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Trying to write a strongly worded letter...

6 replies

HexBramble · 17/05/2015 07:52

I'm trying to write a strongly worded letter of complaint to a nationwide garage that's charged me huge prices for a job that didn't sort out the problem. Here's a link to the saga if you're interested.


Everything sounds far too 'nice' in my head and I think it's my pleasant and friendly disposition which has got me royally ripped off, I think. I want my letter to mean business and I'm just not able to do it.

I don't care if it's just a few short sentences, or a few suggestions, I'll take all the advice I can get. Please!


OP posts:
HexBramble · 17/05/2015 19:12

Drink, thanks again. You've helped, so thank you.
Careful with that furniture - don't be doing yourself an injury.

OP posts:
DrinkFeckArseGirls · 17/05/2015 19:10

Oh and tell then you'll take them to small claim court. It's easy, you do it online.

DrinkFeckArseGirls · 17/05/2015 19:10

People would say to stick to the fact and not use emotional language but tbh I'd use words like: absolutely disgusted, shocked, disappointed, shocking treatment, shoddy, unreasonable Wink.

Disclaimer: sorry, I didn't read your link and possibly you already used similar wording but i'm moving furniture and doing bedtime so that's all from me. Good luck.

HexBramble · 17/05/2015 19:05

Drink, well at least you made me Grin

I did try an AIBU some days back but got no response. I thought of bumping but I'm feeling fragile after a trying weekend and I don't think my flameproof jacket is quite tough enough.

Thanks for the laugh, though. Wink

OP posts:
DrinkFeckArseGirls · 17/05/2015 18:31

I'd post in AIBU. You'll probably get torn to shreds regardless of whether you're right Grin but you might pick up a few strongly worded phrases!


HexBramble · 17/05/2015 18:28

One last bump to hopefully catch some evening traffic.

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