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Fantastic - Nick Griffin has been pelted with eggs outside parliament

117 replies

LaurieFairyCake · 09/06/2009 16:09

Yes, I know I should be bothered about freedom of speech but fuck it, the fucker deserved it.
OP posts:
Mercedes · 13/06/2009 23:29

If you're black, asian, openly gay, muslim, well known trade unionist, refugee or a socialist think about how intimidating it would be to go to a nazi give them your name and address and asking them to do something for you or tell them about a problem.
Will the nazi respond or will you be laying yourself open to attack?

daftpunk · 13/06/2009 12:38

if i had voted BNP i would be disgusted that my democratically elected MP was unable to speake to me because of protestors....

Paolosgirl · 13/06/2009 12:34

You know, if we use force to argue against everything we disagree with, we'll end up with full scale war! Remember Northern Ireland 20 and 30 years ago. It wasn't force that brought the 2 sides together that made them see the craziness of their ideals - it was a peaceful process.

Likewise, it's not force that will win over the potential Muslim extremists in this country - it will be an open, honest debate that will persuade those idiots who think the extreme view is the only one open to them.

Longtalljosie · 12/06/2009 19:07

"The BBC need to do a big expose of the BNP and what they really stand for - might have made a few people think twice about voting for them."

What, like this one?

knockedgymnast · 12/06/2009 18:30
  • passive
knockedgymnast · 12/06/2009 18:29

'As I said before learn from our history in Britain. Mosely was confronted and forced off the streets as was the NF. You have to do the same for the BNP. It's ok if you're white but if you're not...too big a risk.'

Good point Merc, I'd never thought of it like that and as I am a passiver person, I guess my point about letting them have 'freedom' of speech is playing into their hands.

I guess you can't reason with the unreasonable anyways

kate1956 · 12/06/2009 17:27

Agree with Mercedes - also time of the anti-BNP demo in Leeds has changed to 11am outside the art gallery if anyone is interested in going.

southeastastra · 11/06/2009 23:49

i find it funny when i think these parties maybe have a chance, as if it can never happen could it?

Pan · 11/06/2009 23:45

yes Agree with mercedes - was one of those ANL and Rock against Racism people of the late 70's.

Would happily beat another fascist to a pulp, and see it as defending free speech.

Mercedes · 11/06/2009 23:35

In Britain in the 70's when the National Front were active and starting to gain some electoral successes there was the same debate about how to react to nazis; debate with fascist ideas or confront them. In the main confrontation won the day, the Anti-Nazi League was formed and the NF were forced off the streets. Their hardline followers got demoralised whilst voting nazi became unacceptable as the message they were nazis grew.
In contrast when Le Pen and his nazis got their first big electoral wins in France people decided not to confront them but to argue ideas with them - the result their nazi views became legitimised,then acceptable and they grew.
As I said before learn from our history in Britain. Mosely was confronted and forced off the streets as was the NF. You have to do the same for the BNP. It's ok if you're white but if you're not...too big a risk.

pollypentapeptide · 11/06/2009 22:22

That would be very interesting indeed bobthebuddha and something that I would very much like to see

bobthebuddha · 11/06/2009 19:44

Intriguing letter in the Evening Standard today;

" One response to the BNP's recent success might be for thousands of non-white British citizens, including numerous public figures, to apply for BNP membership or to serve as officers or candidates. This would presumably be denied but since such an act is illegal, the BNP could be taken through the courts, publicly discredited and financially ruined. It could all be over by Christmas"

Kind of a mass metaphorical egg-throwing if you like. Would they find a way out of that one?

Paolosgirl · 11/06/2009 15:06

I also question whether Hitler could have been persuaded to alter his views by having an egg thrown at him...

I doubt it.

TwoIfBySea · 11/06/2009 13:32

Although it would be very tempting, egg throwing and disruption may end up giving the BNP more support. Think about it, the people who voted for them could use incidents like that to show that democracy is not working as they are not allowed to speak freely. People who are inclined to think that way but not vote for them might feel sympathetic towards them and give them a vote next time - then god knows what would happen!

Remember that MP who had a new one ripped for him by a constituent after a meeting with the local community? How that man managed to articulate perfectly his argument against what the MP had done with his expenses? That is how you fight these people - with intelligent debate against an ignorant opinion. Egg throwing and shouting plays too much in their favour and I worry what happens next.

