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Oooooh whats this then?

30 replies

musicianswidowAKAmumofmonsters · 13/06/2007 14:54

And why only Stockport?

OP posts:
Kirstybump · 31/01/2011 20:18

hellooooo out there!

Petrified new mum to be, I thought I would say hello and see what is happening out there. I live in Heaton Chapel and have just gone on maternity leave, anyone else out there??


1lumpor2 · 16/01/2011 10:18

hiya maxybrown and GailPro, ive just started going to a mother/toddler group in Bramhall which is nice, i can send you details if you like?

GailPro · 12/01/2011 20:18

Hi there,
I live in Wilmslow and have a 3 year old and a 3 month old. I don't know many people here as I moved here a year ago, so did all my baby-stuff with my first DS where I used to live. Do you go to any baby-groups etc?
I find I'm doing less this time around because having 2 takes so much out of me, but I feel like I should be doing more with my new DS.

maxybrown · 28/12/2010 21:42

Hi kelly - I live in Stockport (other side fomr you but it isn't far!) My DS is 3 now but I don;t know anyone at all so happy to meet up!

kellyaardvark · 19/12/2010 20:04

hi, im a new mum in cheadle and was wondering if there were any other new mums in the area? my DS is only 1 week old but im dreading my DH going back to work after christmas and how im going to cope (baby blues i think) and it would be great to be able to meet up with other mums to keep me sane.

supertuesday · 09/09/2008 22:07

Can anyone tell me about any of the independent schools in Cheadle? I've just moved here and have booked to visit the ones given to me by the ISC. Just wondered if anyone has any advice. ThankYou

Doodle2U · 08/09/2008 14:50

and why is this thread now stuck at the very top of Avtive Convo's

Doodle2U · 08/09/2008 14:45

Hi SabihaN and welcome to MN.

None of us Stockport lot can fathom why we have out own section on MN but every now and then, someone like you comes along and bumps a thread into active convos and I think we all think...hmm, maybe we should do a meet-up. Then we discuss it for a bit and then we forget about it!

There is a Manchester meet-up at Christmas (November 29th) if you're interested, however!

SabihaN · 08/09/2008 14:31

Hi I'm new to Mumsnet. I have a 7 wek old boy. Is the Stockport group active and do you meet up at any time?

Lom · 17/08/2008 21:03

Has anyone heard anything about Kids Unlimited Summerfields (Wilmslow) having a particular problem with sickness?

themildmanneredjanitor · 13/05/2008 18:49

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Doodle2U · 13/05/2008 14:07

Blimey, didn't even know this existed!

themildmanneredjanitor · 12/05/2008 19:37

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Wordwitch · 22/11/2007 11:41

Hello there all,
Who would be up for meeting for a coffee in John Lewis Cheadle say on a Friday morning one time to say a non-virtual hello?
DS is 6 months old and I'm just back at work (3 days til Christmas then f/t).
Congratulations to all those who have got out to baby groups. It is a huge effort to make sure we don't forget anything/leave the house with smelly/screaming child!

MerlinsBeard · 09/11/2007 14:50

had forgotten all about this lol!

There are LOTS of s'port MNetters but not al will post on local pages.

JHelenA · 19/10/2007 21:53

Hi all,

how r things? Bilblio...i found details of baby yoga in stockport. will dig out and post over the w.end. Just started rhythm time, which i loved but ds slept through!

tigersmum...i'm going to go to the bramhall tiny talk after half term. is it easy to find?

Hi danimac, how are your two doing?

x x

Danimac · 21/09/2007 12:11

Hi everyone,
Im Danielle i m 25 and live in the heatons area of stockport. Ihave 2 children boy 6 and baby girl 4 months.. xx

bilblio · 20/09/2007 20:31

Hiya, thought I'd introduce myself. I'm actually in Stalybridge but I can't find anyone chatting about Tameside.

JHelenA my DD is about 2 weeks older than your LO. Have you found anything exciting to do?
I've been going to postnatal classes and doing baby massage there. I've also taken my LO swimming, but that was over towards Sheffield at a private pool. I'd love to find something round here or a baby yoga class, I'm intrigued by what you'd do

Lucycat · 19/09/2007 13:01

There are quite a few of us in the Stockport/S Manchester area - we did all meet a couple of times but I'd feel a bit of a loon in a soft play place now that my two are at school - yippee!

What do you want to include?

tigersmum · 19/09/2007 08:11

What sort of things are you looking to add?

mumtoone · 18/09/2007 16:14

Hi there, I have volunteered to edit the Stockport site for now. I see quite a few entries have already been added which is great. I will try to add more over the next few weeks but I would welcome any ideas from you so please keep adding entries.


Lizcharliesmum · 12/09/2007 21:19

Hi - I'm new to this too! I live in High Lane - there is a new playgroup at Brookside Primary School on Wednesdays from 9.15 til 11 - it took some getting there for that time this morning but was worth it - lots of new baby things there!


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tigersmum · 05/09/2007 15:58

I am in Stockport too. I go to Tiny Talk signing for babies in Bramhall on Friday afternoons. New babies always welcome.

JHelenA · 22/08/2007 00:52

Cheers! Am contempleting j lewis trip 2moro, so will try and pick up mag. stIll at stage where going out in public feels like a brave effort, and will prob only last 15 min! (smile) Apart from that s port local does seem q quiet...must be more of us!

gatleygirl · 21/08/2007 15:19

hi I am exploring mumsnet too - is this the local stockport site? Seems a bit deserted! I've just come back from John lewis with my three (donkey rides outside Sainsburys today!) and its heaving with babies, can't believe we are the only people on mumsnet from Stockport! JHelenA, Little Tigers is normally in sainsbury's too - by the checkouts. Its great for all the class / group listings - before you know it you'll be baby yoga-ing all day!

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