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Fantastic - Nick Griffin has been pelted with eggs outside parliament

117 replies

LaurieFairyCake · 09/06/2009 16:09

Yes, I know I should be bothered about freedom of speech but fuck it, the fucker deserved it.
OP posts:
2shoes · 09/06/2009 18:47

Kutner thanks he is a plank.

donnie · 09/06/2009 18:56

not sure how I feel about this. I don't think throwing eggs at someone is a very intelligent form of political debate although clearly the bNP is not possessed of great intelligence either.

Why did he get elected though? who voted for him ? quite a lot of people. If the economic crisis deepens there will be a lot more like him - and worse. IMO. There's nothing like a bit of desperation to create political extremism.

catinthehat2 · 09/06/2009 18:57

"Much as the BNP fill me with revulsion, the sight of protestors attacking someone trying to hold a press conference (however odious the message might be) and forcing them to run off makes me more than a little uneasy. Free speech means exactly that, and people have to be able to argue their case. I fear for the time when having your message heard requires you to have a larger number of people on your side"

From a thoughtful poster at Popbitch today.

I agree with him or her, particularly the last sentence.

donnie · 09/06/2009 19:00

is throwing eggs at someone assault? it propably is.

Stayingsunnygirl · 09/06/2009 19:06

I think that tomatoes would have been a far better choice.

Tinned, of course!

ScummyMummy · 09/06/2009 19:06

This is in the great English tradition. Didn't Roderick Spode get pelted with rotten tomatoes and cabbages in one of the Jeeves and Wooster books for being the Nick Griffin of his day?

"Did you ever in all your puff see such a perfect perisher?" applies just as aptly to Nick Griffin as R Spode, I reckon.

Kutner · 09/06/2009 19:07

MayorQuimby - I'm by no means an expert but it is generally 'accepted' (as it were) that the number of Jewish victims of the Holocaust is around six million, and that if you account for all of the other groups targeted, this figure increases by another few million.

lou031205 · 09/06/2009 19:17

Two wrongs don't make a right.

bigchris · 09/06/2009 19:18

it is assault and the police are already involved

I agree, these people have been elected, and therefore have the right to be interviewed, and ffs some of us would actually like to hear their appalling views so that those who voted for them will know how wrong they were

ABetaDad · 09/06/2009 19:27

lemonmuffin - I agee with you. I do not support the BNP but there have now been what apears to be two rather well organised ambushes on the BNP that happened to be right where TV cameras would be to film the events in the last few days.

I am beginning to wonder who is behind it - these ar enot random protestors that happen to be passing by.

cocolepew · 09/06/2009 19:29

I see he was wearing his poppy badge, sold to raise money for the brave men and women who fought the war against, erm, fascism.

ScummyMummy · 09/06/2009 19:34

I cannot really comprehend that there are people who do not find this pelting extremely delightful, tbh. It seems like a grave overuse of the human capacity for empathy and fairness to waste time worrying about the ethics of throwing eggs at a complete fuckweevil spouting hatred. It's not like he was punched or stabbed or executed or anything like that.

AbricotsSecs · 09/06/2009 19:34

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LilianGish · 09/06/2009 19:36

Obviously he deserves to be pelted with eggs (and worse), but then hearing him interviewed after the event and sounding calm and reasoned and - well like a politician really I couldn't help wondering if the best attack might not be to starve him entirely of the oxygen of publicity lest anyone hearing him might think "Oh he seems quite normal and harmless" iyswim.

Paolosgirl · 09/06/2009 19:37

I agree with other posters in that whilst I loathe what the BNP stand for, I don't agree with pelting anyone with eggs because I disagree their views. We live in a democracy, with everyone entitled to go about their elected business without being assaulted - in the same way the hideous Sinn Feinn/IRA lot do and the same way the Muslims who scream death to all police do.

We should challenge views that are abhorrent to right minded people through the courts and through proper, open debate.

ilovesprouts · 09/06/2009 19:43

well done give them a pat on the back for me the mans an idiot ..

catinthehat2 · 09/06/2009 19:43

You've just jolted my memory - I remember travelling to Communist Russia.

Nobody referred to Nazis.

Everybody referred to National Socialists.

Remember that folks when you're comfortably tarring the BNP with the Fascism brush and thinking "ooh , they're dirty, they're nothing to do with me and my lovely softy lefty principles".

Just saying, like. Organised thugs are organised thugs.

ABetaDad · 09/06/2009 19:50

HoochieMooMa - I really don't know.

I suppose there are several motivated groups and it is easy to think up motives for each.

Wolfcub · 09/06/2009 19:50

couldn't happen to a nicer twat

OrmIrian · 09/06/2009 19:51

As for those who object to egg-throwing at democratically elected MEPs may I just say that if those ordinary voters who chose to elect the BNP would like to stand up, I will gladly chuck eggs at them instead.

Would that be better?

Huzzah for democracy I say!

bigchris · 09/06/2009 19:59

the protestor speaking on the bbc was 'march on fascism' i think

it's pretty easy to find out who they are

although some of them will be in cells right now

Paolosgirl · 09/06/2009 20:00

Then you'd be throwing eggs at people who use their legitimate vote which comes from living in a democracy. Hurrah for democracy all right - thankfully we don't live in a country which prevents us from voting.


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ScummyMummy · 09/06/2009 20:01

It's one of those things which is probably bad if you think about it too much but so pleasurable and amusing that you cannot really blame people for doing it once in a while. Like getting absolutely paraletically drunk or swearing at your boss.

OrmIrian · 09/06/2009 20:03

Or indeed from expressing opinions paolosgirl!

smallwhitecat · 09/06/2009 20:10

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