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Help! IVF - Overweight

60 replies

torthecatlady · 12/02/2016 12:47

Hi, i'll try and give you as much info as possible, so as not to drip-feed!
I apologise in advance for the long message! I have wanted to start this thread for ages, but have only now mustered up enough courage to do so!

Basically DH and I would like to start a family over the next couple of years, but naturally conceiving seems pretty unlikely. We would like our first before we turn 30 and hopefully approx. a 5 year age gap for the next. (We are open to adoption, however would like to try to conceive on our own first.)

DH and I have not been "actively trying" to conceive, however we have not used any form of contraception for around 3 years. I still feel young but we're ready.

We have not had any pregnancies in this relationship. However, I have had a couple of pregnancies but no children as a result of miscarriage in a previous relationship - but none for at least 9 years. DH has a DS from a previous relationship, so it doesn't appear to be a problem from that side.

I have been diagnosed with a couple of medical conditions which could be contributing factors to our infertility PCOS and Endometriosis.

We are young. I am 25 and DH is 26, time is on our side - however we are both overweight and actively trying to get fitter and healthier! We are both in the "obese" category on a bmi index. I need to be one stone lighter to be "overweight" and be considered for IVF (I think?).

Will our dr refer us, even if we are currently overweight?

I am not sure where we stand in terms of IVF on the NHS. We live in Wales and the waiting time is quite long.

We have been to an open evening at a private clinic (which was amazing) and expensive who did not say our weight would be an issue in us using their services.

However, I have heard that the NHS will not offer us IVF if we are overweight.

The private clinic offer free treatment if we were to donate eggs or sperm - They won't take my eggs for health reasons, but DH is happy to donate. We cannot afford the cost of private without the donation of sperm!
I would prefer to go down the NHS route first if possible though.

OP posts:
Blondeshavemorefun · 25/09/2016 20:05

Medical records. Ni no. Csa payments

Tbh Havnt a clue. But they will find out somehow

lotsoffreckles · 26/09/2016 10:29

My acupuncturist said she has treated women before who have lied to get their NHS funding, no idea if they ever got caught.

We paid for 3 private rounds before getting our BFP, my DH is on my DSD's birth certificates and TBH it never crossed our minds to lie about their existence.

Im with Blondes Im sure they will find out one way or another, even if it's later on you're MW will ask you about previous children, their names, ages who the currently live with etc etc, you would have to keep this up throughout pregnancy.

It's a harsh rule but it exists unfortunately Angry

MrsDarcy4092 · 27/09/2016 05:50

I know it seems like a small innocent lie in order to get treatment needed and the rule seems unfair but by lying and receiving money for treatment you would not have received if you were honest you are committing fraud. And if found out the CCG will have every right to report the fraud to the police.

Alsmals · 23/03/2018 20:55

Hi, I know it’s been a long time since anyone posted on here but I’m interested to know if anyone has found a ‘fat girl’ friendly IVF clinic (private)? My bmi is about 38 at the moment and I’m 45 so time is against us!!! Any comments welcome and any recommendations welcome too...

CBrown80 · 27/03/2018 20:17

Can anyone tell me what is the max BMI that will be accepted if you want to have IVF?

physicskate · 27/03/2018 21:44

The max for the nhs is 30. Many private clinics will offer up to 35. Bear in mind, the nhs figure is lower because of increased risks of complications during pregnancy while obese.

CBrown80 · 27/03/2018 22:28

Is it true if you are thin its easier to get pregnant? I am overweight, thankfully not really, but I wonder if I lose a stone would it help more? I have PCOS and have underactive thyroid, I am 5 f 2 and I weigh 10.3 st. For my height I believe I should be around 9 st.

CBrown80 · 27/03/2018 22:29

"Not really much" wanted to write above

physicskate · 28/03/2018 08:56

With pcos, if you're thinner you tend to ovulate more regularly as oestrogen levels tend to decrease slightly. Fat cells produce more oestrogen... so it might help but then again, it might not help you get pregnant.

It can't hurt though and lowers risks during pregnancy.

vicstar · 11/06/2018 19:00

Hi all, my BMI is 43 😩. But I am going through donor egg ivf right now. I am 5dp5dt with a hatching blastocyst. I am partying this works. I was refused ivf on the NHS 8 years ago. I lost 4 stone and reduced by BMI at the time to 35 but they still
Would not accept me. It crushed me and sent me on a downward spiral. I think there is a lot to be said about dismissing obese patients so filpintly. Now I am with ivi Valencia. There has been no pressure to loose weight. It was mentioned to try my best to loose some before transfer and never mentioned again. I did have to hve a breathing (asthma) test here in uk and a chest X-ray. As we did try with my own eggs first. So in order to go through egg collection under anaesthetic they wanted to check everything. They did do an MOT on me and I do not have a high cholesterol or high blood pressure or diabetes so they where happy to start the treatment. My advice is ask the clinics why they are refusing you? Of you are otherwise healthy and state that they are not taking your mental health into consideration. Or alternatively try abroad. Best of luck ladies 😘

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