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Pregnant with our last baby, kinda sad. Anyone feel like this?

30 replies

MultipleMama · 09/07/2014 09:48

Before we found I was PG, DH and I talked and agreed that we'd wait a good 5/6 years before having another or stop completely, we then found out we're expecting #7 so it's happening a whole lot sooner than I expected.

I don't think I could handle another pregnancy after this one due to how ill my last one made me, and I don't think I've recovered as well as I made out to be. And DH has made it clear that this will be our last baby, he's happy and content with 7 and does not want anymore, I am happy and content with the 6 + 1 lovely DC i have but I can't help that nagging feeling. I'm young it feels... wrong to say that's it. I don't know.

I am happy and excited to be having this baby but I can't get over this sad feeling. I expected to have this "we're gunna have baby, again" for a few years and bounce off that happiness...

Anyone else feel/felt like this?

I'm probably making no sense and just rambling on... Sorry this is so long. Didn't intend it to be!

OP posts:
Mumof3xox · 13/07/2014 14:54

Wow 7 at 24! I am impressed!

I would deffently like another at least another one

Dp says not

I think once we no longer have a small one he will change his mind!

MultipleMama · 13/07/2014 16:25

My last two pregnancies (both twin pregnancies) were stressful and constantly monitoring so I think for DH it took away some of that "happiness" you experience every scan. We also had a threatened miscarriage last PG which scared him so I think everything has just piled up and he's had enough, so we're trying to enjoy this last one.

However, I can't help thay nagging feeling that says "never is such a final word" so I'm hoping years down the line he changes his mind, and I hope I do too but right now I don't think I can handle/cope with another one soon...

OP posts:
Mumof3xox · 13/07/2014 17:47

But just think in 10-15 years time!

MultipleMama · 13/07/2014 17:54

In 10 years time my eldest will be turning 16. That's a scary thought! Grin

OP posts:
Mumof3xox · 13/07/2014 18:01

So will mine!

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