If I can explain why the BNP were not a good idea to my 7 year old dts then surely these protesters can do the same to a nation? Think smart not eggy!

knockedgymnast · 10/06/2009 19:53

I personally don't think he should have had eggs thrown at him. He is entitled to a voice. Many years ago, I remember going on about how bad it was that there was a new group called the BNP (showing my age) spreading racist shit.

My aunt actually turned around and said 'what gives you the right to think that these peoples' voice shouldn't be heard?' She certainly made me think. Whilst we think our conviction is right and logic would tell you it's right, try arguing that with some right wing extremist?

The best thing to do in cases like this, is to give as little 'airtime' to them as possible. The less they are 'allowed' to speak, the more supporters they will gain through 'martyrdom' (sp) They should have been nipped in the bud and they would have been if the election had turned out differently. It didn't but he cannot be blamed for the bad turnout on election day, which effectively gave him two seats.

We are all entitled to our own opinions...

Paolosgirl · 10/06/2009 19:10

I think egg throwing is classed as assault and under law is NOT allowed.

Rhubarb · 10/06/2009 13:57

The BNP incite hatred and intolerance. Sure, let them have a voice, this is a democracy after all, or meant to be at least. But the egg-throwing is also allowed - because it's a bloody protest and a fair one too! It's right they should get pelted with eggs, just to remind people, esp those who voted for them, that the BNP are hated and they ain't gonna be too popular if they side with them.

The majority of people find the BNP disgusting and it's right that we should remind people of that.

Paolosgirl · 10/06/2009 12:49

Sinn Fein is made up of people who were involved in the murdering atrocities in the past. Personally I believe Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness should be rotting in jail on life sentences - part of the peace process my backside. Anyway....

Egging the BNP as Mayor and others have said will only strengthen the feeling which exists amongst BNP voters that they are the only party listening to them and they are the only voice that they have. By singling the BNP out for this sort of treatment whilst other anti-British extremists are allowed to go about their daily business without being egged simply gives them more ammunition.

Let them have their say - their words will be their downfall. Attempts to stifle them will only create a backlash.

nancy75 · 10/06/2009 11:43

agree with talbot, i've not seen the papers today, but no doubt the bnp are featured heavily again. without people chucking eggs how much coverage would nick griffin have got of his press conference? he certainly wouldnt have been the leading news item on bbc last night without it.
the best thing to do with these people is let them speak, from what i have seen NG is a terrible public speaker, his arguments are ridiculous and the more rope he is given the better in my mind.

talbot · 10/06/2009 11:38

All it's achieved is more publicity for the BNP. They should be treated like any other political party and be heard. Then their muppetry will make them a laughing stock.

mayorquimby · 10/06/2009 11:28

the thing that would worry me is that this will only deepen the feeling of perceieved injustices which the BNP thrive on. because now they'll come out with all manner of soundbites about being denied their democratically mandated right to address the people etc or "what do you think would happen if the bnp did this to a muslim/liberal/black politician"
also the way that the voters of bnp have been condescended to by many in the last few days will just strengthen their resolve.
far better to let them put forward their points concisely and civily and then debate them and tear them apart with logic.
throwing eggs at someone and forcing a group to shut up, when that group is already motivated by perceived injustices will just garner them more support.

VelvetCushions · 10/06/2009 09:52

Why do the BNP have a right to a voice? Why are they now a legit party?
From what I've heard of them, they are hateful extreme racists. They incite racial hatred.
They should be banned, like any extremists surely?


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ilovesprouts · 10/06/2009 08:15

i did vote not for BNP though

HolyGuacamole · 10/06/2009 00:13

Oh the egg thing is funny.....not half as funny as when they were thrown at two jags, or two jabs though I rather wish NG had reacted like two jabs (so we could see the real NG), instead he was able to make a sensible sounding statement in yet another lame attempt to dignify the BNP.

I agree with those who say let him speak, his words will be his downfall. Knob.

Mercedes · 09/06/2009 23:39

The BNP are like swine flue - we've got to learn from the past and be prepared.

Millions died around the world in flue epidemics - we know that so we take steps to make sure it won't happen again.
Nazis like the BNP don't believe in democracy - sure they'll spout the words, while blaming and attacking non-whites, non christians etc. So like swine flue you take steps. You stop it before it spreads.
Ignoring them or or attempting to reason with them is too dangerous a step - the risk is huge if we allow them to grow and feel cocky on the streets. At the same time Hitler was standing for elections his thugs were in the streets beating up jewish people, trade unionists, socialists. You learn from history - you don't give them the opportunity to pretend and hide behind a fake face.

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