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30 replies

musicianswidowAKAmumofmonsters · 13/06/2007 14:54

And why only Stockport?

OP posts:
kellyaardvark · 19/12/2010 20:04

hi, im a new mum in cheadle and was wondering if there were any other new mums in the area? my DS is only 1 week old but im dreading my DH going back to work after christmas and how im going to cope (baby blues i think) and it would be great to be able to meet up with other mums to keep me sane.

maxybrown · 28/12/2010 21:42

Hi kelly - I live in Stockport (other side fomr you but it isn't far!) My DS is 3 now but I don;t know anyone at all so happy to meet up!

GailPro · 12/01/2011 20:18

Hi there,
I live in Wilmslow and have a 3 year old and a 3 month old. I don't know many people here as I moved here a year ago, so did all my baby-stuff with my first DS where I used to live. Do you go to any baby-groups etc?
I find I'm doing less this time around because having 2 takes so much out of me, but I feel like I should be doing more with my new DS.

1lumpor2 · 16/01/2011 10:18

hiya maxybrown and GailPro, ive just started going to a mother/toddler group in Bramhall which is nice, i can send you details if you like?

Kirstybump · 31/01/2011 20:18

hellooooo out there!

Petrified new mum to be, I thought I would say hello and see what is happening out there. I live in Heaton Chapel and have just gone on maternity leave, anyone else out there??


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