmas.

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