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Mumsnet exclusive: PM announces Budget funding for domestic violence survivors, and for returnships

37 replies

BojanaMumsnet · 08/03/2017 06:25

Morning all,

Number 10 got in touch yesterday to highlight couple of forthcoming announcements in today’s Budget that they thought would be of particular interest to Mumsnet users - outlined here. In brief, the government has allocated some funding in the Budget for returnships and domestic violence. Do have a look and post any thoughts here.

We’ve asked whether they can put someone up to answer any Budget questions - will let you know if they can.


OP posts:
Graphista · 09/03/2017 02:51

How absolutely insulting!

How does £20m compare to the cuts to

Tax credits (especially the vile expectation that women who have a 3rd child through rape - which often occurs in dv situations - have to prove the rape. Cos we all know how utterly FANTASTIC rape conviction stats are Hmm)

Social services
Midwifery services
Mental health services
Social care
Legal aid
Ambulance services
Welfare advice services

I bet that the cuts to all those and more amount to a lot more than a pathetic £20m

Theresa May this is a frankly embarrassing example of self aggrandising lip service.

twofingerstoEverything · 09/03/2017 08:59

self aggrandising lip service

Yes to this ^^
These 'initiatives' are like putting a sticking plaster over a gaping, hemorrhaging wound caused by austerity cuts. Shame on TM.

jdoe8 · 10/03/2017 10:23

God they are despicable if they think anyone will fall for these headline grabbing but useless tactics.

Graphista · 10/03/2017 10:38

I think 'despicable' sailed a long time ago

HarriettePotter · 10/03/2017 10:59

"Good news on International Womens Day. ☺

It was extremely difficult for me to return to work after being a Full time mother to my children for a few years. My ex husband was a shift worker and it was awkward for me to go out to work at the time. We made a conscious decision between us for me to have a career break whilst the children were young, therefore I gave up paid employment for a few years, during which time i put a little back into the community by working in a volunteer capacity at the pre-school. When the children were older, I eventally went back to work part time, before becoming a full-time worker again. I also took a number of college courses in order to update my qualifications, before I retuned to the work force again.

I am extremely pleased that our Prime Minister, Theresa May has recognised the difficulties many women face when returning back to the work force, after they have cared for their children. It was a very stressful time for me to say the least as I was also going through divorce at the time.

Hooray for 'Returnships' ☺


Smile I'm almost, almost tempted to think this sounds like a fictional case story the outcome of cumbersome team brainstorm. @no.10 I couldn't disagree more with 'smileyrosie' neat and enthusiastic scenario fwiw (for what it's worth).

HarriettePotter · 10/03/2017 11:02

One more thing @No10, did you really think it was wise to initiate this 'Mumsnet Exclusive"? Do you really believe that we can be bought by superficial flattery and fake concern? Nope, sorry, no chance in hell. It's just proof of how very removed you are from real people's concerns and challenges.

HarriettePotter · 10/03/2017 11:04

Oh, @ no10 one more thing, if you are indeed reading this, shame on you for taking funding away from 90% of schools in England. Envy it's despicable. I look forward to the next elections.

RedToothBrush · 13/03/2017 22:52

Jesus Wept.

No 10 got in touch with MN and thought we'd be impressed by this?

MN can you just reply with, 'Are you having a laugh?!'

Perhaps No 10 can put in line its chauvistic MPs who are repeatedly blocking anything which relates to domestic violence and are actively filibustering anything on the subject. That might help make some real progress and allow some real money to actually resolve issue and help provide support. When No 10, can't even manage that much, I have to say, I don't hold out much hope.

Attitudes as well as finances need to be change.

As for the money... pffft.

twofingerstoEverything · 20/03/2017 15:51

Number 10 got in touch yesterday to highlight couple of forthcoming announcements in today’s Budget
Hope you've given our feedback to No.10, Mumsnet!

childmaintenanceserviceinquiry · 20/03/2017 15:58

Mumsnet arent very good at following up on difficult questions to MPs.

Graphista · 20/03/2017 16:03

Yea seems like govt don't fancy answering our questions/concerns.

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